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Hey guys!

Thank you so much for joining us, tonight there has been a larger surge in new Patrons and I want to express my deepest gratitude :)

I hope you'll enjoy what you find here. I create daily content, everyday (with weekends off for family time) I draw a sketch featuring my characters from the comic suggested by Patrons and I try to complete at least one refined artwork a week along with a comic page and other things! I try my best to keep being active and responsive, so whenever you have a question please don't hesitate to conntact me. You guys always have a prioty for me <3

With so many of us, we will soon hit the next goal where I will also introduce monthly Q&A sessions for the comic characters with sketch replies, so I am really looking forward to that! It will also guarantee 3 comic pages a month (although I am already trying my best to produce a page a week, but sometimes the additional work I need to do delays it).


I kindly invite all new Patrons (but also everyone who is here with us for a while already and still haven't done so!) to join our Discord server. We have a lot going on there, I am most active there so if you got any questions or want to chat - that's the place to reach me!

I also post snip-its and teasers of everything I work on throughout the week, on a daily basis. I avoid posting all these teasers to Patreon, as the Patreon feed is already pretty cluttered with my daily posts and I don't want to make it even more stuffed with wips.
I do post step by step images for all 15$+ Patrons after I've finished all artworks anyway, but the snip-its are available for all Patrons, so if you're curious as to how I work and want to see some early posts, please join us! :)

All you need to do is add your discord info to your Patron profile and you will be added automatically :)


Once again, a warm werlcome to everyone. Thank you for deciding to support me and helping me with living my dream as a fulltime artsit and support my family with my work. At this point I am at a loss of words. Your support has made my dream come true, but it also allows me to help my parents and made it possible for me to seek further improvement with completing online art courses...! I am SO greatful. Thank you <3



Thanks for all the lovely art Lana! You make every day brighter!