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"Ok please listen carefully," Robyn said as she stood next to the bed. "The plushies seem to work off a sort of magic word? One of the last things you said before you transformed will be the trigger. So all you have to do is touch the mouse then say the word again. That will turn you back into a human again. Um, sort of."

The mouse plushie was next to me on the bed, and it was actually the same size as me. It was a weird feeling, standing next to a life-sized plushie of myself. Or at least, myself as a mouse. Not as weird as being picked up by the tail, but definitely up there in terms of strangeness.

Meanwhile my sister continued, "Ok you're probably asking, how do I say the words when I'm a mouse and can't talk? So obviously you don't have to say it out loud, but you need to think it I guess? Actually I'm not too clear how that works, but I guess touch the plushie then start trying to say the same stuff you said before. When you hit the right word you'll turn back into... Well see this is the other thing."

She grimaced, "So I'm making some assumptions here, based on one other example? But um, it's not going to turn you back into your normal self. Probably. It's um, you might end up with mouse ears? Or a tail? Or both. And um, there might be a few other minor differences but um... Yeah."

After a sigh she added, "Like I said I've only seen this once before, so I guess I can't really say for sure what'll happen. Just touch it and start talking, and um, when you change back I guess we'll just deal with whatever comes next?"

She was obviously hedging, I was pretty sure she either knew or at least suspected something else but was afraid to say it. And the way she was going, I could only guess it was something bad. I wanted to tell her to just spit it out, but she didn't understand 'squeak' and that was the only language I could speak at the moment.

I looked from her to the big plushie next to me, but I didn't touch it or try and say anything right away. If there was something bad in store for me I didn't see any point rushing into it.

And honestly, I wasn't too upset about being a mouse for a little while. I wouldn't want to stay a mouse indefinitely, like I knew I'd end up in a cage or something if I did. I sort of trusted Robyn to look after me, but I'd have to hope she was better at that sort of thing now than she was when we were kids or I'd be in trouble.

The other reason I was in no hurry to change back to normal was something I figured out shortly after she put me on the bed. I wasn't just a mouse. I was a girl mouse. It was silly and foolish and all that stuff, but validation is validation and I'd take it wherever I could get it. Being a girl mouse wasn't enough of a boon to make me stay a mouse forever, but it made me happy enough that I wanted to keep it for a little while anyways.

In a way it was kind of funny actually, like just a few minutes earlier I was thinking about a tiny mousegirl fursona or mascot, now I was literally a tiny girl mouse.

"Why haven't you done it yet?" Robyn suddenly asked. "Oh fuck are you ok in there? Can you even understand me? Shit can you give me some sort of sign, let me know you're ok? Please?"

She was starting to freak out, which got me a little anxious too. I wasn't sure how to communicate with her though, but I wanted to tell her I was ok. I looked around her bedroom for anything I could use to talk. Unfortunately there really wasn't anything mouse-friendly. 

After another few seconds I figured the only thing I could do was follow her instructions. I wasn't really ready to try it, but it seemed like the only way to calm her down. So I put my front paws on the side of the big white plushie then thought about what I was saying before. And my mind drew a blank.

I couldn't remember. 

That's when Robyn spoke up again. She suggested, "It's probably something mouse related? Mouse, cheese, small, fuzzy, squeak, tail, whiskers, fur, something like that?"

All that sort of made sense, but it left me wondering how she knew all this stuff. Then I remembered she said she'd seen it happen once before, which made me even more curious who else got zapped by one of these magic toys. For that matter I also wanted to know where these things came from, and why my sister of all people had them. And why she just left them out on her bookcase shelf where anyone could come along and get zapped.

First things first though. I was already touching the plushie, so I closed my eyes and started trying to say the different mouse-related words. I went slow, one at a time, and waited between each one to see if anything happened.

Mouse. Cute. Fuzzy. Small. Tail. Cheese. Squeak.

"Oh shit," Robyn suddenly cursed. "Shit shit shit. It worked, but stay calm ok? Just um, stay calm. Don't freak out. Promise you won't freak out?"

I opened my eyes and looked over at my sister. She was standing next to her desk and she looked really uptight. 

"I'm not going to -" I started to reply, but cut myself off as soon as my brain registered the sound of my voice.

That was not my normal guy-voice. My voice that no amount of voice training could ever fix. The voice that I wasn't even sure vocal surgery could save. The sounds that just came out of my mouth now were at the opposite end of the scale. High-pitched, not quite squeaky, but definitely girly.

"Please don't freak out!" my sister pleaded, but I almost didn't hear her. 

In fact I almost forgot she was there. I was busy looking down at myself, and my brain practically glitched and rebooted. The tall muscular broad-shouldered masc body I'd spent half my life hating was gone. 

Now as I looked down I saw cute smooth supple legs, wide hips, and a narrow waist. My shoulders were narrow too, my arms slim and smooth, my hands small and delicate. My fair tanned skin was now several shades paler, like alabaster. It was also soft and unblemished. And instead of the broad manly muscular chest I was used to, there were now two sizeable mounds sticking out in front, full and rounded and sort of heavy. The milky smooth soft orbs were tipped with thick pink nipples, atop perfectly circular areolae. And between my legs, under a little neatly-trimmed strip of fine white hair, were the folds of a pretty and perfect vulva.

I was starting to hyperventilate a little as I turned to look back at my sister again. And as I moved my head I felt hair tickling my back and shoulders. I gulped and reached up to check, and sure enough instead of my usual short messy mop of sandy blond I now had long straight silky smooth hair like Robyn's. Except mine was as white as pure fresh snow.

