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Early ad-free access to our RWBY Volume 6 Episode 13 Reaction



yeah, Seasons 7 & 8 get kind of crazy because of all the characters that finally come into direct conflict with each other; there will definitely be more of the interactions you are talking about. (That's not much of a spoiler, though.) I think Season 6 is my favorite RWBY season altogether, because of the narrative plotting, backstory development, and character arc exploration. Also, just the beauty of minute changes in character face animation. -- often it's just a faint shift that evokes strong emotion. At the end here, it was the look of horror on Mercury's face but also that brief instant where Salem's rage turns to almost affection for her new monkey creation before she sends it off to summons another. But it's all throughout the season (like Adam's brief look of confusion that Blake and Yang have a bond he's never experienced nor understands). They are things viewers might not consciously notice, but it emotionally makes the characters feel very alive. I don't want Pyrrha's death to ever be trivialized by bringing her back or anything, but that moment in Argus was perfect and a high point of the series for me. I so much appreciated having that character beat and reminder that Pyrrha's heroism lives on in her family and friends. It was a touch that lesser series might not have added, but RWBY has such an emphasis on the character emotional arcs and I was blown away when that happened. It is one reason I have loved this series. While it might not feel as spectacular in terms of a "big event" season, we got such a wealth of character development and backstory in Season 6.

Marcel Hoyt

You guys missed the end credit scene. It shows what Salem is up to before Season 7 ❤️


RWBY Vol 7 onward has a major tone shift so get ready.


I don't know if you've been told already, or have already started watching Volume 7, but Qrow's VA was changed between Volume 6 and Volume 7, because his original VA, Vic Mignogna, was caught up in allegations of sexual harrassment and other stuff, that made him lose most of his contracts. I believe he's been cleared of these allegations since then (at least, if I remember correctly), but the change has been made for Qrow's VA. It doesn't take much time to adapt to his new voice, because his new VA does a great job at recreating the original voice, but the change is still noticeable, especially if you start watching Volume 7 right after watching Volume 6.

Serpent King

aw man I can't wait for the next one ;)


No he hasn’t been “cleared” of anything. He has actually lost a few lawsuits.


How can you say Volume 6 wasn’t a big event volume when we literally got an episode with the backstory of Ozpin and Salem? Plus Adam’s death and the resolution of the White Fang plot.


Can't wait for volume 7, this volume and the next have to be my favorite


I actually took a break from RWBY after Vol 6, so I'll be going in blind just like you guys. Really excited to compare our reactions lol.

Harley Johnston

He lost defamation lawsuits because he failed to convince the judge that the people he was suing were wholly responsible for his loss in revenue and job opportunities. While he hasn't been officially cleared, most of his allegations were receded by the parties involved.


I've always loved that Cordo's last "your fault" is clearly aimed at herself. One of my favourite minor antagonists because she helps perfectly represent Ruby's ability to inspire and remind people why they do what they do.


Yeah there was meant to be ~more~ in this episode but they had to move it to volume 7 ep 1. As usual due to RWBY's biggest enemies: time and budget. The woes of being produced by a small indie company


I'd also say this season felt like a pretty big event. We got Salem + Oz backstory, silver eyes lore and Adam's demise, all things which have been built up towards for entire seasons now. But that's probably why the finale felt a bit underwhelming. Usually the final ep is where you hit the peak but RWBY hit it earlier on which made for some weird pacing


I gotta say that a lot of stuff you mention during is very meta so when you finally dive into season 7, you can sort of say "you called it." That's some really good insight you've got there. Some more trivia, that scene with Cordovin and her Mecha's drill weapon was a homage to "Gurren Lagann." In fact, Monty Oum had basically assigned CRWBY (production crew) to add Gurren Laggan to their list of anime "homework" they needed to watch before and during the production of RWBY. You may even notice some Gurren homages throughout the show in earlier volumes and even future ones. Originally, Monty wanted to add the Cordivan "Lady in the Shoe" plot to volume 2 but Miles and Kerry couldn't find a way to fit it in there so it got pushed to volume 6. Even later volumes like the most recent one (Volume 9 concepts and story) were developed during Volume 2. If you watch the Volume 6 crew commentaries on the Blu-Ray, they mention that "The Lost Fable" was originally entitled "The Trials and Tribulations of Salem the Witch." And it was one of the original 4 test scripts written for RWBY's initial pitch. Something I learned recently, thanks to Robin Rising on Twitter.


A heads up moving forward Qrows voice actor changes from Victor Joseph to Jason Liebrecht due to a sexual harassment incident. It’s a bit weird at first but you get used to it as the series movies on. Loved your guys reaction and I’m super excited for you guys to react to Volume 7


To make clear what others are saying, Vic Mignona, Qrow's VA, had multiple harassment claims against him, the majority of which came from "fans" who colluded in leaked group chats. They wanted nothing more than to ruin him for the sake of evil. They mocked him as they debated how to tear him down. He did nothing, and was given no chance. He was fired by every company immediately before any trials or examination. They made him into a witch hunt for sport, essentially. The fact that some people still believe the claims baffles me, but it is what it is.


I always find this weird to hear when I was hearing warnings about him from people in the Cosplay scene even from before he was even in RWBY. I specifically remember a group explicitly avoiding him when attending Sakura-Con 2015. This was years before the whole drama went down.

Mike Milligan

people used to call him "R-kelly" of anime. He's always had a rep, but he's always going to have rapid defenders, because the allegations came to a head during metoo and gamergate. "ruin him for the sake of evil" , jfc

Mike Milligan

I dont dislike vol 4,5,6, but i think 7,8,9 are a vast improvement story-wise. The time apart developed a lot, but now everyone is finally back together moving towards a common goal.


If making a sport of destroying someone's career isn't evil, I don't know what is. IF he ever actually did anything wrong it was drowned out by the sea of fake metoo morons, that's correct.

Hercule Pyro

I may be more excited for you guys to react to the ost of this volume then the next season but its a banger either way

Dawnyel Bell

I felt the same way kinda. While I didnt dislike 4,5,6 I will say 7.8.9 are sooooo well written. Im Cant wait for them to react to those 3. so many emotions.

Dawnyel Bell

YOU WANT SHIFT CHANGE? oooh I cant wait for Vol 8

Chris Ross

Don't watch the intro for volume 7 until after episode 3!!! It's a little spoil'y


Oh yeah I would also like to echo NOT watching the V7 intro until AFTER the 3rd episode. It really is spoilery unless you already have seen screenshots of them.


At cons I've worked at for YEARS before RWBY, there was a code phrase "code V" which meant "keep him away from you young female fans".


Also, occams razor. Which is more likely..a decades long conspiracy to ruin a voice actor's reputation for a some mysterious reason. Or that Vic...popular and good looking...let it all go to his head and is a sex pest, and used his position, fame, and charisma to further his sex pestyness.


Im so SO excited! I see everyone else already told you to avoid the intro until the third episode, but I just wanna say this next volume is REALLY good!