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There are several things I'd like to cover for the end of April.  First is a free story I've been posting to my Deviant Art account:   https://www.deviantart.com/balthamel19/gallery/72970791/wench-world .  The story of Wench World involves two brothers that go to an erotic adventure park only to realize that they've signed on for more than they bargained for.

Rather than experiencing continual frustration over the artwork with Zenofae Gene I decided to make a fun spoof.   Wench World has been essential in testing my image rendering capacity and I've been able to track down a problem I've had to continually work around with other more vital pieces.  The problem comes from my video card which has only 2 Rams, and because it will run out of memory for certain renders the software I use will stop my GPU and run all operations off of my CPU.

I've purchased an upgrade that has 8 Rams and I'm waiting for one final part to complete the installation.  Hopefully with more Rams I will finally be able to get more work done with the ZFG artwork, and this makes me happy.

The changes on CNT University! are almost done but I haven't been able to work on Week 2, though I would like to issue a release for CNT by the end of April so fans can try out the new economy and hopefully enjoy the new Pussy Monster dialog and new artwork.

My employer has decided to end my contract for now, and since I've been working from home that means I need to rush around to finish some final projects and put a list of my usefulness together as well.

I hope everyone is healthy and safe.  I thank you all for your support, without which I guess I would just keep all of this perverted stuff to myself and never think to share ;)




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