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I first wanted to thank all of you who have pledged to support the game, it’s great to have the interest and the feedback to continue to improve what’s already been started.

The update for the March release, in short, is that I believe that I am on schedule for a release on the 30th. If I can finish up earlier then I will send it out earlier.

It’s never easy to pin these things down since I’m constantly discovering new ways of achieving more depth in the game and running into errors when things don’t go as expected. Being ready means finishing chapter 3, so that’s the end of Major Cherri. The level work and story direction take on more complexity at this point so it is taking me more effort to create things to my (and hopefully your) satisfaction.

Next on my work list is a radio s.o.s. And commentary on the lack of robot sex (don’t worry, there should be plenty). In the bigger setting it will tie in to the level boss fight and I think I still need to take a couple steps back to put some polish on earlier scenes and boss fights. So the next week or so has me working consistently to send out something that I hope you will enjoy playing as much as I have enjoyed building.

Happy Zeno Hunting,



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