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News has surfaced that not only is Apple's upcoming car project back in development, an unlikely existing automaker has been contracted to build it. But is buying a vehicle costing many tens of thousands of dollars, from a company known for its anti-repair practices, such a good idea?



Patrick Bianchi

When I first read of the potential Hyundai partnership, I was like "No way. Of ALL the automakers, that's who they picked!? It's gotta be fake news." But it seems not! A very surprising partnership, especially if Hyundai will be making the cars for them. One thing I thought of that I didn't hear you mention is that Hyundai has their Genesis line of luxury cars - not sure how good or bad they are as I've never even been in one. But I did have a 2014 Hyundai Elantra GT - it was a fine car, but in the end I found it to be completely underwhelming and traded it in. And I think that's what Hyundai has going for it - they wow you in the showroom (except with the current Sonata - WTF is that thing!?) and then the allure wears off. But the car is just affordable enough to keep you behind the wheel and potentionally coming back when it's time. But yeah, it will be interesting to see how this alleged partnership plays out. As for the rest of it - I think it's too early to tell, but I tend to agree with most of the points you made. I think if they resort to their repair practices of their electronics with the car, they're going to shut out a lot of people, at least here in the US. Cars are inherently different than phones and computers. It's a more personal experience - assuming that the Apple Car will be able to be driven manually - and I don't think you can lock it down as much as an iPhone, especially for car enthusiasts. So I think they have to be REALLY careful when they first launch. I'll be along for the ride watching but, like you, I can't justify current luxury car prices so there's no way I'd pay them for an Apple Car either.


I think Hyundai is a bit underrated around US. It is the third biggest manufacturer group in the world, after VW group and Toyota, and it’s been manufacturing fine and affordable electric cars under the Ioniq brand since 2016, which now is a separate company fully committed to its business goal of e-cars. Speaking about other group companies it also owns Genesis as its luxury brand. I kind of feel that Hyundai has been doing it’s homework really hard and very good, and while it’s been underestimated, what sold this (if it is finally real) is their latest turns in the overall strategy and R+D that is materialised in the Iconiq brand... that is, what is it about to be from now and for the next 5 years, and not how cool their vehicles have been in the past few years.