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After a minute or so to think through the options, Marianne made her decision.

"I think it's best if I stick with Eva. I have a good idea how succubi feed, and I know how Eva feeds, and between those two options I think I'd rather do it Eva's way. Even if everything else about this is unknown, I don't think I'm cut out to be a succubus."

"All right Marianne. Here you go," our demon said as she conjured up a contract for my girlfriend to sign. The document appeared on the coffee table, along with that pointy pen I used to sign my pact four years ago.

"Thank you Eva," Marianne replied as she picked up the contract. It was on the same not-paper material as my pact, but it was a much smaller document.

My girlfriend invited me to look it over with her, and the two of us quietly read it through. 

It was a lot smaller than my pact, and like Lily said earlier it wasn't very meaningful or complicated. Basically it just said that Eva would share some of her demonic influence with Marianne, and in return Marianne would have to accept some of Eva's demonic influence. And it said the contract could be cancelled at an time by either party, so while it didn't specify a time limit it also wasn't forever or until death or anything like that.

It was basically a pointless contract, and the only serious aspect of the entire document was the fact that it had to be signed in blood.

After carefully reading it through once or twice Marianne took up the sharp pen and poked herself in the thumb. Then she signed it, and a moment later Eva's name-glyph appeared burned into the bottom of the page. After that the contract and the pen both vanished.

While we were doing that the big blue demoness excused herself and went upstairs. She returned a moment later with a small velvet-lined box in her hand, just in time to see Marianne and Eva finish with the contract.

Our demon looked to her lover and said, "I think we're all ready now Lily? So what's next?"

The first step had all three of us change seats. We moved over to sit on the sectional sofa, with me in the middle and my girlfriend on my left. And Eva sat next to me on the right. Then Lily moved the coffee table a little closer to us. She sat crosslegged on the floor facing us across the small table, then placed the velvet box on the table directly in front of me. 

Finally she opened the box, revealing a silver brooch. It was in the shape of a flower of some kind, and it had a shiny purple gemstone in the middle. She didn't remove it from the case, she left it and the box positioned so they were sort of facing towards me.

"Any last questions?" Lily asked as she looked at the three of us.

I nodded, "Eva wasn't sure what sort of traits or characteristics we might get. Will we inherit stuff from her, like how she looks in her true form? Or how does that work exactly?"

"Mara asked me something similar once," Lily smiled. "The answer is, I don't know. I have some theories though."

Eva asked, "What theories are those love?"

"We're all very different in terms of our appearances," she replied. "There's a few common themes, like most of us have wings, many of us have horns, several of us have colourful skin or hair, and most of us have some animal attributes? But the actual details vary widely, and some of those variations seem random."

She pointed out, "Take our child for instance? Mara's horns are nothing like mine or yours, they're unique to her. Her tail and wings are similar to mine, but unlike either of us her skin was very distinctly red."

"Wait you have horns?" I asked as I turned to look at Eva. "We didn't see them last night."

Our demon blushed slightly, "They're on the top of my head, close together in the middle in front of my ears. They're very small though, like Lily's horns, so they're usually hidden by my hair."

Lily continued, "Anyways my theory is our forms are guided by our personalities, and our inner desires. Lexi, Marianne, you might inherit traits from Eva, but you might develop traits that are unique to you."

My girlfriend and I looked at each other, then we both looked to Eva. Finally I nodded, "I'm still prepared to do this. I'm not going to back down."

Marianne hesitated just a moment before agreeing, "Me as well."

Lily smiled, "Then I have one last question. How far do you want to go? Lexi I can try to limit your exposure as much as possible, but I don't know how much or how little it will take before Eva is free. I can't promise how little you'll change on the low end, but I can give you as much as you want beyond that. We can even go all the way if you like."

"There's only one warning though," she added quickly, "There's no going back. You can always become more demonic later if you wish, but you can never undo it once it's done. This is a one-way street."

