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Early ad-free access to our reaction for RWBY volume 7 episode 3


Joaquin Benally

I'm so proud of Jaune. He finally accomplished his landing strategy. Love his new haircut.


I ADORE the Ace Ops. the name is SO stupid and SO perfect. Their designs slap (they're the most diverse team in terms of all kinda of things, height, build etc) great voice actors, a slapping leitmotif, and just so fun to watch fight. They live and breathe their semblances which I enjoy



Alex Smith

I like how Blake's weapon is repaired with a little line of gold. Rip Blake's hair though. Also, the best military units are the ones where people, regardless of rank, will sit down and have a beer together. It does in fact create trust and cohesion.

Megan Saunders

Ace Ops are as follows: Clover - good luck guy you kept calling Captain America (Semblance: Good Luck) Vine - the tall pale guy Bethany referred to as Vision (Semblance: Can stretch his legs and arms with an Aura effect) Elm - the large, muscled lady who seems to stick to the floor (Semblance: Can root herself to the ground and become immovable) Marrow - the doggo Faunus with the boomerang sword/gun (Semblance: "Stay" - stops movement by snapping his fingers and giving the command, has to be focusing on his target) Harriet - the super-fast girl with the competitive streak. (Semblance: Speed) One thing to note: As a Huntsman team, they do go against established canon for Huntsman teams, in that there are five of them instead of the normal four. Upgrades to team RWBY / JNR's weapons: Ruby - cut her hair, new outfit, Crescent Rose's head can now rotate when she pulls on a little slide. Weiss - no change to her weapon, but new outfit (CRWBY said they didn't make any changes to Weiss' sword because it was already perfectly designed). Blake - hair cut, new outfit, no change to her weapon, but the broken blade was repaired with a little bit of gold. Yang - new outfit, DID NOT cut her hair, her prosethic was cleaned / repaired after the fight with Adam, and she can now remote trigger sticky bombs she can leave behind when she punches something. Jaune - new outfit, haircut, gravity and hard light Dust added to his shield. Nora - new outfit, hair cut, a little boost function added to her hammer to make it easier for her to pull it back up after she hit something with it. Ren - new outfit, father's knife now permanently displayed on his shoulder in a sheath, and his dual pistols have the grapple hook function. The only real interaction Ruby has had with Ironwood is at Beacon - in Volume 2, he was the one who found her in the Tower after she followed Cinder there at the dance, and was there the next morning in Ozpin's office. In Volume 3, he was the one who came down on them and disqualified them from the Tournament after Yang was set up, but then she also saw him being a leader when he left the arena to try to retake command of his ships - to the point that she followed him and ended up fighting Roman and Neo to try to help - but that's basically the only on screen time we've seen them interact. So she's seen him as a commander, but not really as someone she could call a friend. Conversely, there is the fact that Oz did trust him with a lot of his secrets - the fact Salem existed, the existence of the Relics, etc, and he is a Headmaster, so that also implies some trust between Oz and Ironwood - but Ruby isn't even entirely sure at this point that she can trust Oz if he comes back, and one of the other Headmasters has already betrayed them. So she's wrestling with a lot right now. Instead of "trust but verify" with her, it's more "verify, then trust."


The reason Clover uses a fishing rod for a weapon is that the Ace Ops are based on the stories of Aesop's Fables:. Clover is based on the tale of the Lucky Fisherman, Marrow's is the The Dog and it's Reflection, Harriet is The Tortoise and the Hare and Elm and Vine are based on The Elm and the Vine.


lol I love that y’all caught onto the Qrow X Clover thing because the a huge bit of the fanbase instantly started to ship them together after this episode lol obviously not gonna tell if it goes anywhere or not but the fanbase went crazy immediately


The accident they were talking about in this episode is the one that killed Ilia's parents, which was why Blake was so upset by it.


Do you guys have any plans to react to RWBY Chibi? It's pretty cute and funny.

Lady RedShee

I thought Yang's pant design was a little weird at first too and then I realized that the one leg with the gap is the same as the other one, put one leg she has the belt/strap done and on the other it is flipped down. The giant Grimm they fought was a Geist. It can control inorganic matter. They showed Ruby and team JNPR fighting one at the beginning of Volume 4.


