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"What do you mean missing?!" Avery demanded quietly as she stood in front of me with her hands on her hips and glared. "How can she be missing? I thought the whole point of bringing her to college was because the two of you were bound together and you couldn't be separated?!"

I shrugged and grimaced, "That's what Jinx said, but we never actually tested it. We figured it was safest not to push our luck, remember?"

Tabby glanced around the hallway and asked, "When did you see her last? What did she say? Did she say anything about wanting to go somewhere, or do something?"

"Not really?" I replied as I shook my head. "She was here before I went into my last class, I thought she'd just wait in the hall again like before? But when the class was over and I came out she was gone."

I added, "I don't remember her talking about wanting to do anything or go anywhere? She just complained that she was bored again."

My sister sighed and shook her head, "We have to find her. How far could she have gotten? She doesn't have a phone or any money, she doesn't know much about modern society right? On the other hand she's a half-demon with magical curse powers and a venomous tail... This is really bad."

"First off let's check the halls and rooms in this building?" Tabby suggested. "We still don't know how far she can stray right, because of the bond with Cheryl? So there's a good chance she's still around here somewhere."

"Right," Avery agreed. "Let's split up. Call or text if you find her, then we'll all meet back at the front door."

My sister and best friend each went in different directions, but there wasn't actually that much searching to be done. Like there were only so many hallways, and most of the classrooms were locked since it was the end of the day. The halls were emptying out too as everyone was eager to head home. Mostly there was just a few profs and TAs in their offices, and a handful of students hanging around here and there.

I checked what I could, including hallways and a couple stairwells, but there was no sign of the small half-demon anywhere. And after a couple minutes I ended up at the front doors where Avery and Tabby were already waiting.

My best friend suggested, "Maybe she got hungry? We could go check the cafeteria?"

"As much as I hate to do this we should probably check with campus security too," my sister sighed. "If Jinx got into any sort of trouble she might have been picked up by security. Or someone might have escorted her off the grounds once they figured out she's not a student."

The cafeteria and security office were both in the main building, so the three of us headed over there. It wasn't that far from the one where my classes were, but it still left us wondering how far Jinx could get from me. Or maybe that thing about us being bound and her having to stay close was wrong after all. It was also possible that something about that changed when she got her original body back and stopped being a book.

Either way I was worried about her, while Avery was worried about how much trouble the three of us could get into because of her.

Unfortunately there was no sign of her in the cafeteria, and nobody working there had seen a very small raven-haired girl. We struck out with campus security too, they didn't have her and nobody reported seeing her or anything like that.

"What do we do?" I asked after we left the security office. The three of us were standing in the main entry foyer of the main building, with no sign of Jinx and no clues of where to look. 

I couldn't help feeling anxious and worried as I added, "She's out there somewhere lost and alone, with no money and no phone. She probably has no idea where she is or how to find her way back to us."

Avery sighed and shook her head, "I don't know sis. I don't know what to do."

"Maybe we should head over to the car?" Tabby suggested. "She knows where we parked, she might just be waiting for us there? Like if she got bored or if someone kicked her out of the building."

"Right," my sister nodded and we all set off for the parking lot. "We should have looked there first. Has she ever even been to the cafeteria here? We should be checking places she's familiar with."

I grimaced, "The only other place around here she knows about is the cafe where your angel girlfriend works."

Instead of responding Avery just groaned quietly as we hurried back to where we parked the car this morning. Unfortunately even as we were approaching it we could tell there was no sign of Jinx. She wasn't standing next to it or sitting ontop of it, and it was locked so she couldn't get inside it.

"Damn," I frowned as we got there and confirmed my little demon friend wasn't around. "Now what do we do?"

"I don't know Cheryl," Avery sighed. "We can't go to the police, we have no way of telling them who she is. We don't even have a last name for her."

I felt a lurch in my stomach as I got more worried, and soon I was pacing back and forth next to the car. "Maybe we should go check the cafe then? Or one of you go check the cafe while I stay here in case she turns up?"

"We should have got her a phone last night," I added with a deep sigh. "I know we couldn't afford it but at least if she had a phone we could call or text, or use it to track her or something."

Tabby gave me a hug as she said, "It'll be ok Cheryl. We'll find her, I'm sure of it. Don't get too upset all right?"

