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Hello everyone!! I just wanted to keep you included on what’s been happening with my story. At the end of February I was wrapping up the dialogue but after a few read throughs I had the growing sense that it still didn’t feel complete and at a point where I could stop.

I was tinkering with the scene for the next segment and basically just continued from there! I think I’m much happier with leaving the story to rest at this point, so I will be going back to writing and preparing the final editing work for the continuation of Mommy Parts for early release to Patreon supporters.

Thank you all for your continued support!!




Hm, Balthamel, I know exactly how it is when a story don't run that smooth while you work on it. I've seen a great method for this by another RPGMaker Patreon, maybe it will help you on your boobie quest ;) When he reaches a point where a story telling starts to struggle he wrote a poll, where the story and his possible ways are declared. By the end he ask the people: What would you love to see in that story? and he always get an answer, which directly went into his game.