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Full Watch Along reaction to One Piece Live-Action Episode 7


Jennifer Sunderland

In the manga, Nami's mother's reason for not just lying about the kids being there is much better explained. Because she's a former marine, she understood Arlong's intentions much better. She knew that he would destroy all the boats on the island and stop people leaving. Sooner or later, Nami and her sister would be discovered - they couldn't hide forever - and all three of them would be killed. Her for lying to Arlong, and the kids for not having their tribute paid for. In the manga, the scar faced Sherrif guy is there, and he tries to fool Arlong by explaining that there are multiple places at the table because he was going to be Bell-mere's guest for dinner. Arlong even believes him, but Bell-mere outs herself as Arlong is leaving, for the above reason. The live action's whole "Imma just let this guy kill me right in front of you, because I won't deny being your mother" is a kinda....strange decision, without that added context. The "Luffy....help me..." scene is also lifted, almost shot for shot, from the anime and manga. It's a really important scene that means a lot to a lot of people. And they nailed it.


"Oh, there once was a girl with tangerine hair, stole my map and left me stranded somewhere, truly a crafty and crooked young lass but you cant deny she had a spectacular.... " More Buggy's Sea Shanties please! :P Nami asking for help and Luffy placing his hat on her - was the moment I got hooked on One Piece. Nami's story in Anime/manga is even more emotional than what is shown here. Emily Rudd gave one hell of a performance, she is amazing. Lets not forget how important it was that Luffy gave Nami his straw hat -- his most prized possession -- showing how important she is to him. Luffy has always called himself the Captain, but to me, him placing his hat on Nami's head and telling her 'Of course I will' is the exact moment he goes from being a boy who wants to be a Captain to a true Captain, which I think is beautifully reflected by the fact that immediately afterwards, when he tells his crew "Let's go" there is no delay and no hesitation. They all immediately recognize that "this is my Captain, and he's said it's time to fight" and respond. Sanji is a lot more suave here than in the anime. He’s charming in the anime but more like Brock from Pokémon, he fawns over every woman he sees. I think they found a good balance here.

owen weston

now is when you gonna hit a snag, you only have one episode left and so much to learn going forward in the series of one piece, you still got a lot more to learn about luffy's past and family, you've yet to meet the other half of the straw hat crew. That nami scene when she asks for help from luffy is defiantly the part where every one gets hooked in both the anime and manga and binges until the end of the arc at least.

Brett Buss

The anime points it out with a flashback when he gives her his hat, but you guys are on the right track. One more thing, she is a thief and he left his most prized possession with her, signifying that he trust her with it.


Thanks for giving us that extra context on the mother because that was kind of jarring. Ah, so it was shot for shot, which makes sense because it seemed a little more staged than other scenes. Still loved it for the most part and glad that the anime/manga fans think it was handled so well 😀


Didn't even think about the fact that she is a thief as well. But Luffy trusted her with the map too and he knew she was a thief and after that specific treasure. He maybe is too trusting haha, but he obviously is just a great judge of character 😀


So to give yaw a little more info, So I have not read the manga but in the anime Nami does not go to Arlong and join his crew, he basically kidnaps her and forces her to join the his crew and Nami's sister, Nojiko, knows why Nami does what she does in the anime but does not let her know, this is the one little nitpick I have about her backstory between the anime and live action but other than that everything else is pretty spot on.

J Sal

I guess you can say that Zoro's ability to trust is his strength and his weakness. In later arcs, Zoro has that same mistrust with 2 other crew members (I doubt the LA can make it that far, but we'll see), which shows that with Zoro loyalty can only be earned once, but at the same time his inability to forgive others can divide the crew. Just my thoughts, but other than that I enjoyed the reaction overall and I am SO READY for y'alls reaction to the next episode!


in the manga and anime, namis village and sister knew the whole time and just played along so nami didnt feel bad. but when her money got stolen they were so furious that even knowing they stood no chance at all, they charged at arlong and his crew.