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Here's Sibi, drawn today for the YCH from Twitter~! I absolutely LOVE working wiht lingerie patterns and drawing lace by hand has to be one of the most relaxing things for me. No idea why, I used to hate it when I tried using textures before (like 2-3 years ago), but now I absolutely love it. It gives me so much freedom of shapes and patterns. Hope you also enjoy~

Also, hope you can consider all this art as a sort of... Compensation for being absent for a while soon :)

I suppose I could hold on to it and submit it next month, but frankly I prefer to post things for you as I complete them, so to make sure you see all my art fresh out of the oven~




I'm scaroused. She looks amazing


Everytime you draw my Sibi i really can't pick what is my favourite piece ç_ç but this one really gets really to fight in the podium for the best one yet.

