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When I woke in the morning there were a few seconds of confusion at first. I was curled up on my side, alone in our bed, but I could feel long hair under my shoulder and between my head and the pillow. And there was something soft and fuzzy tickling my face.

Then it all came back to me and suddenly I was wide awake and sitting bolt-upright in bed. My tail was wagging up a storm once more, while I looked down in wide-eyed wonder at my amazing new body.

"Holy shit," I mumbled quietly to myself. "Magic is real. I'm a real foxgirl... Damn."

A moment later I recognized the smell of coffee coming from elsewhere in the apartment. With another happy grin I got up and practically bounced into the kitchen where I found a waiting mug next to the coffee maker. The pot was almost full, so I knew Stacey hadn't been up long since she was still on her first cup.

It only took me a half minute to get my usual double-double ready, then I took it to the living-room where my wonderful girlfriend was sitting with her phone in one hand and her coffee in the other.

"Good morning Stacey," I greeted her in a happy voice as I sat down next to her. "Thanks for getting the coffee ready!"

She smiled at me, "You're welcome cutie. How are you feeling this morning?"

After a sip of my morning beverage I gave her a huge smile, "Stace I feel fucking fantastic! I can't even begin to describe how good it feels not to wake up to dysphoria and dread."

"I'm glad you're happy," she replied with a big smile of her own. "You look fantastic you know? Apart from the bedhead I mean."

I knew she was teasing, so I just rolled my eyes and had another sip of coffee while her attention returned to her phone.

"What's up?" I asked after a few moments. "Catching up on your social media?"

Stacey shook her head, "I was just sending a message to Kid_Chaos, to let them know they sent me two of those plush toys by mistake? I figured they might want the other one back."

"Kid Chaos?" I gave her a funny look. 

She shrugged, "That's their username on discord. No idea who they really are, obviously."

"Huh," I frowned and had another sip of coffee. Then I suggested, "Maybe they sent two so I'd have a choice of what kind of animal I'd be? I didn't even look at the other one though. Like it never occurred to me to compare them? I guess the first one I opened just felt right as soon as I saw it."

"They're both foxes," Stacey replied. "You got the white fox, the other one's a black fox."

I asked, "Did you check? Or actually did you ask your chaos friend to send me a fox?"

She shook her head, "They didn't ask what I wanted, and I didn't think to check if there were different options available. It didn't occur to me they might have a selection, and honestly I was so excited at the possibility of getting you something I didn't really think about whether or not it'd fit."

"I'm sorry Megan," she added quickly. "I really should have thought to ask about that, to check with you first..."

I gave her a warm smile, "Stace don't worry about it. Honestly, I couldn't be happier being a foxgirl. I never had a fursona or anything, it's not like I was secretly wishing to be part animal. But out of all the options people memed about, I feel like foxgirl is the best choice for me. I wouldn't want to be a bunny, that feels too nervous and jittery. And cats... Meh. They're cute, but I'm not a cat person. I wouldn't want to be a cowgirl either, and dogs and wolves really aren't my style."

"Not that any of those choices are bad," I added quickly. "I'm sure for some people they're absolutely perfect. But foxgirl's the right one for me, and I'm eternally grateful to you for giving me this gift Stacey. I'm forever in your debt."

She smirked, "Forever in my debt huh? I'll have to figure out some ways you can repay me later."

"How about I get us both some breakfast?" I offered. "Can I offer you some Chinese left-overs?"

She shook her head, "Not just yet. Unless you're hungry, then don't let me stop you? I think I'd like another coffee first, then we need to find some clothes you can wear out of the house. You and I need to do some shopping, remember? Clothes and groceries."

"All right," I smiled, though I could feel some growing anxiety at the prospect of going out in public as my new self. "Coffee, then breakfast, then clothes, then shopping."

When she was ready for another cup I volunteered, "You just relax Stace. I'll get it. And let me know when you're ready for breakfast, I'll get that too."

"Thanks Meg," she smiled as I took her mug. "I was just kidding about you repaying me you know?"

"I know. I'm still going to do what I can to spoil you. Don't get used to it though, I'm not promising to do this forever," I grinned.

