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Thank you all for your continued support!!

First, old business-

May was extraordinary, let me recap:

-Mother's Day began the month, which meant an increase in my work demand, in addition to my personal celebration efforts.

 -Following Mother's day, the number of my colleagues went down and continued to go down for the remainder of the month, increasing my work demand.

-I got a puppy, so in addition to the regular work/family balance I try to keep, more attention needed to be devoted to my new puppy.  He's totally worth it, btw.  He's so fluffy, I'm gonna die...

-By the end of the month I was a tad over-worked and ended up with a sinus/chest cold, which I managed to get over relatively quickly.

The net result is that my Patreon productivity was heavily impacted in May by all of this additional unexpected personal life-stuff.

Now, for new business-

Goals for June:

-CNT University! Spring Break content update and JSTARS bug fixes.

-The eXtra-Dimensional Theory Chapter 5 (including additional poll content, and poll recaps)

-CNT University! and Zenofae Gene Walkthrough

-Mommy Parts pre-production

-Hold My Sanity Together (with a little duct tape and string)



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