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Buying a new video card has been tough for quite a while now, but things are definitely getting better...and the introduction of a new competitor holds incredible promise not just for the market, but also consumers.




It looks like the Arc launch will be a bit rough for Intel. They've been dealing with a lot of serious driver issues that occasionally render display output completely useless. DX 11 support through a software compatibility layer can also hinder performance for some games, which means that certain older titles might perform worse than newer ones. At the same time, certain games see framerate uplifts by increasing resolution rather than the opposite. It's a weird mix of bad drivers, unintuitive performance metrics, and spotty support for games. There are good parts to this mix, like the resolution dynamic, but it still means that the uninformed consumer will have to consider more details with an Arc card than they would with another GPU. If anyone is interested in an Intel card, it's advisable to wait until the drivers improve. On launch day, customers of the Arc lineup will essentially be acting as an informal public beta, which is not ideal if you don't have time to troubleshoot issues with your system.