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Hey my dear Patrons

Thank you so so much for staying with me for yet another month and I warmly welcome all the new faces! I hope you enjoy my (daily!) content. The past months have become crazy productive and I hope I can keep this aura going!

This month has been patricularily busy and filled with art!

Your Patron packs have been sent to you, so check your DMs for the big fat May art packs! 

I kindly invite everyone to join our discord server where I share all the art I create and where we chat, comment and share ideas with each other! I also provide many spoilers and snip-its of my current works as well as spoilers and wips as I work on the latest comic pages! I don't upload this stuff on Patreon, becasue the Patreon feed is messy as it is and I don't want it additionally cluttered with sneak peeks.
To join us all you need to do is add your discord data to your Patreon and once you become a Patron you will be automatically added to the server!  

For all Patrons 15$+ I also offer regular sketch commissions on our channel (if you don’t have a Discord and want to grab a sketch commission, please DM me on Patreon!).  

Once again thank you a ton and I hope we can keep growing into an even bigger audience!  


What have I made on Patreon this month?

The list of art made this month is impressive! In this month's Patron packs you will find:
★ 11 artworks in high resolution
★ 25+ daily sketches
★ 2 comic pages in HD
★ 12 speedpaints along with process snip-its and psd files

If you decide to join my Patreon today, I will be resending the Patron packs to all new Patrons, so you don't get behind on content <3

What we achieved this month?

This month we made more art than any month before. I hope to keep at it and I am very hopeful to reach the next goal to add a Q&A session for my characters with sketch answers! Woo! 

We went well past 200 Patrons, so that’s another reason to celebrate!  Thank you so so much for your support. You’re giving me wings. I’m almost literally a winged red panda angel mom!  

Mama Lana  

IMPORTANT: If for whatever reason you have no received your Patron pack in the DM, please conntact me and we will fix it asap!



Grant Schultz

Thank you for another amazing month of beautiful art Lana!