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Hey guys. Not so good news this time. I had a sore throat yesterday and today I am full on sick. The worst part is that on Saturday I went out for the first time in half a year or more and it turned out yesterday that one of the people I met tested covid positive. And I have the same symptoms she has, just two days later. I'm not sure if it's possible to develop this quickly I heard it has a two week incubation time. My husband will drive for a test later today. Too bad, it's his birthday today... And I am unable to live. I will be taking today off and probably till the rest of the week too. My husband has a sore throat today so it means he will be sick to morrow too. Then probably my mom and we will somehow have to juggle taking care of the toddler while we are all sick 😀 oh joy.

Anyway just letting you know on the situation. I'll post an update after I get tested. It would be quite ironic if I caught covid after going out once per half a year.

The good news is it's not covid! 👌 And the bad news is that I still feel awful and I keep feeling worse ever since I woke up. The back pain is making me unable to sit up, it's so severe. Thanks to nursing i can't take a lot of painkillers, so I took what I can and I will just bear through. It seems like it's regular flu, which is also not too nice to have.

Thanks for understanding and I am back to trying to find a comfortable position to lay in. I expect this might take me out for the rest of the week 😣



Oh noes! And hooray for no covid. Get well soon, take all the time you need to recover.

Chux Quest

Much love. Good luck


hope you feel better soon! everyone's trying to avoid sickness right now, take as much time as you need to recover <3

Juan Vera Ortiz

Try to get more energy, more for the special day. I have similar problems on Christmas, because I have 2 near family deaths in few day and I was very shocked, but I try to stay happy next days, try to stay happy too

Douglas Sblimbly

Get some good rest in and feel better soon!


Take the time you need to rest. Please be safe and careful and I hope you and your family get well soon.


Wish you a fast recovery, hope you get better soon!


Get well soon :'(