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Thank you all for your continued support!

The Month of May marks a few changes, most notably that my main work contract has ended although it could get picked up again as soon as two weeks or as much as two months.  Who knows, anymore?

My computer that I've been running renders off of was never really built for graphics work.  It had potential but required upgrades, so I wanted to offer you kind folks a look from one of my best renders off of my old graphics card and one of my first renders off of my new graphics card.  See if you can spot the differences.

Now that I've got a better graphics card another creeping problem has come to my attention; random power failures.  I've investigated and I'm under the impression that it could be a power supply problem.  All of this comes at a time when my computer has reached old age (if we are counting dog-years) and like a loyal hound I'm quite attached to it and would rather replace parts with upgrades than buy a whole new rig.

Goals for May: 

I'm continuing my work with CNT University! now looking forward to working on week 2!

Reviewing models for Zenofae Gene to start producing some new renders!





Yes, if you JUST replaced your graphics card and are having random power issues, that's a sign that your existing power supply isn't rated for the wattage your new graphics card needs. Just replace your power supply with one that has enough wattage (check the graphics card's web site for recommendations), and you should be good to go.


I used a part checker, and I surmise that I’m right at the top of what my power supply is rated for. The new supply is arriving today and has more wattage so I hope that will solve the problem.