To Ken's point about Ruby trusting Ironwood - while it's true that you have to give trust, it's foolish to give trust blindly. Look at what happened at Haven, Lionheart was one of Ozpin's most trusted and he betrayed them. When RWBY told Oz that they wouldn't betray him, he snapped back and asked if they really thought Lionheart was the first - they know people can be compromised and with something as important as the literal fate of the world at stake, feeling out the situation first is warranted. You also have to keep in mind that nobody has heard from Ironwood since Beacon and Atlas has gone full isolationist and enacted martial law, which Qrow and Weiss comment on as being very unusual - Ruby is being told that Ironwood is behaving strangely. Couple that with the Atlesian military robots turning at Beacon and one could easily question if that was truly a hack or if it was intentional - if one headmaster has been compromised, perhaps a second one is too. Ruby is quickly coming to understand why Oz keeps so much secret and trusts so few people. This isn't to say if it's right or wrong, only that there is very legitimate reasons for not immediately giving full disclosure.


If I remember correctly, this is not touched upon after this episode; but the way they revealed that the mine was shut down because of an explosion 'sort of' matches up with with the story of Ilia, who revelaed in one of the shorts that her parents were killed in a dust mine explosion by an overworked worker who tripped. Edit: That's also why Blake looked as 'disturbed' as she did when she 'realized where they were'.


I laughed when you were watching the intro and asked who Ironwood shoots -- i was thinking, "Which time?" :D 'nuff said, tho. I always get "interesting" vibes between Qrow and Clover too, I didn't know if it was just me who was seeing that subtext. It makes sense that Clover is a big deal in Qrow's life, because he's isolated himself from his friends to protect them against Misfortune, and Clover might be the salvation to that life of loneliness. I have really appreciated the crew's ventures into other genres, esp horror, in this show. There's some more very effective moments in this vein coming later, which contributes to my love for RWBY. It can be hard to change gears, but the show seems to do it effortlessly. The Ace Ops are Clover (good fortune), Elm (anchored feet), Marrow ("Stay!"), Hare/Harriet (speed), and Vine (stretchy). Trust vs Fear is really the theme of this season, and they are going to dive deep into it. I was so glad they were having the characters discuss this, to remain consistent with past events -- it makes sense that Yang and Oscar would find this a big deal. I think Ozpin wasn't really planning to share and never did until he was caught; I do think there is a sweet spot between prudence and secrecy, so once RWBY gets there with Ironwood, they really need to fill him in; along with the moral elements related to honesty, it is important to empower your allies and foster closeness. But what's so great is that Team RWBY is now experiencing things from Ozpin's position and it might give them a more nuanced perspective. Weiss does look very grown up in her new outfit, compared to her more "high school" styles clothes of the past, plus getting the braided coiffe instead of the ponytail. She has grown up in so many ways, including her thoughtfulness and compassion.

Bryan Forquer

My favorite part was definitely seeing Yang blush over Blake's haircut, so cute🖤💛


You have seen a Geist Grimm before. back in vol 4 the first fight. they can possess object's like wood, stone and metal making it part of their body.

Serpent King

LOL there is a Flash villain named Captain Boomerang...so uh gj lol


I remember when this episode first aired, everyone was calling Jaune "Banana-head". As for Blake's weapon, it kinda represents Kintsugi — which means “join with gold”, a practice in Japanese art of repairing borken objects. While it's probably not gold Remnant (has to be much stronger) it's more metaphorical. Also the gold represents her healing and Yang being her partner. In earlier concept designs for Volume 1 , Yang and Blake wore each other's colors.


About the opening - "It changed to Winter" - regarding the screen of Ironwood that gets a rock thrown at it. It actually changes to Jacques Schnee, not Winter.


Thanks for all this info as usual. Hopefully we will remember some of the ace ops names but also going by our nicknames for them might continue 🤗


Ah okay. Thanks for clearing that up. Actually had never heard of Aesop's Fables before. Though familiar with Tortoise and Hare 🤗


Qrow's semblance is like a double-edged sword in combat. It makes unexpected things happen. When Qrow is fighting alone that's a good thing, his semblance can cause bad things to happen to the enemy that throws them off just enough for him to win the fight. But when he's with a team? His semblance can put his teammates in danger. Heck even when he's not fighting and by himself his semblance is a pain! Imagine every tiny inconvenience in life happening to you always when you're just trying to live? That sounds exhausting.