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I felt a surge of something pass through me the moment I triggered the spell that would perform the miracle and grant Ada's wish. It originated somewhere deep inside me, rather than the ring that Amy said would be the source of my magic along with the symbol of my faith.

Like a surge of warmth from deep within my heart it rapidly rose up, then flowed down my arms and through my hands. From there it passed into Ada, and her body was suddenly engulfed in a swirl of golden light. 

When Amy gave April her miracle, she said something about taking a peak inside my friend's mind to see what sort of body she desired. That didn't happen for me, or rather if it did, I didn't actually get to see anything. It made sense though, especially from a privacy point of view. I didn't need to know anybody's deepest most secret desires, I just needed to cast the spell to help them make those desires a reality. 

When Ada's hands slipped out of mine and she disappeared completely into the column of swirling light I felt a moment of panic. As this was my first miracle I had no idea if that was normal or expected, and the only thing that kept me calm was the knowledge that Amethyst was sitting a couple meters away. 

Then after what felt like ages but was probably only a few seconds the glowing light faded, and the new Ada was revealed to us, sitting there in her ideal body. She blinked a couple times and took a deep breath as she looked from me over to Amy and April.

We were all staring at Ada, and my eyes widened as I suddenly felt some rapidly growing anxiety. I couldn't help thinking that maybe I'd done something drastically wrong.

The silence was finally broken by April, who demanded "Why does my girlfriend have a tail?!"

"I've got a tail?" Ada gasped in her new high-pitched voice. She immediately gasped again, "My voice!"

With a wide smile and even wider eyes she practically jumped to her feet and twisted around as she tried to get a good look at herself. Amethyst's eyebrows were raised slightly in mild surprise, while April seemed completely shocked. And I still felt worried that I'd made a serious mistake.

Looking at the new Ada, the first words that came to mind were small, cute, cat, and girl.

She was about the same height as Amy, if you ignored the two fuzzy pink feline ears poking up above her long pink hair. And swishing back and forth behind her was a long fluffy pink tail, which April was still staring at in shock. Ada's pretty rounded face and her wide happy grin revealed a pair of cute dimples in her cheeks. 

From what I could see of her figure she wasn't skinny or lanky anymore, though much of her shape remained hidden by her clothes. Not the same clothes she'd been wearing a few moments ago though, her outfit had changed along with the rest of her. The hoodie was still oversized, but it shrank so she wasn't completely lost inside it. It also changed colour, from dark-grey to pastel purple. And the ankle-length black skirt was now a pair of tight pink leggings, and what I could see of her legs suggested thick thighs and strong calfs, while her small feet were now clad in cute white and purple sneakers.

"Excuse me!" Ada said after a half minute. "I have to check out a mirror!"

She darted off towards the washroom without waiting for a reply, and a few moments later we all heard her happy gasps and squeals as she got the first look at her adorable new face and her cute new figure.

"Tess!" April hissed at me while her girlfriend was busy, "What the hell did you do?! Why's my girlfriend part cat?!"

Amy answered for me, "Because that's what Ada wanted. That's the body she desired most of all."

My girlfriend mostly sounded calm and relaxed, and I could tell she was hoping to settle April down before she started freaking out. Maybe she was trying to calm me down too, she could probably see the stress in my expression. At the same time I could also hear some tension in Amy's voice too. 

I hadn't forgotten that conversation we had with Raven a while back, when Amy warned us this would happen. I hadn't thought that much about it since then, and I definitely didn't expect it to happen so soon. I had a feeling Amy didn't either. After all, Ada was literally the third trans person to receive this sort of miracle, after April and Amy's friend Krissy. 

"I thought you were just going to like," April shook her head, then shrugged. "I don't know? I know my miracle included some amazing stuff, but I still look normal. People don't freak out or stop and stare when I walk down the street. And even though I look different from how I did before, I don't look that different!"

She sighed again and half-whispered, "She can't stay like that. What the hell would she tell her parents? Or her profs? Nobody's even going to recognize her, she looks like a completely different person!"

Amy slowly shook her head but didn't say anything, and a moment later Ada emerged from the bathroom. 

She'd taken off her hoodie, and was carrying it bunched up under one arm. Without it we all got a much better look at her new figure, since the cute white t-shirt she was wearing underneath was stretched rather tight across her chest.