A minute or two later I returned with two hot fresh mugs, and found my girlfriend checking her phone again as I sat down next to her.

"Anything new?" I asked.

She nodded, "I heard back from Kid_Chaos already. They said not to worry about sending the second toy back to them. They said I should keep it, incase I happened to know anyone else who needed it."

"Huh," I commented as I had a sip of coffee. "Do you know any other trans girls? Or guys? Actually does it work on guys? I can't remember seeing any trans men in those memes and pictures last month."

A thoughtful look settled on my girlfriend's face, like it hadn't occurred to her that maybe the magic plush toys would work for trans guys too. And to be fair it hadn't crossed my mind either until just then.

"The instructions said the magic word would turn the user into a fox-kin," she replied after a few seconds. "Not foxgirl but fox-kin. So my guess is it should work for trans guys as well as girls. Maybe enbies too?"

Then she shrugged, "I don't really know anyone else at the moment, but I'll hang onto it just in case. By the way, you need to be more careful with your plushy Meg. I found it on the floor next to the sofa this morning."

"Oh," I blushed. "Yeah I'll be more careful with it in the future. Uh, where'd you put it?"

She gestured, "In the coffee table drawer. I put the other one in there too, along with the instruction card."

"Thanks," I grimaced.

After that we both enjoyed the rest of our coffee, and I got my phone out and checked my messages and things while Stace did the same. Then I warmed up last night's left-overs for breakfast for the two of us. By the time we were finished eating it was just after eleven o'clock, and it was finally time to start thinking about clothes and shopping.

I blushed as it suddenly struck me I'd been completely naked the whole time, but Stacey hadn't said anything about it and between the lack of dysphoria and the occasional hits of euphoria I felt pretty comfortable lounging around the apartment like that. At least I was comfy as long as it was just me and my girlfriend. I'd probably feel very differently if we had guests over.

"Let's get your measurements first," Stacey suggested. "We'll need to know some of this stuff for shopping and it's easier to do it now, before we get some clothes on you."

She got out a tape measure and had her phone ready so she could take notes. Or rather, I took the notes on her phone in between standing straight or holding my arms out and so on while she took the measurements.

The only one that really surprised me was the first one, my height. A hundred and forty-seven centimetres tall. I'd shrunk thirty-one centimetres thanks to that plush toy, and it took me a few seconds to fully get my head around the fact. Not that I was upset or anything, it was one of my wishes after all to be 'very smol'. But it was a big adjustment to make, mentally as well as physically. 

When we were finished with the measurements the next challenge was finding something I could wear out of the house that didn't look completely ridiculous on my petite body. Which pretty much ruled out everything I owned, much to my dismay.

I ended up borrowing some of Stacey's clothes, which made me happier than I thought it would have. Her things were almost as big as my own, but we were able to find a workable solution.

First there was a top her mom gave her a while back that she'd never worn. Stace always claimed it was too small on her but I was pretty sure she just didn't like the style. It was pink and had some frills around the collar and sleeves, and my girlfriend was never into pink. The only reason she hadn't given it to me before was it really wouldn't have fit me.

She also gave me an older pair of panties that were definitely too tight on her but worked ok for me. And finally at the back of one of her dresser drawers she found some sweat-shorts with a draw-string, that she bought two years back when she signed up for a gym membership then only went two or three times.

That worked but it felt weird bunched up under my tail. Fortunately the frilly pink top was big enough on me it covered the top of my tail and kept me more or less presentable from the back. The front was hit or miss, without a bra on I had to be careful bending over or I'd give anyone in front of me a good look at my boobs.

The only thing we couldn't find for me was footwear. My feet were just too small for any shoes or even sandals that either of us had.

"Ok," Stacey decided. "I'll go out by myself and pick you up a pair of sandals or something, then come back and get you."

"Why don't I just come with you as-is?" I asked. "If folks give me a hard time for being barefoot in the store I can wait outside while you grab some sandals. I don't want you to have to walk to the store and back by yourself, just to turn around and head out again with me."

She hesitated, "You don't mind walking there barefoot?"

"I'll be fine," I promised.

