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I've given myself some time to get used to the new user interface and while I think there are definite advantages and disadvantages it really matters how you prefer to view the content I post...  when I post it.

Presently, I would still like to complete Control Group and add the epilogue to Caggata, mainly so I can post completed PDFs.

Would you rather one updated post on certain topics or stories?  Or several little posts that congest the feed of the other artists that you support?

Would you rather one complete downloadable PDF?  Or instead chapter style PDFs attached to content posts?

Any feedback here is greatly appreciated :)



tron carter

One PDF for each story..


Chapter by chapter would mean we'd see progress more often, wouldn't it? And would give you the possibility of getting feedback as you go, if you wanted that?


Honestly I think my rate of updating would be the same. I just saw that Teysia does both, so now I think that’s the way to go: a smaller chapter pdf and an ongoing pdf.