Ada was definitely no taller than my girlfriend, but she was curvier all around. Her thighs, hips, butt, boobs, even her belly all had a little extra going on. She wasn't smiling though, she was frowning. And her eyes were fixed on her girlfriend.

"You can't take this away from me!" the small curvy pink catgirl stated. "This is perfect, it's everything I ever dreamed of! Everything I ever wished for! This is me, this is the Ada I always wanted to be even though I knew it was impossible!"

"Nobody's going to take it away from you," Amy responded. "I promise you that Ada. This is your miracle. Tess delivered it, but it's from the Goddess, and no-one else can touch that. Nobody can make you give it up."

That put a wide happy smile back on the catgirl's face. "Thank you! Amy, Tess, thank you both so much! And please thank Amethyst for me as well?"

"Of course," my girlfriend replied with a smile. "I'm sure she already knows."

The last of my worries quickly faded once I realized how happy she was, and I suggested "You can thank her yourself Ada. It's the full moon tomorrow night, keep Amethyst in your mind and maybe send her a prayer of thanks?" 

Ada nodded, "I will, I promise!"

I finally got up out of the love-seat and moved to rejoin Amy on the sofa, while April stood up as well. She and Ada took a step towards each other, then both hesitated as they noticed the height difference between them. 

Fifteen minutes ago Ada stood a couple inches taller than April, now she was at least six inches shorter. The pinkette catgirl grinned as she looked up at her girlfriend, while April grimaced as she looked down at hers.

The two finally sat down together, but April remained worried. She looked at me and Amy and asked, "What about her family? School? Her ID? Her whole life, all her friends and acquaintances? Everyone who knew her will think she's a stranger now."

"Her ID's already taken care of," Amy replied. She looked to Ada and added, "That includes your name, picture, and gender marker. And the new name has been updated everywhere applicable, so school records, banking information, and so on."

Ada's eyes went wide and she gasped, "Really? Wow! I have to see this!"

The excited catgirl jumped up from the love-seat and quickly found her purse, then with a happy smile she sat and reviewed almost everything inside. Her ID, bank card, student card, even the information on her phone was already updated to reflect her new name.

"This is amazing!" she exclaimed as she finally looked up at me and Amy again. "Thank you!"

My girlfriend and I smiled, while April remained worried about the practical issues.

"That's great, but what about her family? What about her other friends? What about her profs, classmates?" April asked.

Ada's happy smile faded into a frown as she finally looked to her girlfriend, "April please stop. I just got a freaking miracle, I'm trying to enjoy it and be happy, and all you've done is complain and criticize. You haven't even commented on how I look."

"Or is that the problem?" she asked as her frown deepened. "You don't like how I look, that's why you're so eager to have this taken away from me?"

"Ada that's not true," April protested. "I'm just worried about you hon."

The catgirl stated firmly, "Then talk to me about it! You're talking to Amy and Tess about me like I'm not even here. If you're so worried about all that stuff why not ask me about it? I knew up front that the Goddess couldn't help with all of that, Amy and Tess made it pretty clear."

My friend responded with a sigh, "I'm sorry Ada, I didn't mean it to come across like that. I'm sure you can understand my concerns though?"

She continued, "You still live with your folks, what's going to happen when you go home tomorrow and they think you're a stranger? Or when you show up to class on Monday and your prof has no idea who you are?"

"I'll email my parents tonight and tell them..." Ada's voice trailed off for a moment before she looked to me and Amy. "Can I tell them about Amethyst, that I got a miracle from a real live Goddess and her priestess?"

I nodded, "Yes, just please don't mention Amy? Amethyst is the Goddess, I'm her cleric. We'd rather not have people find out about Amy's relationship with the goddess though."

"I told my family about getting a divine miracle too," April added. "The thing was, they could still recognize me. I wasn't trying to prove my identity to them, just explain how I'd changed so much in such a short time."

Ada shrugged, "I'm sure they'll know me. I know my folks, I'll be able to convince them it's me."

April sighed, "You've got cat ears and a tail! You've lost almost a foot in height Ada, you don't look anything like you used to. How can you be so sure they'll believe you?"

I was starting to feel anxious again, and I was starting to worry that April wasn't going to let this go. The other worrying thing was she did have a point, Ada looked like a completely different person and she wasn't entirely human anymore. I couldn't help worrying she was being overly optimistic, and that things might not be as easy as she thought.

