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Bonus Genshin. Early ad-free access to our reaction for The Song Burning in the Embers Short



So, to answer a few of your questions without major spoilers, yes, this is an orphanage, but ran by fatui, where they take in post war orphans and train them to become fatui spies. The “mother” is a fatui harbinger. The red haired girl is her actual biological daughter, she has a lot of bandages is because the mother constantly tortures and abuse her. The whole “king” and pronoun thingie is because the “mother” had a project, where she raise orphans and let them kill each other to find out who is the strongest, and become the king. And believe it or not, she is not even the worst fatui harbinger, fatui is an extremely fked up organization.


10:09 Well the I am like an strict and unfeeling father line from her to the kid she is taking in now, is because she has issues now with mothers and with the term mother after this sh*t of course. She doesn't want to be a on the surface nice and lovely mother who manipulates her adopted children to kill each other to become king or whatever.

Hercule Pyro

As much as I love you guys taking the time to watch the story quests... seeing this has really made me wish you were progressing through the main game story a bit quicker, it really starts to pick up later on.