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Greeting Boils and Ghouls (boys and girls),

Thank you all for your continued support!

I've successfully completed my new computer build and it is a breath of fresh air!  About 6 months ago I had upgraded my graphics card and slowly became concerned with the underwhelming performance, later realizing it's abilities were most likely limited by my Intel i5 4440 CPU.  If I upgraded my CPU I would most likely be looking for a new motherboard and if I'm upgrading my motherboard it's time to redecorate the whole works!

In short my current build has a far improved response rendering 3d art, most notably a lot of the specular grainy after effects don't even appear anymore so I don't have to rely on a 3rd party denoiser as much, either.

Moving on:

Chapter 1 of The eXtra-Dimensional Theory has been completed, the next update is scheduled for November.

I'm working in collaboration with the lovely KaraComet for a Halloween short story that will be included in her Karaween special (I promise it will not take away from game updates!)

I've been working on CNT University! writing new effects for consumable items in the game and I will focus on adding more content to week 2 with an eventual "spring break" home coming for our heroine.  I would like to finish these segments for a Halloween update.

I will also be adding to Zenofae Gene with a hopeful artwork and content update by November.  If I can add in new artwork before then I will, since I'm having a much easier time with rendering complex scenes compared to the struggles I had before.




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