With the decision made, we both grabbed our purses. Mine hadn't seen much use so far since I wasn't really out before, but I was glad to have it. Before we left the apartment I took a moment to stuff my phone and wallet into my purse along with my keys, then Stacey and I set out together.

The walk was fine, I got used to being barefoot after the first two minutes. The way everyone was staring at my ears and tail was way more distracting. That and having to walk faster just to keep up with my girlfriend. 

I grimaced, "I never realized how big a difference leg length makes to walking speed."

"Aww," Stacey grinned. "Am I walking too quick for you cutie?"

"I just need to get used to it, that's all!" I insisted. 

She wasn't fooled though, and she did slow down a bit. Not that I was actually struggling to keep up, it was just another thing to get used to.

When we got to the shops Stace had me wait out front while she went in and found me a pair of sandals. That only took a couple minutes, then I put them on and we went back in together to start figuring out a new wardrobe for me.

"What am I going to do about my tail?" I frowned. "It's going to be in the way, whether I wear pants or skirts or dresses."

Stacey suggested, "Low-cut panties, low-cut leggings or tights should be ok since they'll be under it. I think for jeans or skirts what we'll have to do is cut a slit at the back, then you can wear a belt to keep them up at your waist."

That sounded like a good idea, at least to start with. I figured we might look into some other long-term options later.

Another worry surfaced as our cart started to fill up and I started thinking about how much all this was going to cost. Even sticking to the cheaper stuff the numbers started to add up. Like I had no idea bras were so expensive, and Stacey had me get five of them so I could get through a work-week without having to wash them. Ontop of that we added a couple pairs of cheap jeans, a half dozen tops, leggings, panties, socks, and two pairs of shoes. 

"Stacey I can't afford all this," I sighed. "Like my card's going to be maxed out, assuming it isn't rejected at the register."

She shook her head, "This is on me Meg. Don't worry about it."

I stared up at her, "What? No, you can't..."

"It's my fault you need a new wardrobe cutie," she replied in a calm quiet voice. "So it's my responsibility. Anyways I'm doing really good at work, plus I have some money saved up. It's not going to be a problem, I promise."

I continued staring at her for a few more seconds. Then I moved closer and gave her a tight hug and half-whispered, "You spoil me Stace."

She gave me a warm smile as she hugged me back, "You deserve it Meg."

We held each other for a few more seconds, before finally turning our attention back to shopping. 

We got some belts since I'd need those after cutting up my new pants, and a couple nightshirts since my pyjamas were too big. We also got me a new fall jacket for when the weather turned next month. I figured that was it and we were ready to go, but Stacey surprised me by leading us over to the pet aisle. 

And while I stood there blushing brightly she picked out a cute little pink collar that she figured would fit my fox form, along with a leash to go with it. And after that we finally headed up to the registers. 

The lady at the check-out stared at me in between scanning all our purchases, and I couldn't help cringe at the final number when it came up on the screen.

Stacey paid without batting an eye, then the two of us headed out carrying my new wardrobe in four shopping bags. We still needed to get groceries too, but there was no way we were doing that while lugging the heavy bags of clothing around so we had to head home first to drop off my new clothes.

When we got to the apartment I was sorely tempted to mess with my new clothes. Or at least get changed into a proper outfit that actually fit me. Except Stacey and I both knew if I started doing that I'd probably be at it for at least another hour or two, then we'd end up not getting groceries at all.

So I did the responsible thing and just left my new purchases on the bed. Then the two of us turned and headed straight back out again. It was about a twenty minute walk to the grocery store, and like before I attracted all kinds of stares and attention.

Inside the store was the same, me and Stacey got a cart and went up and down the aisles as we focused on our list, while everyone else around us stopped and gawked at my ears and tail. I couldn't help feeling self-conscious about it, but I had a feeling I was going to get used to that sort of attention sooner rather than later. 

I was thinking about that as we went through the check-out and I paid for our groceries, when it struck me. Last night an amazing miracle happened but today life was back to the mundane realities of shopping and worrying about money, same as always. 

*** This chapter is brought to you courtesy of Meg who commissioned it! ***



Gee, I wonder who Kid_Chaos could be? For that matter I wonder how Cass is doing. Thanks for the chapter, and thanks Meg for the commission!