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You've probably noticed that I've been on an every-other-week cycle with videos lately. My day job has been incredibly busy and my evenings and weekends have been spent trying to de-stress (something I think we all need to do more often). 

Things have quieted down and I was looking forward to getting back up to speed, just to come down with a cold over the weekend. While I was able to bang out a script I'm pretty happy with, my voice is not great so it's a guessing game whether it'll recover in time.

So in the very least I figured I could give you an update on the projects I'm working on -- videos to look forward to (as soon as the universe allows):

--The "from new parts" Mac SE/30 is coming along. It's suffered from a bit of scope creep but I think it'll be worth it.
--Sometime in October I'm doing a review on a major manufacturer's NAS product. I tend to not do product reviews any more, but this is a brand I've had good experiences with and my use case is a situation I think others have found themselves in.
--I need to locate a new LCD panel for a Vaio 505 laptop, but I need to figure out how to disassemble the display housing first so I can see what its part number is...
--More Mac desktop and laptop restorations! They're seemingly endless.
--A super-secret project that I really, really need to spend more time working on.

Thank you all again for your patience and support!



Get well soon, your health is way more important than any schedule in the world. Now that you've mentioned it, i personally kind of missed a bit the small product reviews. Glad to hear, that there is something coming back. After tinkering around with an older Fujitsu mini server, i have switched to a cheap Synology. It is now a RAID-0 instead of a RAID-5, and I know how dangerous it is to operate without constant backups, which i do, but it is so damn convient. Especially the quickconnect feature helps me more often than not.


Definitely your health is way more important, sorry to hear things have been hectic for you, look forward to see you in full health! <3