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"So I'm sure you two overheard at least some of what was going on in the kitchen?" I asked quietly as I joined Lia and Soneya in the living-room.

They were both sitting on opposite ends of the sofa, our small sister was watching cartoons on TV while the wolfgirl had her phone in hand. I figured she was probably checking social media again, or looking at US news sites.

Soneya replied with a shrug, "We tried not to listen in, but yeah. We heard a few things."

"Enough to know what Gaia really meant when she said your friend wouldn't be hurt by the water," she added.

"Right," I grimaced slightly.

The wolfgirl asked, "So how's he doing? Or are there different pronouns we should be using now?"

I shook my head, "I'll leave those sorts of announcements to my friend. Who is currently in the washroom, getting familiar with the mirror in there."

"Fair enough," Soneya nodded. "I'm going to have a bunch more questions for Gaia though, next time we see her."

She sounded a little uptight as she continued, "Like did she plan this? Did she do this on purpose? Why wouldn't she warn the poor guy what to expect? Or if not him she could have said something to us, then you could have warned him. For that matter she could have warned us last week that the water might do this sort of thing, back when she was talking about maybe pouring it into the lake."

Those were all very good points, and I was about to say so when I heard the bathroom door open behind me. Then a quiet voice asked, "Tori?"

I excused myself as I turned and headed to the washroom, where the door was only open a few centimetres. I asked, "How are you doing? Is everything ok?"

"I guess so," my friend mumbled from behind the door. "It's a bit overwhelming though? And um, I really don't know what I'm going to do about clothes."

I sighed, "Yeah, we all had that problem. Maybe I can help you do some clothes shopping tomorrow? I know all the best places to get deals around here. Anyways are you uh, decent in there right now? Are you ready to come out?"

The reply came after a long pause, "I suppose so. I guess it's time for new introductions and stuff? I remember when you did that with me and Curtis back on Canada Day. You're a lot more brave than I realized, Tori."

"I don't know about that," I grimaced. "Anyways I'm here for you, and I promise neither Soneya or Lia will have any problems with you."

"So I guess you've made some decisions, about names and pronouns?" I asked a moment later.

There was another long pause, then the bathroom door swung the rest of the way open to reveal my small friend standing just inside. The little bunnykin had nothing on but the t-shirt they wore earlier, except now it was more like a short loose dress on them.

"I think I'd like to be called Robyn from now on. And um, I think I'd like to try she-her pronouns now too?" she told me in a soft timid voice. 

I gave her a compassionate smile as I replied, "Of course Robyn. That's a beautiful name. And you look absolutely adorable."

She blushed and smiled at the same time, while her long furry ears stood up tall and proud above her head. 

Those ears were at least thirty centimetres long, coated in a thin fine layer of reddish-grey fur. Her hair was the same colour, and hung down straight a dozen centimetres past her narrow shoulders. Her figure was undeniably feminine, even in the loose t-shirt her chest and hips stuck out rather prominently. Her behind was even more obvious, since the hem of her shirt was caught up on her cute little reddish-grey fluffy tail. 

I'd guess she was no more than a hundred and thirty centimetres tall now, not including the ears. That was literally half a meter shorter than she'd been when she visited earlier this evening. I thought Lia and I were petite, but Robyn was even smaller than that. And I knew it was going to take her a while to get used to that adjustment, on top of all the other things that had changed about her.

"Want to go meet the others now?" I asked after a second or two.

"Ok," she sighed. "I guess there's no point putting it off any longer."

My friend followed me the few steps back to the living-room, then she stood near my side as I began the re-introductions. 

"Soneya, Lia, this is -"

"Bunny!" our small sister exclaimed, with exactly the same tone and enthusiasm she used whenever she was excited about food. Her ears were pointing forward at the little bunnygirl, while her tail stood straight up behind her. And her wide eyes and even wider smile just made her look hungry.

