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As a result of decisions you have made with the polls you have picked up an extra point of Iteration and Destiny bringing the total points to the following:

-Iteration (5) -Doctor (1) -Eidolon (1) -Destiny (5)

However, there is still another chance to gain an extra point of Doctor or Eidolon in this dimension, so pick a number and find out the results!

Iteration: this is the level of technology invested in the ship, reaching 10 points allows the characters to travel away from Earth.

Doctor: this is the level of awareness that Doctor Bereginya has regarding the events happening around her.  Presently, she suspects that something has gone awry with her ship's and absent A.I.  5 points allows her to comprehend her situation and take action.

Eidolon: this is the level of control that ETTA has over the ship and it's crew. Reaching 5 points allows ETTA full control of the ship and it's crew.

Destiny: this is the level of conversion between Travis as he was and what may become of him as ETTA's play thing.  Reaching 10 points means a full conversion.



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