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I shouldn't be doing this after such a long day but I'm feeling much better about where the game is, so here you go:


Mac OS 

The end of content is after you get to the MC's new penthouse or after the dream sequence after sleeping in your own bed.  The primary focus of this version is for a friendlier, gentler version to enjoy... so I can add new content without chasing down so many mysterious problems... from admittedly sloppy work on my part!


-New character transitions between Tiffany and MC the first day, post transformation.

-Corrected Dot and PeriodPlus outlets, with the possibility of selling "slightly used" under garments.

-Adjustment to stuck images and incorrect dress images (though I'm sure there's a few more that I missed).

-Adjustment to "Sexiness" and "Beauty" stats to be slightly more predictable.

-Corrected various bar and bar bathroom scenes so transitions would flow normally instead of derailing the game progress.

-Corrected week 2 dialog in Biology class.

-Various other grammatical and spelling error corrections.

Thank you for your continued support!  You should also be able to find a free version at www.tfgames.site soon.




How do you get the new penthouse? I got the dream after going to Homeland. but when i went to the beach nothing happened if i chose to stay.


Sorry about that! The beach is still incomplete, in order to get to the Penthouse you have to sleep with Professor Hart (seduction 9 or wet t-shirt winner) and then select to live with your “daddy”.


its not working on my Mac it say contact your network administrator


Still getting stuck after getting done with the makeup pop quiz. What can I do to get out of the classroom?


Weird! I’ll take a look, but you should just be able to walk down to the entrance and have an option to leave.


Tried, nothing pops up.


I knew it was too early to step away. I will do my best to have a fix ready in a day or two!


Guessing it’s a switch problem, these are happening because I miss a location transfer and it sends you to the wrong area. I say this mostly as a reminder to myself.


Better a switch than a crash.


Have you found any one else having that problem


what is supposed to happen after you choose to go home? After i slept i cant talk to my mom or anything. all i can do is go outside and change outfits. And when I stay at school i got to the beach and i can select tot tan but nothing happens? This the end of the game or what since both paths seem to end.


I’m afraid to say that is the end of content. I would like to have more complete by the end of October!


love your story telling, i would read this


found the solution here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWSySXfR17c

Sincere K

Are we going to get more updates?