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Early ad-free access to part 35 of our Naruto Storm Cutscene Journey


Jason Rogue

I'm so ready. Hey you finally plugged the YT membership. EVERY CHARACTER has development, the only other "anime" that had this much development, for me at least, was Avatar: The Last Air Bender. Seriously can't wait for you two to start OG Naruto soon. You're missing out on Ino-Shika-Cho, Team 8 with Hinata, Kiba and Shino, and of course Guy's Team 10 with Rock Lee, Neji and Tenten (who you haven't even seen yet, like at all). Hopefully you got my Discord message about stopping at a point and starting something else before moving on with the games.

James G

Yes, next episode the Leafs Red Beast!

Justin Arzola

Sasuke's whole motivations will be explained soon so you shouldn't have to think about it for now.

Justin Arzola

Kabuto's story as a child wasn't really explained, he lived in an orphanage where he met a woman named Nono who gave him his glasses he wore for the rest of his life, Danzo( the same guy wanting to be Hokage and killed by Sasuke) threatened to cut funds from the orphanage if Nono didn't assasanate a certain ninja, Kabuto became a spy and met Nono again only for her to die trying to kill him,Orochimaru then met Kabuto and told him the ninja Nono was trying to assasanate was Kabuto himself and that multiple people took his identity to confuse her and brainwash her into killing so she wouldn't know who the real Kabuto was, from then on Kabuto became Orochimaru's Spy and Right hand man.

Buggz LeBlanc

The 2nd hokage established the 'Foundation' as an independent branch village purposed with dealing with the darker aspects of keeping the village safe. Most of the dark business was in fact Initiated by the 'foundation' to keep its overall relevance. Kabuto's life was a results of danzo's failures with governing this branch of the village. Actually Every decision to protect the leaf resulted in the creation of many powerful enemy's of the leaf. Kabuto being a great example. Danzo manipulating his mother back into active service, Danzo then using kabuto as a child spy in hostile nations, then having them both take care of each other as loose ends. Danzo sends pictures of kabuto to his mother to assure he is ok, later switches out his pictures with someone else so his mother believes her son is someone else. Then have them become each others assassination targets. Wtf was Danzo thinking, like this wouldn't create a festering hatred of the village that could spiral into its very destruction. He is a disgusting, selfish individual. If protection was at all on his mind he wouldn't have held the foundation back during the Pain attack.

J Sal

Aye but you do have to admit though, Madara is a pretty badass villain huh? Aside from that, I really enjoyed seeing Obito and Kakashi work together since they were at odds with each other for most of the series. Naruto is both notorious and favored for redeeming villains, but Imo does so in a way that is still relatable, reminding us that even the darkest hearts just need a touch of love to change completely. Next part is gonna be epic for sure, especially with a particular "someone."