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Case No.: 11072CA
Case Status: Unresolved
Lead Agent: Sinclair, Alison
Updated: 12 September 2022, 04.32 UTC
Reporting Agent: Sinclair, Alison (Field Operative)

As of 10 September 2022 subjects have set up protective and anti-scrying wards covering their primary residence and yard. And as of 11 September 2022 subjects have eliminated all electronic surveillance devices already installed on the property. 

As previously reported subjects are aware of ongoing council scrutiny, in this agent's opinion it was only a matter of time before they started taking countermeasures. (Personally I'm surprised it took them this long.)

Prior to the destruction of surveillance devices, subjects were overheard discussing the Hockley Cave once again (see case # 1898-CA-23). I suspect the cave has been active since Vargas lured them all out there back in the winter. Yet another one of his many mistakes, in my opinion. It is not known at this time if the subjects are planning another visit to the cave. 

Going forward, the only opportunity to observe the subjects will be when they leave their primary residence, which will likely mean infiltrating the local college and high school.

The following subjects are no longer of interest and have been removed from active observation:

11072CA.14 Tremblay, Brooke (DoB 2002-10-16): minimal contact with other subjects since 9 July 2022, appears inactive, no recent supernatural activity.

11072CA.15 Doubek, Paige (DoB 2003-05-17): minimal contact with other subjects since 9 July 2022, appears inactive, as of 27 August 2022 has moved to London Ontario, no recent supernatural activity.

The following persons are potential new subjects of interest and are now under active observation:

11072CA.26 Andersen, Violet (DoB tbd): next-door neighbour, has been observed interacting with other subjects; believed to be part plant-nymph, possible connection to Goddess Artemis. Subject has access to magic. Threat level low.

11072CA.27 Lawson, Sage (DoB tbd): housemate / parter with subject 11072CA.26, has been observed socializing with other subjects; demi-human (cat-kin). No observed access to magic. Threat level very low.

11072CA.28 Weber, Jade (DoB tbd): housemate / parter with subject 11072CA.26, has been observed socializing with other subjects. No observed access to magic. Threat level very low.

Status updates for current subjects of interest:

11072CA.16 Holt, Kaylee (DoB 2003-04-24): Subject has become demi-human (kitsune), possible demonic possession or corruption. Advanced magical talent observed. Threat level high.

11072CA.17 Ainsley, Cerys (DoB 2004-08-05): Subject is confirmed werewolf and witch. Threat level moderate.

11072CA.19 Caetano, Melanie (DoB 2004-04-14): Subject is confirmed werewolf and witch. Threat level moderate.

11072CA.20 Underwood, Nina (DoB 2005-07-09 [flagged - likely incorrect]): Subject believed to be demonic. Advanced magical talent observed. Threat level high.

11072CA.22 Underwood, Tanya (DoB 1979-11-27 [flagged - likely incorrect]): Subject may be angelic in nature. Threat level moderate.

11072CA.23 Underwood, Julie (DoB 1979-02-24 [flagged - likely incorrect]): Subject may be angelic in nature. Threat level moderate.

11072CA.24 Pearce, Willow (DoB 2004-09-13): Sorceress confirmed. Threat level high.

11072CA.25 Blakeley, Sasha (DoB 2003-02-02): Possible demonic corruption or possession. Threat level moderate.

Subjects of special interest:

11072CA.01 Hawthorne, May (DoB 1992-10-31 [flagged - certainly incorrect]): As noted in prior reports subject 1 has returned from her sabbatical and resumed teaching. She has had minimal contact with the other subjects and is likely no longer involved with them in any meaningful way, apart from her cover as a high school English teacher.

WARNING: Subject 1 is not a rogue witch as previously suspected. According to intercepted communications, May Hawthorne is a goddess [of Magic and Witchcraft]. I suggest exercising extreme caution regarding any observation of subject 1. Threat level *Extreme*.

11072CA.18 Underwood, Cassandra (DoB 2003-08-28 [flagged - possibly incorrect]): We were wrong. My earlier assessment was wrong. After nearly two months of observation I am now convinced that agent Sutton's evaluation was correct. I don't know how or when it happened, but Cassandra has ascended. There is no doubt in my mind that this girl is a goddess. 

She has advanced magical talent. She uses 'Kid Chaos' as an epithet, she is the source of the enchanted plush toys (see case # 21109CA). I have observed her socializing with another goddess (Amethyst, see case # 22151CA). She is aware we are still monitoring her and her friends despite her earlier warning. She erased Vargas and his team, and I believe she is capable of doing the same to the entire council. The only reason she hasn't already done so is she thinks it would be a waste of her time. Threat level *Beyond Extreme*.

I strongly suggest we close this case immediately and cease all Council activity in this area. 


Personal Addendum: Arlene I know you're reading these reports. Grace Sutton was right. Forget about the witchcraft and sorcery and look at the bigger picture. These girls have been around for years without any public incidents. They've been putting themselves in harms way for the public good, and they've been working hard to keep things quiet. They were never your enemies, until that idiot Vargas came over here and attacked them. 

You know me well enough that I'm not prone to exaggeration or hyperbole, so please believe me when I say if we keep kicking this hornets nest we're all going to get stung. I thought the council's policy on gods was to leave them alone? Well there's three of them right here: Cassandra, May, & Amethyst. So please just close this case. And leave me alone. I never wanted any part of this and I'm none too happy you dragged me back into it now. And know that if anything happens to Laura I will hold you personally responsible.


Eiren Rain

I hope she ends well ❤️‍🩹


Ohhh Allison is pissed. Excellent. :3