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"Not friends, family." - Weiss, Best Girl

Alex Smith

Piece of extra info the show doesn't really explain: Ironwood's semblance is Mettle, which give's him the resolve to follow through on a decision he makes. No matter what.


Get lost Whitley "...we're gonna talk mustache stuff" -- made me LOL. Another classic scene of Weiss standing up to her dad. Just so beautiful, with her team fully with her. Jacques really is a douchebag. James's mettle is gonna get him in trouble. He totally relies on his strategic understanding of a situation to guide him, trusting in his own opinion -- which can be a huge strength when perseverance is required, but is also driving him to ignore other people's feelings and opinions about his plans. He needs to be seeking more buy-in and public support, rather than just pretending he can "brute force" his plans through regardless of how others feel, just because he believes he is right. The Ace Ops aren't really helping because they serve him without question. The flaws with the Ace Ops are starting to show -- when they talk about how they work together but act like they don't actually care about each other and don't need to. They can also be demeaning towards the young ones. Qrow is so great here. Ruby had to be compassionate but firm with him a few times in Season 6, to get his head realigned, and here he does the same for her with gentleness and love. He's being a great uncle. Also... the mystery of Summer's disappearance deepens.... Hmmm...!


Why Ironwood is so insistent on how he is seen not mattering is because of his semblance. It’s never mentioned or described in the show. You only learn from a data book that was released what his semblance is. It’s called Mettle. It’s essentially tunnel vision. Whatever he thinks or believes, it’s unshakable. No matter what, the only one who can affect his mind/feelings/etc. is his own self and the more you push it the strong let he feelings/thinks what he already did. New information can cause his to change his views but he and only he can influence his thoughts and feelings. So he has tunnel visioned himself into that belief so strongly and it’s due to his semblance.

Megan Saunders

The moment between Qrow and Ruby was spectacular, as was the moment between Weiss and her father. Both of them have grown a lot since the beginning of the series, and this is a huge Volume for both of them. We have to keep in mind that at this point Ruby is 17, while Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Nora, and Ren are all 19. Oscar is still the youngest at 14-15, but Oscar will have the dubious advantage of having wisdom and experience beyond his years once he fully merges with Oz. Also (and again, just my headcanon - don't know if this has ever been confirmed) is that when Qrow's team was still together (Summer, Taiyang, Raven, Qrow) since they all went to Beacon, they were partnered in the same way RWBY and JNPR were. With RWBY it was "Ruby & Weiss", and "Blake & Yang", and in JNPR it was "Jaune & Pyrrha" and "Ren & Nora". My headcanon for Qrow's team is that it was "Summer & Qrow" and "Taiyang & Raven", even though Taiyang did eventually end up romantically involved with both Raven and Summer. The thing about Ironwood and his public image is that he's in a sort of unique position. The Kingdoms (including Atlas) are all led by Councils, which was explained in one of the World of Remnant videos. My understanding of it is that "most" of the representatives are elected by the people of the Kingdom - hence the reference to the election that Jacques and Ironwood were talking about in this Chapter. The exception to that seems to be the Headmasters of the Academies, who sit on the Council by default, since the Huntsmen and the Academies play such an important role in the defense of the Kingdom. So, Ironwood is on the Council by default, since he is the Headmaster of Atlas Academy. It isn't made clear how the Headmasters are chosen, except in the World of Remnant about the Great War when it mentioned that the last King of Vale (a.k.a a previous incarnation of Oz) established the Academies and placed his most trusted followers as the first Headmasters. But how they're chosen these days is unclear. My headcanon is that the next Headmaster is nominated by the current Headmaster before they retire, and then they have to be approved by the Council. If the Headmaster dies before he can nominate a replacement, then the Deputy Headmaster would step up to fill the role (i.e. Glynda at Beacon). Since the Headmasters are Oz's inner circle, it gives Oz a lot of control over who will be "in the know" about Salem. Atlas is also the only Kingdom to have a true standing army, and now just a peacekeeping or police force, and Ironwood is the General of Atlas' army, and seems to be the "only" general of Atlas' army, and it seems as if in Atlas, the general of the army also has a seat on the Council by default. So, Ironwood holds that seat as well, which explains what he told Jacques back in Volume 4 when he said, "You forget - I hold two seats on the Council". All this means is that Ironwood basically has double voting power when it comes to Council matters, and pretty much supreme oversight over anything related to the military or defense of the Kingdom, which is how he's been able to enact all of these edicts like the Dust embargo and the blockade over Atlas with the fleet. We'll see more of the Council in this Volume, and keeping this in mind I think will make it clear how things have gotten to the point that they are in Atlas. Ironwood isn't worried about his public image as much as other Council members would be, because he's secure in his position. For him to lose all power, they would have to somehow replace him as both Headmaster and General, and it hasn't been made clear if that's even possible or what it would take to accomplish. Right now the only thing his public image would do is make the people respect and trust him again, and I think he's counting on the fact that if they can get the Tower up and running again, restore global communications, that will buy a lot of goodwill with people and make them understand why he's been acting the way he has, especially once he breaks the news about Salem. He's thinking long-term and not considering as much how things are in the short-term because he sees sacrificing his image now is worth it for the long-term payoff once the full truth comes out.


interesting analysis from Ken on strategy/logic and why people follow someone's leadership... always feel like you guys are incredibly perceptive when it comes to any little seeds of an idea or theme before it gets fully developed in the narrative


Something that I think is pretty awesome, which this episode reminded me of — Watts is voiced by Chris Sabat who does the voice of Vegeta (as well as other characters like Piccolo) in Dragon Ball Z and Super BUT ALSO Jacques Schnee is voiced by Jason Douglas who does the voice of Beerus in Dragon Ball Super. Always found it pretty cool that Rwby was able to get voice actors like them. Some other cool examples too, Qrow! Qrow was voiced from Volume 3 until the end of Volume 6 by Vic Mignogna who voiced Broly in Dragon Ball Z but due to controversies is kind of out of the industry now, BUT NOW in Volume 7 and onward Qrow is being voiced by Jason Liebrecht who voiced Tapion in that DBZ Wrath of the Dragon movie but has also voiced a bunch of other characters in other animes. And then there’s Mercury who is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal who has been everything from Ben 10 to Naruto’s Sasuke to Spider-Man. And so much more


That seems like a semblance that can be a huge liability. Not as much as Qrows bad luck but still seems like a semblance that can get you into trouble 🤔


Thanks for giving us more understanding on how the politics work in this world. Even if it was covered in the remnant shorts it's been awhile since we've seen those 😅


Thanks so much 🤗 But then we will be less perceptive on things like Yang's hair always being on fire haha. So we gotta make up for those misses somehow 😜