I hesitated a few seconds as I thought that over, then finally made my decision. "Half-way please. Unless we need more than that to free Eva, then whatever it takes for her to be fully restored."

Lily looked to Marianne and asked, "And for you?"

After a moment of hesitation my girlfriend gulped but responded, "The same as Lexi. Wherever she ends up with, I will have the same."

"All right then," the blue demoness grinned. "Any other questions? Remember, once we begin there's no going back."

"What is that brooch?" Marianne asked. "How does it work?"

Lily's expression and voice took on a slightly harder tone as she replied, "That is Verothilas' prison. She left me trapped in an amulet for a thousand years, and my lover in a bracelet for three millennia. She won't last anywhere near as long. I'm going to drain her until there's nothing left."

I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable hearing that, but I couldn't blame Lily for how she felt about it. Not after everything the other demoness did to Lily and Eva's family.

No-one else had any questions, and once we were all ready to go Lily's mood picked up again immediately. She was obviously looking forward to having her lover fully restored.

She gave us all one last chance to back out, but none of us did.

Finally Lily smiled, "Then here we go."

She leaned over and gently placed a fingertip on the silver brooch. Her lips moved, and I assumed she was whispering some sort of magical chant or something. A moment later the purple gem began to glow. 

The next thing I knew there was a sensation of intense warmth, deep in my heart and on my right thigh. Despite being intense it wasn't actually painful, or even unpleasant. Then my vision started to go dark and I felt a moment of anxiety, but before I could respond to that everything suddenly flashed white.

Next thing I knew I felt sort of dizzy and light-headed, and I was blinking to try and clear my vision. I wasn't sure if I actually blacked out, and the over-all sensation was almost like being drunk or drugged, but not quite. My whole body felt very slightly different, but not in any way I could identify.

I raised my head up and started blinking to try and get the spots out of my eyes while looking down at myself to see if anything looked off. And there was indeed something unusual.

Eva's bracelet was no longer on my left wrist.

It was kind of funny that's the first thing I noticed, but I'd worn it pretty much constantly since becoming Lexi. It was as much a fixture in my life as Eva and Marianne, and I instantly knew I'd miss it.

I didn't have to wonder where it went though, I turned my head to the right and there she was. Eva was still slumped on the sofa next to me, but now she was in her true form. And she was solid, restored, alive. She was also naked, except for her bracelet which was back on her wrist where it belonged.

Lily was there too, she leaned over and gently picked Eva up into a princess-carry. The big blue demoness smiled at me and said, "Mira will be here in a moment, she'll take care of you and Marianne. I'm going to stay with Eva until she wakes."

With that she turned and quietly carried her lover up the stairs then into a bedroom at the opposite end of the house.

Then I turned to the left to check on my girlfriend. She looked like she felt the same as I did, but apart from that I was relieved to see she was the same gorgeous brunette she'd always been. There weren't any horns, her skin hadn't turned red or blue or purple or anything. It looked like she hadn't changed at all in fact.

I heard a door open to the right so I looked back that way, in time to see the side door fully open then close again by itself. For a moment I thought I was seeing things, then Mira suddenly appeared. She had a pair of large bat-like wings folded up on her back, but they disappeared as she moved to stand next to me and Marianne.

The ravenette teen smiled as she looked me over, then looked at Marianne next to me. Finally she announced, "Mara's here with me, the two of us will help you both out. And Lexi, we'll teach you a spell to make you look normal."

Hearing that sent a little shock of adrenaline through me, and suddenly I was wide-awake and alert.

"What?" I yelped. "What do I look like?"

"You look absolutely adorable Lexi," Marianne responded with a smile.

Mira gestured to the stairs, "There's a mirror in the bathroom, second door on the right. Go have a look. Both of you."

My girlfriend and I exchanged another glance, then we both scrambled to our feet. I got about three steps towards the stairs and I could already tell something was very wrong. There was pain and discomfort from my lower back, and my leggings felt tight and wrong. A quick glance down at my legs didn't reveal anything unusual though.

