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Hey guys!
It’s Friday! That means it’s comic day! Hope you enjoy the newest page I prepared for you~

I'm not gonna lie, I am very proud of how this kissing sequence turned out :)
Spending more and more time on detailing the pages, but I think it's worth it! Hope you enjoy~

Also, I'm so sorry we can't have nice things :D But at least they are nicely drawn... I guess!

PS. Also submitting pages 1-40 in web resolution for anyone who has joined recently~! Will submit the entire chapter in HR once I finish it :)


❤ A special shoutout and a milion thanks to my editor, beta reader and lovely friend Aksan!

❤ A special thank you to my lovely husband for being my everyday support as well as to my special Patrons: Brushfire and his dear wife, Sage Catori, Huffzie and to all of you! Thank you for making this dream slowly but surely become reality :)

❤ Thank you ever so much, my lovely beta readers: Voidsung, Lyra and Xionix ~ for making sure my awkward writing is only as akward as the plot needs it to be!
I am truly blessed to have a lovely bunch of supporters who enjoy my art and make me want to keep going and improving.



Salem Nikolaevich Morozov

What, she's gonna puke cuz she's drunk AF? Lol, Guy's face in the last panel made me chuckle! (also, not related maybe, but every time Rei says fuck/fucking or so, ALWAYS comes in my mind the ''FOOKIN' LASEH SOIGHTS'' meme from Rainbow Six Siege XD)

Dr. Graphix

Ngl her saying fuck a lot reminds me of some shite vegan channels where they say fuck or shit every other sentence. Some people are built like that I guess

I Am Ra

It's a bit odd honestly. The word fucking doesn't really fit into the sentence like that. Do people actually talk like this?