"I sure hope you're right Tabs," I mumbled as I hugged her back.

After a couple seconds she let go then volunteered, "I'll go check the cafe, if you want to stay here with the car and keep an eye out for her?"

We all turned to look towards the street in the direction of the coffee place. And that's when all three of us finally spotted her.

"Oh no," Avery groaned.

Jinx was being marched towards us by the maybe-angel goth barista, who appeared to have a firm grip on the small half-demon's hoodie. It almost looked like she was holding her by the scruff of her neck. And the barista didn't look all that happy, while Jinx was pouting and her shoulders were slumped. And her tail was out and visible, swishing back and forth behind her.

The goth marched our missing friend right up to where the three of us were standing then in a firm tone she asked, "I believe this belongs to one of you?"

"She's mine," I responded with a grimace. "Or um, I mean, she's with me?"

Tabby asked, "What did she do?"

Avery added, "I hope she didn't cause too much trouble?"

"She ordered a drink but didn't have any money," the barista responded in the sort of level voice you use when you're angry but trying not to show it. "Then she asked for my name and phone number, and claimed it was for a friend who she described as being 'very into me'."

By that point both me and my sister were cringing, but the goth wasn't finished yet.

She continued in that same tone, "When that didn't work she introduced herself as Jinx and explained that she was a cambion who'd spent some time transformed into a magical tome full of curses. Then she asked if I knew the goddess attending college here, and if I knew what sort of classes they taught specializing in divinity. And if they taught any demonic studies at this school."

"I should also mention," the goth added, "This entire conversation took place in front of other customers, my coworkers, and my manager."

Avery facepalmed and sighed, "I'm so sorry. I hope she didn't get you in any trouble?"

"That's Avery," Jinx added in a cheerful tone as she smiled up at the unhappy barista who was still holding her by the scruff of her hoodie. "She's the one who's crushing on you."

"Jinx!" my sister's cheeks were bright red as she glared at the small half-demon. "You're not helping!"

Our small friend protested, "Sure I am! I haven't got her phone number yet, but her name's definitely Raven. I saw it on her name tag."

"And I'm pretty sure she's really an angel too," she added. "Or at least she's familiar with supernatural stuff. Like she's not freaking out about my horns or my tail? Or the fact that I'm a cambion."

That actually gave me something else to worry about. I was still cringing as I asked Raven, "You're not going to kill her or anything are you? I mean because she's part demon? Aren't angels and demons like mortal enemies or something?"

The goth sighed and rolled her eyes, "That's a common misconception, perpetuated by media and popular culture. Angels and demons aren't mortal enemies, we typically have very little to do with each other. That goes double for cambions. Demons are more likely to fight amongst themselves, and their offspring frequently get caught up in that sort of conflict."

"So you really are an angel then?" Tabby asked quietly. "You just said 'we' when you were talking about angels and demons."

Raven sighed again before responding, "Yes. I'd prefer to keep that under wraps though, if you don't mind."

My heart was racing and I couldn't help feeling excited knowing I was actually meeting a real live angel. And that meant the silver-haired girl we spotted earlier... 

I blurted out, "Is the silver-haired girl really a goddess? What's her name? Why's she going to college here?"

"More importantly," Tabby added, "Can she maybe help some friends of mine? We read a post online about her helping some trans folks? I know a couple trans people here who could use some magical assistance."

Raven took a deep breath then let out a long slow sigh. She was still holding Jinx by the hoodie, but sort of thrust the little half-demon out towards me and stated, "Please take this off my hands. If she belongs to you then I suggest you keep better track of her."

Then she looked at Tabby and replied, "Yes, my Goddess might be able to help. She is a patron of trans, gay, and queer folk such as yourself and your friends. However I strongly suggest none of you approach Her in person. Rather, your best bet is to pray to Her. If you've read about Her online then you already know Her name. Pray to Her using that name. She's been good about actually answering those prayers, so you and your friends may well be rewarded."

"Can I pray to her too?" Jinx asked. "I'm not trans but I can definitely be gay if that'll help? Maybe me and Cheryl and Tabby can get a little gay polycule going or something."

Raven stared at my small friend for a second or two before she sighed once more, "Yes you may pray to my Goddess. I don't know that She will respond to a cambion, but you can certainly try."

