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While my car is being repaired, I decided to take the opportunity to get a very different kind of vehicle as a rental.

Aging Wheels' video about roadtrips in EVs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92w5doU68D8




Lemons, lemonade and all that! Can’t wait to listen on a long drive tomorrow!


Very interesting report, and I’m glad you took the opportunity to do it. But it does not make me optimistic for EV adoption by the average driver just yet. For well-paid people who own their own homes, they may indeed work out, but the average middle/lower middle class person is really stretched and stressed already. The idea of having to pay more to enter a world of having to plan your day around chargers that may or may not be available/working, download apps for every charger company, figure out how much you’ll pay that day (but really having no choice) is not appealing. I think the technology is just not yet mature enough. we should concentrate on getting the entire personal fleet to be hybrids first (and dare I say it, tax the giant trucks and SUVs out of the personal market…pipe dream I know.) And things like mail, short-range delivery, garbage trucks, police cars, buses, taxis and other vehicles with predictable use and centralized hubs should be electric. The grid simply isn’t ready, and the battery issues (pollution during production, recycling, charging times) haven’t yet been worked out satisfactorily. I’d also love to have seen the battery performance in a Wisconsin winter (but I’m glad you didn’t risk your life to find out!)