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This has come up more often than we can count over the last while, so we've decided to go ahead and compile this shared-universe timeline. It covers the Mara saga, Aka Amy, Club Luna, a couple related short stories, and all the capsule plushie stories. 

Obviously this doesn't detail every chapter or event, if it did this would be hundreds of lines long! Instead it just indicates the beginning and end of each book, plus any big gaps / timeskips. For the 3-chapter plushie stories I've only included the date of the first chapter, since most of them only spanned a single day, or a weekend at most.

As you can see, Club Luna still has a few months to go yet before it catches up to Aka Amy. And Amy's two years behind the end of Mara / Missed Connections. So we probably aren't going to get any Mara - Cass - Amy meetings for a while yet, but the plan is for Club Luna to catch up with Amy by the end of Luna book 3.

Finally, please note this timeline may contain meta spoilers if you haven't read all the related material. 

2019 Jun 08 - Mara-1 Start
2019 Oct 10 - Mara-1 End
2019 Oct 26 - Mara-2 Start
2019 Dec 25 - Mara-2 End
2019 Dec 25 - Mara-3 Start

2020 Feb 22 - Mara-3 End
2020 Feb 24 - Mara-4 Start
2020 May 03 - Mara-4 End
2020 May 18 - Missed Connections Start
2020 May 21 - Mara-5 Start
2020 Jun 16 - Family Secrets Start
2020 Jul 15 - Missed Connections ch.24
2020 Jul 26 - Mara-5 End
2020 Aug 01 - Mara-6 Start
2020 Sep 27 - Family Secrets End
2020 Oct 30 - Luna-1 Start

2021 May 28 - Bnuuy!
2021 May 30 - Moo?
2021 May 31 - Floof
2021 Jun 06 - Meow!
2021 Jun 08 - Mara-6 ch.36
2021 Jun 11 - Cute
2021 Jun 23 - Luna-1 End
2021 Jul 23 - Luna-2 Start
2021 Jul 23 - Amy-1 Start
2021 Jul 23 - Kon-Kon
2021 Aug 21 - Amy-1 End
2021 Dec 31 - Luna-2 End

2022 Jan 01 - Luna-3 Start
2022 Jan 10 - Luna-3 Chapter 89
2022 Mar 17 - Amy-2 Start
2022 May 08 - Amy-2 End
2022 May 13 - Amy-3 Start
2022 May 14 - Nuts!
2022 Jun 12 - Planting Violets Start
2022 Jun 13 - Squeak
2022 Jul 01 - Planting Violets End
2022 Jul 23 - Amy-3 End

** 2 year gap **

2024 Jun 14 - Mara Epilogues
2024 Jun 21 - Mara Extras Start
2024 Jul 25 - Missed Connections ch.25
2024 Aug 20 - Missed Connections End
2024 Sep 14 - Mara Extras End


FYI the next new story will begin posting on Tuesday. Until then Club Luna will continue posting every other day, and we'll have a few more little treats for you all on Friday and Sunday.



Aww, does this mean Lily won't be apologizing to Nina any time soon?


"no promises" (seriously tho, it's mostly the main characters who can't meet until the timelines converge. as we've already seen, crossovers can still happen. it just has to happen in such a way that doesn't contradict anything already established in the narrative. so technically yes, Lily & Nina could meet before then. especially since it's the sort of thing Lily would keep to herself, since we all know how Mara & Mira would get if they found out.)


You mean they would scold her like a child and not get off her back until she delivers a sincere apology to Nina, complete with gift basket?


yes ^^ but only after they pestered her relentlessly until she told them the full story. then after the apology gift basket Mara would start coming up with ways to try and get Nina to join the LDP. and Mira would have to remind her other half over and over that not all demons are sex demons, and the whole thing would end up being kind of awkward. then maybe Melissa would have to sit Mara down & give her a talk. meanwhile Amber & Nina would totally hit it off because smol shy demon & smol blushy succubus both love cute cuddly puppers & kitties.


I’m going to be disappointed if we never see these interactions play out. Unless of course you have something even better planned.