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Early ad-free access to our RWBY V7 Ch9 Reaction



This next stretch of episodes are some of my favourite. I don't love this middle section of V7 we're coming out of (but it's far from my least favourite) but damn I adore what comes next. And that's only in small part because Cinder is back on the board.


Yaw are doing great, keep watching 👍 also Weiss's character growth from the first Volume to who she is now has been amazing.

Alex Smith

"Weiss best girl", damn right

Megan Saunders

The actual details of how the merge between Oz and Oscar works is yet to be fully explained. So, it's up for a debate if it's a "personality erasure", i.e. Oscar disappears entirely, and Oz is left behind, or if it's more of a blending where Oscar just takes on all the memories and experience that Oz has gained over the lifetimes that he's been alive. My head canon is that it's going to be the second option - Oscar won't disappear, but he will be changed by the memories, experience, wisdom that Oz brings to the meld. Jacques is arrested, yes! Weiss, Winter, and Willow all got to see their mental / emotional abuser put away. Of course, that leaves the question of Whitley and Willow. What is Whitley going to do since he's been groomed to be a copy of his father and he probably feels like his anchor has been pulled away? And as for Willow - her struggles aren't over yet either. She isn't just going to be able to stop being an alcoholic most likely. There was also the very cute moment between Oscar and Ruby - to me, that feels like a pairing they've been setting up since Volume 5, since Ruby has never not been kind to Oscar. Even when she was pissed at Jinn's story, she was the first one to calm down and try to comfort Oscar, and I think she's also the one who gave us the hint of what's going to happen to Oscar, since she said, "You're your own person," in response to his fear that he was just going to be another of Oz's lives. Great reaction! Looking forward to next week! Once this volume is over, you should watch MurderofBirds' video on the truth about Jacques Schnee - it's hilarious.

Kierston Bell

Yall definitely don't miss much, I'm enjoying your reactions


I didn't come to lover her until around this stage in the show tbh. But it's made her retroactively more enjoyable on rewatches

Bryan Forquer

I don't like that Ruby waited so long to finally tell Ironwood the truth. At this point in the series, Ironwood had already included everyone in on his plan for the communications tower. He gave them upgraded weapons and outfits, plus they were awarded them their Huntsmen and Huntress licenses. As well as letting them learn and train with the AceOps. Wich I think is more than enough "good faith" to show that he can be trusted. Yet Ruby still chose not to tell him the truth, Ironwood isn't perfect. But he didn't deserve to be kept in the dark that long.


The Ozma situation reminds me a bit of Heroes, where Sylar for a time was imprinted with Nathan's psyche -- in the sense that Sylar was effectively Nathan because he had all of Nathan's memories but none of his own. In this case, basically Ozma (the composite person, with so many incarnations of memories and abilities) merges into the current incarnation (Oscar in this case), and both CURRETLY have their own sets of memories and are distinct but they were starting to bleed into each other. Also, Ozpin himself was not just Ozpin, he was Ozma + every other incarnation + the pre-Ozma Ozpin merged into a single being. Now this process will happen to Oscar and it's going to change him, and that is what scares him. But definitely the prior composite Ozma (who we knew as Ozpin) is being more cautious about the merger (Ozpin was always cautious) and trying to be sensitive to Oscar partly out of guilt for keeping secrets from RWBY -- this dialogue between the two of them will continue until they are completely merged and know everything the other does and effectively function as one person. It's almost like the integration of multiple personalities into one stable coherent personality. Weiss arresting her dad and then asking if she could do that (as an afterthought) is just one of the greatest moments. I loved it. And Whitley's world definitely ended with his father's arrest; as awful and imperfect a father Jacques was, his son now has no one. I guess we'll see how Whitley deals with that. I saw the Oscar/Ruby interplay too. I rarely see anything "romantic" set up with Ruby (there's a lot of obvious stuff between Blake and Yang), but this felt like a brief leaning into that awkward giddiness. They also seem about the same age, although they are both growing up very quickly. I guess only time will tell how that will unfold. Yeah, Ren in particular is having a rough time and a lot to work through; Nora will also have some struggles of her own. I love rewatching all of this, because the writers are setting up all these matchsticks to support the future plotline and character decisions. It's painful to watch knowing what will happen, but it's all there...


Weiss best girl!

Jason S

When it comes to Oscar's/Ozpin's merger into the same soul it is always framed in a way that Ozpin will eventually take over Oscar, but it's never framed as Oscar will eventually take over Ozpin. Everyone I've seen talk about this are convinced that Oscar's end game is going to be taken over by Ozpin. This makes absolutely no sense to me, given the information we already have. Oz have gone through countless iterations over the eons, but one commonality always remains every single time a new soul is brought in. That commonality is that the old soul is gone, and only the new one is left behind to continue Ozma's legacy. Given we have had century after century of the newer soul carrying on Ozma's staff, while the older soul fades in to fades into obsurity. Why is it that so many people seem to think that for the first time ever the older soul (Ozpin) will continue on while the newer soul (Oscar) will fade into obsurity? Despite the fact that completely flies in the face of what has already happened. Can someone explain why people don't see this?