Avery frowned at Jinx, "What in the world do you want to pray for?"

"Maybe she can free me so I don't have to do lots of curses," the small demon replied with a shrug. "It's pretty obvious I can't rely on you people to do it, it's been days since anyone cast a single harmless curse. I may as well ask for divine help right?"

Then she smirked and added, "Or if she can't free me, maybe I can pray to her to get you all to start cursing again. One way or another we'll figure out a way to get me free!"

"Sorry Jinx," I said as I pulled her into a hug. "We're not trying to ignore you and I want you freed as well, but it's only been two days and we've had a lot going on."

"If that's everything I'd better get back to work," Raven stated. She gave me and Jinx a hard look as she added, "Do try and keep an eye on your property. Especially when it's as troublesome as she is."

"Sorry," I grimaced. "Thank you for bringing her back to us. I was really really worried about her."

That made Jinx smile, "Aww! Did you miss me Cheryl?"

"I did," I pouted. "I was scared something happened to you."

Meanwhile Avery apologized again to the goth barista, "I'm sorry for the trouble she's caused you. I hope she didn't get you in hot water with your manager?"

"It's fine. I really have to get back to work though," Raven replied as she turned to head away.

Before she could go Jinx called, "No wait! Raven, Avery, at least exchange phone numbers? C'mon angel, she's obviously into you!"

From the look on my sister's face she was probably on the verge of dying of embarrassment, while the goth angel just looked kind of awkward.

"Sorry," Raven stated as she looked to Avery. "I don't socialize with humans. It's nothing personal."

My sister suppressed a sigh as she nodded, "Yeah of course. I understand."

"Oh come on!" Jinx spoke up again. "At least let her take you out on a pity date? Let her buy you dinner to apologize for all the trouble I've caused?"

By that point it looked like Avery was torn between dying of embarrassment or strangling the small half-demon. Or maybe both, she could probably do one then the other.

"Sorry Raven," Tabby apologized on behalf of the rest of us. "Thanks again for finding our lost friend, and thanks for telling us about praying to your Goddess. And sorry for literally everything else that's happened this afternoon."

The angel just nodded but turned and headed back towards the cafe without another word.

"In the car," Avery stated a moment later. "Just get in the car, we're going straight home."

Jinx pouted, "Aww! But I never even got my dragonberry drink thing. Can't we stop by the cafe first?"

The look my sister gave her at that point was almost deadly. It was actually scary enough that the little demon finally went quiet. In fact all four of us were quiet as we got into the car and set out for home. 

The awkward silence lasted until we were about halfway there, when Tabby finally spoke up. "So we actually learned some important stuff today, right? Like it seems that Jinx isn't so tightly bound to Cheryl that the two of them have to stay that close together. Maybe we don't have to bring her to college after all."

"Good," Avery stated. "Tomorrow we can tie her up and leave her in a closet so she won't get in any trouble while we're out."

That made me cringe, but I kept quiet. I was positive my sister wouldn't really do that, but I knew she was still pretty upset and didn't want to risk getting her any angrier.

Tabby didn't comment on that either. Instead she continued, "We also confirmed that there really is a local goddess attending the same college as us. And we found out she answers prayers, and she supports trans and gay people, so she might actually answer our prayers if we reach out to her."

"I'm going to text my friends and let them know about that," she added. "And maybe I'll try praying to her myself as well."

I nodded, "Me too. I'm going to ask her to help free Jinx, so she gets all her memories back and everything. And so she isn't bound to me and she's not stuck with all those curses in her head anymore."

"Aww," my little demon friend smiled at me. "Thanks Cheryl!"


Yet Another Martin

A pity that Raven "doesn't socialize with humans". Avery and her would have made such an absolutely-not-cute-at-all couple. You wouldn't know who's the bigger stick in the mud. ;-)

Cassidy Marble

oh goddess, please stop talking, Jinx 😖 poor Avery. the second hand embarrassment was palpable.


Raven didn't exactly seem that comfortable hanging out with humans in Aka Amy ch.63, which would have taken place only a few weeks before this chapter. maybe she'll loosen up eventually tho~


No, no, keep talking, Jinx! Just a little more and Avery and Raven might get together just to make her stop.


And ironically, Raven's Divine Master wants to interact socially with her as a human would. It must be awkward