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Had an issue with our mic so we are very sorry our sound is off in this one. Game audio is fine though.



At this point in the story, the only people who knew Crows identity are us, Osiris and Ikora knew for a while but we weren’t aware she knew. Zavala, Ikora and Cayde were incredibly close, and Uldren killed Cayde. Osiris was worried that Ikora and Zavala would freak out knowing the person who murdered one of their closest friends was back as a guardian, by The Traveler so he chose to keep it a secret between himself and us. Looking forward to more Destiny!!!


I believe (but could be wrong) Cayde, Ikora, and Zavala were a fireteam longer than our Guardian has been alive. Their friendship meant a lot to each other, even if they never openly shared it with one another. When Ikora insisted but Zavala declined to have all Guardians storm the Reef to find Uldren and avenge Cayde, it wasn't because he didn't want to. He, as the head of the Vanguard, had to avoid inciting a possible war with the Awoken and risk losing even more Guardians to senseless fighting. Even before Cayde's death, Zavala had a mistrust of Mara and Uldren. These things are partly why Osiris doesn't want Zavala to know that Crow is Uldren. There is another reason he keeps this a secret, but that will be revealed in Season of the Lost. It's worth noting that at this point, in the lore books, Ikora is keeping tabs and has her suspicions on Crow's identity.


Everyone hates Uldren because of what he did to Cayde. And I don't mean just because of him being a complete dick. I mean after he was revived anyone who saw his face killed him on sight. One titan saw his face and beat the shit out of Crow with a hammer of sol.


Most were definitely angry but not every one would hurt him, some just treated him with disgust

Blake Mitchell

I think Dustin was experimenting with this seasons cutscenes. He does more gameplay stuff in the next season and i think he did a good job with that one. I kinda prefer the video made by Evaze for this season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUBLC91xXMU&ab_channel=Evaze

Rosé Karl

thing is is that evaze completely skips out presage and plays the entirety of the proving ground strike


I would say that especially with this season the writing really took a step forward. They started to add so much more nuance and foreshadowing to the storyline.