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There's been talk that education -- and learning in general -- isn't worth it unless it can translate the experience directly into a job or other moneymaking opportunity. And with so much information at our fingertips, it's a compelling argument. But is money really the ultimate goal of learning?




« Live like you will die tomorrow, learn like you will live forever »


Great episode! I find it really interesting how you have a journalism degree. I find that especially interesting because I never signed up for journalism yet my degree is going to be in journalism. My college happened to merge the technical communications department into the journalism department as it was struggling. What started as a video editing degree has evolved into a social documentary individualized degree. And that’s because I was opened up to story telling and investigative journalism. My point is that I’ve had brilliant instructors throughout the years in school and that my different instructors knowledge base has kept me expanding my own scope of skills. Now was it my intention to be in college for nine years, no it wasn’t, but it really helped me build something truly tailored to all my interests. What it really comes down too is that you can always learn something from someone. Is it always useful? Maybe not, but it didn’t hurt to find out.