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(Early access) A badge I made becasue I felt but for slightyl screwing up a sketch commission on Eurofurence. Can You believe... For one - I drew it OVER the back of my NSFW print. Second thing it I messed some details up and the poor guy received it after I already left the convention, so I felt super bad and made him a badge to make it a bit better ;w;/ 

The sketch, lines and web resolution images are inside as well as the finished web resolution art!  



Aomori (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 08:04:36 I think such things happen to all of us artist out there (at least to me for sure sometimes I feel I am the most chaotic person ever ;_:) , but it is really sweet that you made this art as a compensation for the inconveniences. Beautiful as always <3
2017-09-04 07:52:46 I think such things happen to all of us artist out there (at least to me for sure sometimes I feel I am the most chaotic person ever ;_:) , but it is really sweet that you made this art as a compensation for the inconveniences. Beautiful as always <3

I think such things happen to all of us artist out there (at least to me for sure sometimes I feel I am the most chaotic person ever ;_:) , but it is really sweet that you made this art as a compensation for the inconveniences. Beautiful as always <3