My small hands were almost shaking as I reached further up, then I let out a little gasp as I found my ears. On top of my head. They were big and round, with a fine coat of fur over them. After that there was just one last thing to check. My right hand dropped down behind me and sure enough it was there. 

I let out another little gasp as I took hold of my tail, and slowly pulled it around to the front so I could see it. Just like I expected it was coated in fine soft white fur. It was long and thin, less than four centimetres thick at the base and tapered along its length to less than two centimetres thick at the end. I couldn't guess how long it was, but I felt like it was easily enough to reach the floor when I stood up.

That thought led my heart to skip another beat. So far everything matched the image I had in my head when I thought up my mousegirl fursona. If my height matched too I was probably tiny.

I took a couple deep breaths to try and keep myself calm, then slowly moved to the edge of the bed and slipped off and onto my feet. My small cute delicate little feet. 

"Fuck," Robyn muttered again. "Please say something? Are you ok? Maybe we can fix this..."

I turned towards her, then tilted my head back as I looked up at my sister. The sister who'd been a whole head shorter than me for the last four years. The sister who now towered over me.

"Robyn?" I said slowly, in a sort of forced-calm voice.

She asked, "Yeah? How are you doing? Are you going to freak out?"

"I'm not freaking out," I responded. "I'm dealing with some crazy emotions right now though, ok? I'm going to go to the washroom and have a look in the mirror."

"Ok," she nodded. "I'm coming with you."

She was probably worried I was going to pass out or break down or something. She followed me into the washroom where I had to reach up a lot higher than normal to turn on the light, then I turned to look in the nearly-full-length mirror on the back of one of the shower doors. Robyn stood behind me and slightly to the side, but close enough I could see her in the mirror and she could see me. I wasn't looking at her though.

Looking back at me in the mirror was a cute small mousegirl, with long perfectly straight smooth white hair. Big white mouse ears on her head. A long white mouse tail hanging down to the floor behind her. Despite being tiny she was clearly an adult. She maybe looked a little younger than me, I was twenty-two but the girl in the mirror could have passed for twenty. 

The girl in the mirror looked nothing like the old me. Except for her eyes, oddly enough. They were the same shape as before, and just as dark. In fact the girl in the mirror actually looked a whole lot more like Robyn than I used to, which seemed sort of ironic. It was good though, considering I'd always been envious of my sister's looks. 

Maybe the most notable thing was the mousegirl in the mirror was smiling. She looked genuinely happy and excited. Her dark eyes sparkled with a kind of joy I'd never seen in my reflection before. 

"Um," Robyn was staring at my face in the mirror. "You're smiling. Why are you smiling? Don't tell me this is... Are you actually happy about this?"

I slowly turned around so I was facing her, and once again had to tilt my head to look up at her. I was still smiling as I nodded "Yeah sis. Um, this is what I was trying to tell you? I wasn't expecting the magic plushie mousegirl thing, which by the way we're definitely going to talk about at length in a minute. But um, yeah. Surprise, I'm trans. I was going to come out to you today, but I was having a hard time finding the words."

My sister stared down at me while her eyes slowly widened. Then she reached out and gave me a little flick on the forehead as she scolded me, "You doofus! I've been losing my mind for the last ten minutes waiting for you to have a mental breakdown or lose your shit over this, and you've been ok with it the whole time?!"

"Ow!" I squeaked, then pouted as I rubbed my forehead. "That actually kind of hurt."

I looked up at Robyn again and added, "And I'm sorry, ok sis? I wanted to tell you, I've been agonizing about this for like two months now. But it was really hard, ok? I didn't know how you were going to react. I'm still terrified of how mom and dad are going to... Oh crap. What am I going to tell them now? They won't even know who I am!"

My sister sighed, "Well don't start freaking out now ok? C'mon let's go back to my bedroom. First thing we need to get you something to wear, because you're really damn cute and kind of hot but you're also my sister and I don't want to start getting turned on while you're showing off your boobs and stuff ok?"

Just like that all my fears about dealing with mom and dad vanished and my brain nearly went blank, while another wide smile settled on my face.

My sister was already halfway out the door when she stopped and looked back. She frowned, "What now?"

"We're sisters. You called me sister," I mumbled. Then I turned to look at the mirror again and added, "And I'm cute. And I'm hot. And I've got boobs. And I'm your sister."

Robyn rolled her eyes, "You're also tiny, which means I'm pretty sure I can pick you up and carry you if I have to. So come on, we need to figure out your measurements and stuff."

My eyes widened as I realized she was right. She probably could pick me up and carry me around now. And for some reason thinking about that made me happy. And maybe a little bit excited too.

"Hey baby sis?" her voice snapped me out of those thoughts before I got too carried away. "If you're trans do you already have a name picked out? What should I call you?"

I found myself smiling again as I replied, "Lydia. My name is Lydia."

"I like it," Robyn smiled. "Lydia Chen is a good name. It's nice to finally meet the real you, Lydia. Now come on, let's get your measurements so we can figure out some clothes."

"Thanks Robyn," I replied happily as I followed her back to her bedroom.





So Mia comes home and we have a little get together of rodent girls. Much happier than the Welland version.


Come on, I’m sure the Welland rodent girls are the most adorable little hatemongers.


I'm sure they are adorable, but i think these rodents are happier. Just saying


Yeah, probably. Though now I’m getting interested in seeing what happened to the Welland rodents. Hey Purple, how do you feel about people writing fanfiction of your work?


we're ok with fanfiction! there's been a couple Welland fanfics on scribble already, and a third was shared on our discord but hasn't made it to scribble yet there's also a couple capsule plushie fan fictions on scribble too! ^^


Good to know, cause I kinda really want to write this now. I’m a sucker for redemption arcs, you see.