"Eep!" Robyn yelped as she ducked behind me and hid her face in my own floofy tail.

It was hard not to smile at Lia's and Robyn's reactions, but I forced myself to keep a straight face. I told our small sister, "Please calm down Lia? This is my friend, not food. Please don't eat the small bunnygirl."

Robyn eeped again behind me and added, "No eating the bunny! I'm not food!"

"I wasn't going to eat her," Lia pouted as she slumped back onto the sofa again. "Maybe just a little nibble, that's all."

After that it took me another half minute to coax Robyn back out from behind me so the others could see her. Then I was able to resume the introductions.

"This is Robyn," I told the others. "Her pronouns are she-her."

Lia continued to look a bit hungry as she stared at the little bunnykin, while Soneya was a lot more chill about the situation. 

The wolfgirl greeted her with a friendly smile, "Hello Robyn, nice to meet you again. I'm guessing you're going through some big personal revelations right now?"

"Hello again," the bunnygirl replied quietly as she stood next to me. "And yeah. The last hour has been a very wild ride, and something tells me it's not over yet."

Soneya gave her a sad smile, "I know what you mean. I get the feeling we might have that in common? I wasn't like Tori, I didn't know ahead of time that I was really a girl."

"Oh wow," Robyn's eyes widened. Then her cheeks coloured as she admitted, "I kind of suspected. For me, I mean? Ever since Tori came out to me and Curtis back at the start of July, there's been a bunch of nagging thoughts and questions lurking around the back of my head."

She ended up sitting down, so I did as well. I joined the other two on the sofa, with Lia on my right and Soneya on my left, while Robyn sat by herself on the little mismatched love-seat.

"Like I told Tori last week," she continued, "There was a lot about her situation that made me feel weird and confused. And it was easier to listen to Curtis and his BS than examine why I felt strange thinking about Tori becoming a woman."

Robyn grimaced, "I guess on some level I was jealous? Almost like I thought she was lucky for being trans, since it meant she got to be a cute girl..."

Both Soneya and I were trying to suppress some smiles at that point, but me and the wolfgirl managed to stay quiet. For now.

"Anyways then today happened," the bunnygirl said as she shook her head. "Suddenly I was short and had fuzzy ears and my body was changing and I was scared and confused. I came right back here and talked to Tori, and she explained what was happening. And uh..."

Her voice trailed off as she blushed. She was a lot quieter as she continued, "Starting to grow hips and boobs kind of forced the issue. Along with losing all my body hair, and half a meter in height. I couldn't exactly ignore those thoughts and ideas and all that other stuff any more. So Tori gave me a couple more glasses of that water. And poof, now I'm a bunnygirl..."

After the small bun finished talking Soneya just nodded, "That sounds about right. Things weren't exactly the same for me, but close enough. Including Tori sitting me down and giving me a talk, explaining how it was ok to just be a girl if that's what I wanted."

"Apparently that's what I'd been waiting for?" the wolfgirl added with a slight blush. "I never knew it was ok to just be a girl, nobody ever told me that before."

At that point I couldn't help asking my little bunny friend, "So did you just think up that new name on the spot? Or did you actually have it in mind already?"

Robyn blushed as she admitted, "There's a few girl-names I've always liked. And I might have been thinking about them a lot over the last few months. So after all this stuff happened I knew right away I'd either be Robyn or Ellie, and... Well, that's going to be my new middle name. I'm Robyn Ellie McGee."

"Nice," I smiled. 

Then I let the others know, "I've offered to go shopping tomorrow with Robyn, to help her get some new clothes. Obviously she's got the same problem now that the rest of us had after we changed."

Soneya sighed, "I don't know if that's safe Tori. And I don't like splitting up the pack, I don't like the idea of you going out on your own. Maybe she can just order some clothes online?"

"She needs to try stuff on," I pointed out. "I'll dig out my tape-measure first, to work out her sizes before we go so we'll have a good idea where to start. Anyways I was going to suggest we go to the thrift stores around here, and they don't do delivery."