"Lexi?" Marianne said as she stood next to me. She was looking down at me with a curious expression as she asked, "Did you get smaller?"

I felt a little shock as I realized she seemed taller than normal. Like she was normally about ten centimetres taller than me, but now it felt like that had doubled to twenty centimetres. It wasn't a huge difference overall, but it was noticeable.

Before I could respond Mira reminded us about the mirror, so the two of us continued up the stairs and into the washroom. There we found a full-length mirror, and as soon as I saw myself I felt a flutter in my stomach.

I was mostly the same as before. My face, my body, there weren't any huge differences. I didn't feel any smaller either, near as I could tell I didn't shrink after all. The big obvious thing Marianne and Mira had been reacting to were a pair of tall fluffy triangular ears on the top of my head. Like Eva's they were coated in soft beige fur with black tufts at the tips, and they stood up a little more than ten centimetres tall. 

After staring for a few seconds I felt a lurch in my stomach as I guessed what the other thing was. I pulled down my leggings and sure enough a long fluffy tail spilled out. It immediately started twitching back and forth like an angry cat. It was the same colour as Eva's, the fluff was patterned with beige and black rings. The fluffy fur made it look about seven or eight centimetres thick, and it was easily over a meter long. 

"You look like Eva's cute little sister," Marianne stated with a wide smile. 

I just grimaced as I reached up and felt my new ears. They were warm and soft, and they twitched and flicked when I tried to hold them. Then I reached back and managed to grab my tail. It was just as warm but even softer. After a few seconds it slipped from my grasp and went back to rapidly swishing around.

"I already looked like her little sister," I finally responded. "Now I'm..."

"Adorable," my girlfriend interjected. 

Rather than try and argue that I just went to pull up my leggings, but paused as I noticed my tattoo had changed. Eva's glyph was still there, and there was a single small rune above it, but all the other runes had vanished. 

After staring at it for a few seconds I finished pulling up the leggings, except at the back where the waist part was bunched up under my tail. It left the top of my behind exposed, and the t-shirt I was wearing wasn't long enough to overlap. But that seemed like the least of my concerns at the moment.

Finally I turned my attention to Marianne and commented, "You're taller. I didn't shrink, you grew."

"Yes," she replied with a grimace of her own. "My clothes are all too small now, and a bit uncomfortable in places."

"That's the only difference though," I pointed out as I looked her up and down. "I don't see any other changes. So at least you still pass as human. And you're not unnaturally tall either, you're just... You look more like a super-model or something now love. Tall, slim, gorgeous."

Marianne blushed, "Thank you hon. There is something else though."

She reached up and messed with her hair a bit, then leaned her head forward so I could see. Sure enough she had a pair of horns there after all. They actually looked similar to Mara's horns, except they were much shorter, less than three centimetres tall. The colour was somewhere between red and brown, but dark enough that they almost vanished into her rich chestnut coloured hair.

"They actually look kind of cute," I smiled. "And they're easy to hide, so you still pass as human."

"Until I go to the hair salon," she pointed out. "Or swimming at the beach."

I grimaced slightly, then turned to look at myself in the mirror again.

"So you got taller and grew cute little horns," I said quietly. "While I sprouted demonic cat parts. You're a tall sexy gorgeous demon babe, and I'm what? Your demonic kitty pet?"

Marianne's eyes widened slightly, then she started giggling. That killed the tension I was feeling and I started giggling as well. 

After a minute or so I finally calmed down and suggested, "Let's go and talk with Mira. She said she's here to help us, and she was going to teach us a spell to hide the demon parts."

"I hope that's not hard to learn," I added with a grimace. "I still need to see my dad later today."



Catgirl. :D

Rachel Mary Winter

Cute. I wonder if they'll meet a random "meow" soon, because that would be a funny conversation