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I’m trying to break up the work flow to more evenly spread around my hours. What this means for me is mainly that I’m going to jump between writing and art to try to make more consistent progress without projects falling off of the creative map or getting stuck with a block and hanging on one particular project.

What this will hopefully mean for you is more content, more variety of content and more consistent updates with Zenofae Gene and CNT University!

Artwork for Zenofae Gene will be produced in October as I will be upgrading my system to better handle the 3D art demands. In fact I’m creating my own build. I hesitate to call it a custom build because I haven’t put it together yet and made sure it’s working. I could still accidentally destroy it or worse yet realize something isn’t working right.

Artwork for CNT University! Has been in progress for some time. I’m hoping that I will see some concept art soon, but realistically October is when I will be able to see some new artwork. The CNT update is in the works, there are a lot of details that need to be addressed for our aspiring slut of a heroine. I will keep you posted.

Be well, be safe.



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