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Full Watch-Along Reaction to Tales of the Empires episodes 1 and 2


Knight Spearhead

If you will recall the Night witches of Dathomir are Asaj Ventress and Darth Mauls people they existed along side each other until palpatine ordered them to be wiped out. You both were looking forward to there return at the end of the clone wars and this and ahsoka are the only time we have seen them since. The planet Morgan is on in Episode 2 and 3 is the same planet Ahsoka encounters her on in The Mandalorian Season 2 episode 5 Thrawn is one of the main villains in Star wars Rebels towards the end of the series. And the villain in ahsoka. Captain Pellaeon the cowboy looking one is his 2nd in command we dont see much of him throughout the series, he along with thrawn were heavily involved in the background creation of Project Stardust or The Deathstar Glad you watched this before bad batch but you might want to watch the last 3 episodes before Rebels though.

Austin Collier

Morgan was who Ahsoka battled in Mando season 2 so its been awhile since you’ve seen her. She comes up again later as well