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We're so used to seeing the rapid evolution of technology -- it can seem that just as soon as something finally becomes an established standard, there's already a new version ready to take its place. But some parts of technology are just as relevant and well-used today as they were 20 or more years ago.



Asaf Sagi

I really like your podcasts, and I truly believe that they should be open to all your audience. I also liked this episode, and it got me thinking a lot about some formats. Even zip and rar files have endured to this day. The only place where we really see advancements almost every year are video formats. Everything else is just small enough to not matter having better compression.


I'm not even so sure video formats are advancing as rapidly. We have H.265 now and it's a solid improvement in terms of quality vs filesize, but I haven't seen a ton of momentum behind it. This might be partially due to how much more complex it is mathematically, and hardware-assisted encoding/decoding isn't as common yet, but it definitely seems like for now, H.264 is still vastly more popular. I wonder how long it'll be before that changes.