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Early ad-free access to Part 29 of our Naruto Journey Cutscenes Reaction


Brianda Sandoval

You have to understand all these characters aren't the way they are because they feel superior although some carry that air about them it's because they've all been raised by the different customs of their villages and not all of them have the same principles as the Leaf. They do things for a reason because it's a system that's worked for them for many years and Ay the Raikage was being groomed since he was a young man to take his father's place whenever he passed away. When you become a kage it's not just your life or your loved ones on the line but you have to raise and care for an entire village. Ay was actually one of the first characters aside from Iruka who treated the jinchuriki like an actual human being with feelings; Bee isn't even his actual biological brother but the only child who could match him in his ultimate attack but that didn't matter to Ay because he didn't treat Bee like a weapon he really did think of him as his little brother which is why Bee was able to be the man he is today all because his big brother showed him love right from the beginning.

J Sal

Every time I see an upload from you two i just get excited! Choji definitely had his moment here, but he also had a hype moment in the previous series when he was younger. Hopefully one day y'all will be able to check out that series, especially since Storm 1 barely covered some of those major parts