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they keep reminding us that blake's weapon is still broken from her fight with adam. first when fighting the grimm in ep1. and then again when ironwood brought up that same scene on his monitor. and using blake's broken weapon as a segway into saying they need to bring their weapon up to their level made blake show an expression of shame/embarrassment.

Davie Campbell

Another great reaction guys! I think the main idea around telling the world about Salem is she loses her element of surprise. Salem is a character who has relied on staying in the shadows whilst she divides the world. By telling the world about Salem she loses that advantage and you ideally unite the kingdoms against a common threat at the same time.


that random guy on the shuttle was only there to give us some exposition on Robyn Hill and her happy huntress. which were inspired by robin hood and his merry men, which would make ironwood the sheriff of Nottingham in this scenario.


yes but ozpin has know for centuries that she can't be killed. and with no plan on how to stop her. you would just be creating a panic with no positive benefits. if anything more people would be inclines to join salems side. because it is better to be on her side then in her path.


This is honestly one of my favourite episodes in the volume, but good golly I can't explain WHY. I'm just a sucker for episodes that are JUST the characters talking and having character moments through conversation. The beauty of Ironwood's writing is that after he explains his plan, even if you don't agree with it as a viewer you can totally get HIS reasoning and why HE thinks it's a good idea. When you can disagree with a character but understand their perspective, that's gooooood writing. I like this one a lot.

Megan Saunders

So - negative versus positive effects. Yes, telling people about Salem will cause a panic at first, but I think the positive Ironwood is looking for is twofold - in order to tell everyone outside of Atlas/Mantle about Salem, they need the Tower. If they can get that, it will literally reunite the Kingdoms with communication again, so none of them should feel as isolated and cutoff as they have been for the past year / year-and-and-a-half. So getting the new satellite Tower built will be a victory in the sense that everyone can talk again, and they've proven that they can still triumph over the Grimm, since this new Tower - in theory - would be beyond the reach of the Grimm, higher than the Grimm can go. And if it's on Amity, it can move, so it will be a moving target rather than a stationary one like the current Tower setup. I like that you identified Ruby's reasons for lying to Ironwood here. That decision caused a lot of friction within the RWBY community, but I fall on her side of things in this moment. The last headmaster they had anything to do with was Lionheart and he betrayed them, despite Qrow and Oz's confidence that he was loyal. Now you've got Ironwood, who Penny's dad has already admitted to being very paranoid since the attack at Beacon, who also has a tendency to want to control things around him. She's trying to prevent what happened with Lionheart from happening again, not saying everything until she knows with confidence that Ironwood can be trusted. He even admitted that he probably doesn't seem very trustworthy, although giving the Lamp back was a big step in the right direction. The only caveat I would have given would have maybe been to talk to Oscar before saying anything about Oz and let Oscar have some say in the matter, since he is Oz's next incarnation.


I think that also our team is feeling lost at the moment. They virtually have no plan nor guidance on how to stop Salem because she can't be killed. Perhaps Ruby thought in this moment that telling him would not only heighten his paranoia, but shut down his plan entirely, and he's the only one with one.

No Consequence

Except the secrecy right now is actually a massive liability. Telling everyone is a double edged sword, but not telling them is, currently, getting everyone killed


I completely agree with Ironwood that keeping Salem a secret is doomed to make them lose, as she can control everything from the shadows and even kingdom councils wouldn't be aware that they need to defend against her. Most of Remnant, apart from the people we've seen learn about it, are not even aware that the Grimm aren't just mindless beasts that seemingly appear out of nowhere. That's how the fall of Beacon happened in the first place, because a small group of people, although influential, tried to tackle the issue by themselves instead of relying on help from other people. And that's also how Haven was almost destroyed and the blame would have fallen entirely on the White Fang. By helping Adam from the shadows, Salem was about to divide the world even further. So yes, it's very risky and relies heavily on the Atlas military being able to stop the Grimm, but it's also the only way to ensure that Salem doesn't gain more power on the rest of the world. Also, I can't help that, every time I hear Penny say "it'll be just like Beacon again!", I immediately think "I'm pretty sure you DON'T want it to be like Beacon, given how it turned out".

Davie Campbell

Aye but ironwood doesn't know that, so it makes sense why he has come to that conclusion. As well there will be panic whether you reveal it now or later, better to rip the bandaid off and get it overwith than risk giving Salem more time to build her forces. I don't nessicarily agree with ironwood plan but I can see the logic behind it.


One thing I do like about Season 7 is the moral ambiguity. Often it might have been clear in the past what was right and what was wrong to do, but as things develop in Atlas, things just seem to become murkier and there's no simple blanket answer. Everyone is feeling their way forward. Also people's motivations are not entirely clear especially after RWBY has been separated from Ironwood and Atlas since the fall of Beacon; it will take time to sift things out and figure out what is what. Who can be trusted with what information? The road forward is also dynamic; the choices that are made can/will impact and restrict future choices. Team RWBY and JNR has come so far, yet now this is like an entry into a far more complex world. It's really great to watch Winter develop over these upcoming episodes too.


"It will be just like Beacon again..." I remember when I first saw this ep I was happy to see a Maya model of Winter. Can't wait until you get to the next ep. Actually beyond that it gets more exciting


Agreed. Much better than when a character says something you don't agree with and it doesn't make sense for their character. Happened a few times in the final season of Game of Thrones with Tyrion 😕


Good point about Lionheart. Completely forgot about that dude. With good reason but still forgot that will shape Ruby's decision as well 😊


Very true, "Like Beacon, but better." should've been her outlook but Penny is like Ruby. Glass is always half full and she's better than ever 😎💪🏻

DeAnthony Potts

Agreed. Lines have been drawn on every move made and it became the most active discussion in the community......for better or worse.


The problem with talking to Oscar is that there wasn't time to do so. By the time they had determined they were for sure going to see the general they were in plain earshot of his soldiers the whole time. That's why they had to just let Ruby handle it because there wasn't a moment to really plan the encounter out. Agency is often a casualty of circumstance. Outside that little note, fantastic breakdown.

Megan Saunders

True, but Ruby didn't have to speak up in that moment and lie. Oscar told Ironwood Oz was gone, but then she didn't give him a chance to come up with an explanation - she just inserted herself back into the conversation with a lie. We don't know what explanation Oscar might have given. My guess, given his discomfort with what happened when they told Jaune, Ren, and Nora about Jinn and the train crash, Oscar might have just tried to deflect somehow - he could have said something like "I'm not sure," or even used the Apathy as an excuse and it wouldn't have been a total lie. But Ruby took that agency from Oscar instead of letting him handle it. In addition, by NOT letting Oscar say anything to Ironwood, she undermined his own role as Oz's incarnation, and it will now take longer for Oscar to truly start to feel confident about being the next incarnation.