Amy might have been thinking the same thing, as the two of us exchanged an uncertain look. Then my girlfriend turned her attention to the couple sitting across from us, and suddenly I felt the Goddess's power radiating from Amy. It left me feeling weak and small, as once again there was no question or doubt that I was in the presence of a divine being.

The other two felt it as well, they both immediately fell silent as they looked back at my girlfriend with an expression of wide-eyed awe. Ada's ears folded down and her tail became a little puffy as it stopped moving completely.

"Greetings Ada," Amethyst stated. She was siting with her back straight and shoulders set, putting on her 'Goddess act' to help reinforce the idea that Amethyst and Amy were two separate entities. Her tone of voice was slightly different too, it carried more authority as she added, "And hello again April."

The two young women gulped as they stared, but neither was able to muster a response. 

Amethyst continued, "We were aware of the possibility that our gifts might result in demi-humans, but we were not yet prepared for that eventuality. Ada, when you meet your family tomorrow you may call upon us one time if you so choose, and we will appear before them to vouch for your identity. Is that acceptable?"

The catgirl nodded once and manage to squeak out, "Y-yes ma'am! Thank you!"

The Goddess smiled briefly, then turned towards the nearest window and said "Ravenna please join us for a moment, I wish to speak with you."

Instead of the goth barista it was the tall dark angel of doom who appeared in a flare of darkness. She didn't have her sword with her this time, but her fiery black halo was on display, along with her long flowing black hair and gown. Her black feathered wings folded across her back as she bowed deeply, "Yes my Goddess?"

"The 'catgirl' situation has come to pass sooner than we expected," Amethyst stated as she gestured towards Ada. "I wish to know what effects this will have going forward, if any. Both for my worship, and for her. Report to me once you have my answers."

I was pretty sure both my girlfriend and the angel were acting, and I wondered if they'd planned for this in advance. Or if not this exactly situation, they probably agreed on some sort of strategy for how they'd act if Raven was summoned in front of other people like this.

"It will be done," the angel responded with another deep bow. 

When dismissed Ravenna unfolded her wings slightly, as if she was about to take flight. Then she vanished in another flare of darkness. Finally I felt the power of the Goddess fade, and a moment later she was acting like my girlfriend again. 

Amy grimaced, "Ok, I guess Amethyst wanted to get involved after all."

The other two girls were both still staring at us in awe. April gulped, "Was that... That was an angel right? The Goddess appeared in my apartment, and She summoned an angel here as well?"

"She said I could call Her to appear when I see my parents," Ada mumbled in a quiet, reverential voice. "How do I do that? And um, what will She do?"

Amy responded, "Just pray to Amethyst. But bear in mind, she's not going to do anything to force your family to accept you. I imagine she'll appear like she did here tonight, let them feel her aura, and confirm that you are their daughter."

Both Ada and April had more questions, but there wasn't too much more for either Amy or myself to say. We tried to steer the conversation away from miracles and angels and divinity, but Ada was still torn between giddiness over her transformation and awe at having met a Goddess. And April continued to fret over the problems and hurdles her girlfriend was probably going to face.

After another half hour or so I decided it was probably best if the two of us left, so our hosts could sort things out on their own. Amy seemed to come to the same conclusion, so the two of us thanked them for dinner and bid them both a good night. Then we made our escape.

Finally, in the car on our way home, I turned to Amy and pointed out "You told Ada she could call for you tomorrow. She probably isn't going to see her family till late afternoon or evening, which means she might not call for your help until some time tomorrow night."

"Yeah," my girlfriend sighed. She kept her eyes on the road but made a bit of a face, "It was a spur of the moment idea? I figured having a goddess show up and confirm their daughter's identity would be the quickest and easiest solution."

She was probably right, but I reminded her "Tomorrow night is the full moon. Amethyst and I have plans."

"Shit," Amy sighed. "I didn't forget we had plans, but I forgot that the full moon was tomorrow."

She added a moment later, "Don't worry Tess. I'll figure something out so we're not interrupted."



That last bit sounds like Amy is about to split the Goddess aspect from herself just enough to act autonomously. 😊


It had to happen on the newbie's first try, huh?


I'm sure Goddess can be in 2 places at once if they really need to


There is also still that persona floating around that used to be Tess' grandma's girlfriend. If she gets "reactivated" Amethyst can be a triple goddess. The whole maiden-mother-crone trinity thing. 😁 Provided that she even wants to. 😐