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Early ad-free access to Part 34 of our Naruto Cutscenes Journey Reaction


Jason Rogue

Let's Go. It's a damn shame that GLP skips all the fights as the fights are really well done in the game, obviously not as good as watching the animated fights, but the games tried.

Justin Arzola

You guys gotta watch the anime version of Kakashi vs Obito,it is one of the best fights in the show but the video completely skipped over it.


obito is the anakin in this universe

Akio Senpai

Yes, this fight is definitely one of my favorites in the whole show.

Akio Senpai

While love at a young age might not always be as real or long lasting, I think the way he lost that love is what really pushes it. Being at an age where you're still mentally developing and after suffering such a major injury only to then have that love ripped away from you and right in front of you in such a violent way would leave a very long lasting traumatic effect on a young and developing brain.

Justin Arzola

I like how Obito proved he wasn't just a pawn of Madara and absorbed the ten tails himself, unfortunately Madara already knew this would happen and has his own plan, Naruto's speech is one of the most iconic parts of the whole show,it really exemplifies how Naruto tries to level with his enemies on a personal level and who they used to be,Obito being the version of Naruto who gave into hatred who was going through the same path Sasuke was near the beginning.


I've always kind of understood where Obito was coming from when he talked about how his view of the world shifted. While definitely not as intense as what happened to Obito; there was something that happened when I was in middle school and it was the first time that something really caused me snap. It was like I could hear something shatter in my mind. There was who I was before and who I was after. I'd like to think the change was a positive one and made me into a better person, but who knows really.

James G

Soon, The Hidden Leaf's Red beast will appear, maybe in 2 episodes

J Sal

The way I see it, Obito's loss of Rin hit a very specific trigger in him that turned his world upside down, and that led him on the path he is on now. Everyone's got a specific trigger that may not seem like much of a big deal to others but can mean the world to that specific person. For sure Obito's backstory is an interesting literary analysis that definitely shows how complex human love can be