It was described as a full merging of souls. ozpin said our two souls will merge and I will be changed. so in the end they will be not be ozpin or oscar, but someone new combining both of their souls while keeping all the memories.


I believe they are focusing so much on ren. because ren doesn't like doing nothing. one of the lesson he learned from his father is :sometimes the worse action to take, is too take no action at all. and the last thing his father said to him was "take action". a few episodes back when they all got a day off ren was acting all moody leading to a fight with nora at the night club. but before that he said "we should all be training right now"


So, fun little detail - whenever Neo's on-screen, there's often a high-pitched musical sting that plays, as a kind of theme for her. (You can hear it really clear in this episode, when she beings skipping away from the Schnee mansion, at about 17:07 in this reaction.) You can also hear it in the last episode, (in your reaction, at about 6:35), the moment the waitress she's disguised as first appears on-screen, in the background. The sound is faint enough that it blends in to the background music of that scene, but it's absolutely there. And no one noticed it until the next episode came out, revealing that that was Neo.


But that would still make it more Ozpin than Oscar, right? Because Ozpin was more the finished product because he was the one with all the previous souls in it. If you had a 100 gallon jug of mixed drinks and the drink was called Ozpin, and you added one can of diet coke (Oscar), you wouldn't say it was half Ozpin and half diet coke. You would say that it is Ozpin with a splash of diet coke, right? Because if it is always a full merging of souls then Oscar is merging with a bunch of souls. And therefore will be one of many voices/personalities 🤔


Well from what we have seen in other comments it doesn't seem like this has been fully explained or that anyone knows specifically how it is going to happen. You can read the comment below yours from someone else or a couple of the comments above. As to why we think Ozpin will take over is because we've seen it happen. This is how it was portrayed to us in the beginning with Ozpin taking the wheel sometimes and then Oscar doing it. Until Ozpin just fully went away by his own choice. We don't know when the full merger takes place, so it's not unreasonable to assume that at some point, Ozpin will take over Oscar's body again if he doesn't like the direction Oscar is going. Now once the two souls have fully merged is a different story, but we don't know when that is. 🤗


That is a very unique way of looking at it, I personally think Ozpin will take over the soul with elements of Oscar but in the end, he will be Ozpin, but that is my own personal opinion on the matter, nothing more nothing less.


well by that logic he would be more Ozma, then ozpin since that is the first soul. but every one that knew always called just ozpin, "oz" very few ever called him ozpin. and no one called him ozma not even salem who first knew him as ozma.


I think it's the names that are tripping me up in explaining haha. Because Ozma would still just be one soul in 100 or 1000 that makes up the entity known as "Oz". But the character we call Ozipin, when we knew him, he was the finished product of all those souls combined. So all those personalities, memories, etc. made him up (not talking about whoever Ozpin was before he was the next vessel for Ozma). So adding Oscar will change that slightly but shouldn't change it that much since there are so many other souls/personalities already influencing it. So call him Ozpin Oz or Frank or whatever, basically what I'm saying is if Oscar is just one more soul being merged in then he won't be half himself and half (100 souls merging). He will be 1 our of 101 souls. Hope this makes more sense 🤗

Elizabeth Turi

Well given what the dialog implies, people are only assuming or have little care to interpret it any different. No big, deal of course, but for funnzies you can look at context clues and use logical approach to understand a hyperthelical fictional situation as you do. Your interpretation makes sense and I love the idea.


The conflict you're not addressing is that while he may have shared all his plans, he didn't share his control. Not that I think he should have, but the point is him sharing his plans did not put them on equal footing. He genuinely had no reason not to share as they already knew everything he was afraid of anyways. Giving them weaponry and licenses cost him absolutely nothing (it's his nation's specialty) and benefitted him. And they had already proven themselves by bringing the lamp to Atlas. There was no downside for him and they had EARNED his trust. Their actions had shown him who they were. Unfortunately for everyone, his actions had not given as clear a message. Seeing how he was already handling the stresses he knew about, they had very good reason to be wary of what might happen if he were confronted with another, bigger one that he didn't. They needed time to sus him out. You might argue they had enough but ignoring personal preferences, the fact is his decisions were hardly unanimously positive. Which delayed coming to a conclusion. Ironwood eventually earned their trust, but don't ignore that he earned their skepticism as well.


"I was focused on the green eyes" is funny because emerald has red eyes