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...is along the lines of "why don't you have more subscribers?"

It's a seemingly simple question, but actually ends up being fairly complex, at least from my perspective. It's no doubt bittersweet, but in some ways a little comforting.

Of course, it's  almost always meant as a compliment, and I find it flattering. Creating online content feels kind of like I'm working in a void. I do my thing on my own, then release it to the world. The process of creating videos isn't public, just the final result, so there's often some worry about what the reception will be like. So it's reassuring when I see a positive reaction to my work as a whole and not just an individual video -- it means that I'm at least on the right track.

The bitter part is that it's a cold reminder of how much the whole thing is out of my control. I've seen channels that have been around for less time grow at a much faster rate than mine. Sometimes it makes sense -- they're truly exceptional, or they upload daily, etc. -- but often it doesn't. It just comes down to the fickle nature of the Internet, or the nebulous nature of YouTube's search algorithm, or another of a million factors.

This may seem like I'm complaining about my subscriber count. I most certainly am not. I'm thankful for every single viewer, because I could be doing much worse than I am now. In fact, the steady growth I've been seeing is reassuring, and I wouldn't want to see some massive spike in popularity.

The thing is, some days this is a bit overwhelming. I'm still figuring things out as I go, and sometimes growth pushes you into an uneasy or vunlerable position until you can get your bearings. I got butterflies when I saw my NES Classic podcast episode take off on launch day. That wasn't even the episode I wanted to make (that's a story I'll tell another time), yet suddenly it had more views than anything else I had ever uploaded. And then it happened again with the Vita podcast, which brought with it an unfortunate number of nasty comments and trolling.

So for me, not having "more" subscribers, at least not yet, can be a good thing. I seriously believe I have some of the best viewers on YouTube. I'd much rather have a "small" channel full of people who actually care, than a "big" one with people who don't.

As always, thank you for being awesome.



Certainly keep up the great work. Your content is unique in it's approach and quality. You poped up in a recommended video in my side bar with one of the well filmed GameBoy mods. Then finding the podcasts definitely got me more interested, since they were like conversations I typically have with my very close roommate. I try to plug your channel when I can and always look forward to new content! 💖


You are the first person I've ever supported on Patreon, or on a continual basis at all, and it isn't purely based on the top tier quality of your content. I've juggled around the idea with a couple of other Youtube channels but none ever compelled me to do so the way yours does. You are very good at presenting your views, which are very well reasoned. Your editing and the style of your podcasts and videos in general is very clean and well done and it allows the viewer to focus more on the message than whats on the screen. I've actually learned a lot more about the video game industry, and tech as a whole, than a lot of other channels primarily because you don't come off as one sided or trying to complain about an aspect of the industry. You present the facts and your views and try to provide a fair assessment of all your topics and all of your viewers can see that. Would I like to see content more often? Of course! But not at the expense of the quality that you present. I also respect the fact that you are very neutral in all of your responses and very good at responding in general which gives us all more of a connection with you. Even this post is a testament to how personable you are and how easy it is to feel a connection with your work as a viewer. All in all, top quality stuff, I'm looking forward to seeing how your channel evolves in the future!