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My latest video didn't quite garner the response I'd hoped. Let's discuss what happened.




Yeah, I didn't watch it, but that's because I'm not interested in NAS...and that's fine! Not every video is for every viewer. I have no doubt that your review was honest and balanced...I'm just into the old stuff. Ignore the haters, I doubt they are your core audience.


I skipped the video, because I know how good Synology is and I also know about its flaws… 😅 I’d love to run my own NAS on an old machine running Linux, saving a bunch of money (and resources for manufacturing of the new components). But what many people forget is the skill it takes and the value of that skilled work. Let’s say I get a system that’s 800 dollars cheaper than the Synology and use it for 5 years. Anyone who has the experience to maintain a system like this will be able to quote this admin work for a good hourly rate. Even if you get paid at a rate of 20 dollars per hour (which I find very low – of course this varies a lot depending on where you live), you’d only have 8 hours a year to maintain the system, including hardware issues, OS updates, software updates, debugging issues, testing, fiddling with config files etc. It’s an illusion that it would be cheaper. Some people think it’s more fun and then it becomes their hobby, which is a different thing and totally fair! But saying Synology is too expensive is just not a good argument, because their stability, reliability and software is a feature that many are willing to pay extra for. I’d rather spend the time otherwise and as you say, see it as an appliance that only needs the occasional dusting and updating, and maybe a drive replaced every couple of years (which can be done in minutes). Finally, I’m sorry to hear about your accident and glad you found hope there at the end of the recording. Really lifted my mood 😊