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I decided to write a little something about my 'Bubblegum' comic, since it launched. First of all I want to thank all my Patrons for making it possible that I sit every week at leas a couple of hours and think it through, write the story and develop it. It would never be possible without you and I am blessed to have you here!
Secondly I want to thank my friends and everyone who put effort into helping me with this task!

I want to say and maybe warn(?) some of the viewers about it though. Also my Patrons, I am truly greatful for your help, but I am afraid for some reason that once I develop the sotry some of you will turn away or run. I'm not sure why I feel what could be compared to a stage fright. I sweat and stress about it not coming across right or proper.

It's mostly because I am no profressional comic artist, the plot I developed is not only a story I came up with - it's also my way of artistic relief of all the things I've been through and experienced in my life. Most of it is not literal, but each of the characters has a little bit of my soul in them. Both protagonists and anatgonists. Their problems are very close to my heart and that is most likely why I am scared to show this to the world really...

I am struggling and my friends and husband know this all too well. I really hope this story doesn't bother you in any sense or that you will not think badly of me. With it I just want to put a little more of me into my works, than I regularly do when creating single artworks.

I want to create something that will be both satysfying and damaging to the reader. I believe that by putting in my own heart and feelings in it, I will be able to also make my viewers feel genuine emotion while reading it. And I don't always want to make it positive.

Yes, it's also an erotic adult comic, there will be a lot fo sexual things going on. But that is just how life is and sex is - an important part of life. And along with the entrtainment it provides it can cause pain, love or hate. And I want everyone to know that what will be happening in the story will not always be something I have a 'kink' on or that I find attractive etc. Some of it will also be problematic, things I fear or have experienced and want o share in not a literal way. I want to make this clear, becasue some of the things that will go on may come across as distrubing. And I really don't want you guys to think badly of me or that I support something that is truly wrong to support.


In the long run I will also give a medal to the first person who works out what does the title truly mean and what it refers too :) As in really, I will probably make You a full artwork as a prize for that. And I can tell you - it's not that simple haha. But I will announce that officialy when it will be actually possible to do.



I cant speak for every patreon here but for me i am not supporting you because of the drawings or comic. I am supporting YOU. When i met you in person, i felt like you are a nice person to know and in case the comic turns out zo be not so great as anyone thinks, that doesnt change my view on you. I am glad i can call you a friend and i am happy to support you the best i can


I won't leave, and I hope it's the same for everyone else, I love your arts, and your artworks were amazing and full of life already, so if you put more of yourself in bebblegum, I just can't miss it :-D Do it for you, and if some patrons flee I'll kick their arses :-3 (Also, won't try for the title, I'm to bad at this kind of game X'D )


Even if I would fuckin love to have an art from you XD Struggling so much right now :-3

furlana (edited)

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2023-03-30 01:28:01 I really wish that after it all settles down a bit I will be able to get to drawing thank you sketches for people who I feel truly loved and supported by :) I think You definitely deserve a medal for your lovely input and active support! <3
2018-08-11 11:10:34 I really wish that after it all settles down a bit I will be able to get to drawing thank you sketches for people who I feel truly loved and supported by :) I think You definitely deserve a medal for your lovely input and active support! <3

I really wish that after it all settles down a bit I will be able to get to drawing thank you sketches for people who I feel truly loved and supported by :) I think You definitely deserve a medal for your lovely input and active support! <3


Thank You so much, this is REALLY reassuring! I needed to hear something like this, becasue as I said I am very insecure about this. If I wanted to create a popular comic, i would just go on and draw a regular porn comic with no real feelings. But I don't want to do that. I want to share my story and feelings throuhg it. And as I think You can easily relate to (as anyone) it always feels threatening to expose Yourself in front of an audience. I will literally feel like I entered the stage with a huge crowd and just take my clothes off! :O


Thanks so much, love! You're truly great support and I'm just so lucky to have You ;w; I really hope this will not backfire and that this is a good idea :D But I wouldn't feel right if I just created something for people to fap to or... You know. I hate shallow comics :C

ZePompom (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 01:28:01 Awww, no I don't deserve a medal since you deserve the support &lt;3 And I understand perfectly for the audiance "judgment" as I'm super shy in real life :-3 I'm sure you have very interesting things to say with this comic, and if it makes you feel better to open up about it you must definitely do it, for yourself &lt;3
2018-08-11 11:22:08 Awww, no I don't deserve a medal since you deserve the support <3 And I understand perfectly for the audiance "judgment" as I'm super shy in real life :-3 I'm sure you have very interesting things to say with this comic, and if it makes you feel better to open up about it you must definitely do it, for yourself <3

Awww, no I don't deserve a medal since you deserve the support <3 And I understand perfectly for the audiance "judgment" as I'm super shy in real life :-3 I'm sure you have very interesting things to say with this comic, and if it makes you feel better to open up about it you must definitely do it, for yourself <3

Varro Tahar

You are the reason why I made a Patreon account, so it is not gonna happen that I will go :D And now I wait in suspense for what you have in mind and I'm sure its gonna be great :)