The wolfgirl responded, "She can't go shopping dressed like that, so she's going to have to order something in regardless."

"Maybe we can loan her something for tomorrow," I suggested. "Like one of Lia's hoodies and a pair of shorts maybe? Even if it's too big at least it'll be good enough to get her into a store."

"Actually now that I think of it," Soneya said as a thoughtful look looked suddenly settled on her face, "I wonder if Lia could actually fix Robyn's clothes with magic?"

Before I could comment the wolfgirl elaborated, "She used her magic to change our ID cards, so maybe she can use that same magic to resize clothes? It'd certainly be a lot more convenient than messing around with borrowed clothes that don't fit anyways, or ordering stuff online and hoping for the best."

"Not to mention, Gaia did tell us all to keep practicing with our magic and to test our limits," she added.

That put a thoughtful frown on my face as well, "Huh. I never thought of that, but it's an interesting idea. It might be a stretch though? It seems like resizing an entire outfit would be a lot more difficult than just making some small changes to a little plastic card."

Both Lia and Robyn had been quiet for the last few minutes while Soneya and I were talking. Our small sister was watching her cartoons again, while my friend had a sort of distant look on her face as she stared down at the floor.

"What do you think Robyn?" I asked her. "I could help you do some clothes shopping tomorrow if you like, we can hit up some thrift stores or the discount mart? Or do you want to try ordering clothes online first?"

She didn't respond right away, she didn't even look up at me yet. She kept staring at the floor, as a worried look settled on her features.

"I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow," she said quietly. "But they won't even recognize me. Neither will my family. Nobody's going to know me, no-one will believe who I am. What am I going to do? What do I do about work? What do I tell my folks?"

I got up and moved to sit beside her so I could try and comfort her as I responded, "Just relax ok? Don't panic, and don't worry. The rest of us have already been though this, we can help you out."

"Work is the easiest to fix in the short term," I continued. "Text or email right now, let them know you're sick and won't be in for the rest of the week. That'll buy you some time so you can focus on other things."

Robyn looked up at me with big nervous eyes, while her long fuzzy ears drooped down on either side of her head. It made her look really small and vulnerable, but at the same time she was more adorable than ever. I was sorely tempted to pull her onto my lap so I could give her a proper hug, but I settled for just wrapping an arm around her in a friendly platonic hug.

"What about my family?" she asked nervously. "They're not going to believe who I am, they'll think I'm just some stranger..."

Soneya responded in a quiet and sympathetic voice, "I went through the same thing Robyn, it's not impossible. I managed to convince my folks who I am, I'm sure you can too."

"And I convinced my folks who I am as well," I added. "The trick is to ease them into it, one shock at a time. Start with an email, explain that you're trans and you're changing your name, using new pronouns. Don't mention magic right away, or the instant transition. And don't tell them about the bunny ears either."

The wolfgirl continued, "They'll probably want to talk to you, on the phone or in person. Put them off at first. Get a feel for how they're handling things. Then you can test the water with the other things. The magic transition, the ears, that sort of thing. Maybe send them a selfie or something, when they're ready for it."

"All right," the small bun said with a nervous sigh and a worried look. "I think I left my phone in the bathroom with the rest of my clothes. I'll let work know I'm off sick, then email my folks. And uh, I guess we'll see what happens from there?"

I gave her a supportive smile, "It'll be ok Robyn. I promise."

*** This chapter is brought to you courtesy of Jess who commissioned it! ***



Lia continues to be one of my favorite characters. Seeing her adapt to this newfound humanity.


Adapting to this new found humanity: she's not all there yet, but that's what makes it fun


I don’t know what’s more adorable between Lia’s reaction to Robyn and Robyn’s reaction to Lia. Robyn is friend, not food! I am so glad whenever this story pops up again. It’s still my favorite of your ongoing ones.