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I reset my goals because you all have been so helpful in getting me started with Daz Studio and 3d artwork.  I don't see the point in setting financial goals for artwork milestones that are (for me) difficult to manage.

There's nothing I enjoy more than giving however, so I reset the goals to be more about the community and what I can give you.  The 75 member milestone is for a comic, perhaps 4 to 10 pages and we have reached that milestone so I would like to make time to talk about what everyone wants to see.

As you know I've been working on Wench World which is the confluence of several story ideas I've had laying around under the theme of West World and MMORPGs.  The first part of that story is nearing completion, so my first suggestion would be to continue working on that story, possibly with other characters or the continuance of the current characters.

Leave suggestions for comic ideas in the comments below, which we will gather into a poll and we can possibly begin work on the ideas in late May or June.  I really interested in seeing what you all have to say!




I'm really happy with the story and the art. The first round is about 3 pages from completion so if people want that to continue we can talk about what direction it will take.