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Our last drama class was only slightly less boring than the morning classes had been, and happily the prof let us go early. Better still, Amber got out early as well so the three of us could all head straight home.

"So how did it go with Grace?" Melissa asked as soon as we were in the car. "Did you two go out for lunch together or something?"

My tall busty blonde girlfriend had a wide smile on her face, she was obviously eager for details.

I grinned at her but replied, "Let's wait till we're at home with Susan, I don't want to leave her out. Anyways how was lunch? Sorry I ditched you both at the last minute. Was Matt there?"

Amber shook her head, "No Matt. I don't think he even bothered coming in today? It was just me and Melissa at lunch."

"Me and Amber had a nice talk," Melissa added. "We haven't actually spent much time together, just the two of us? So it was kind of nice having her to myself."

I glanced at the shy blushy brunette, sure enough she was blushing. 

She nodded though, "Yeah. It was nice."

That was about all the conversation before we got home. And we found Susan was already there ahead of us, her day was even shorter than ours. It was barely two in the afternoon and we were all done with school for the next couple months.

Everyone grabbed drinks then we sat down together in the living-room and I gave them all the details on my lunch with Grace.

"So yeah," I concluded after giving them all the details. "She seems nice after all. Like you were saying Melissa, I think she's been kind of repressed by her folks? Her dad being a preacher can't help. I don't know if anything will come out of it, but at the end we exchanged contact info. Oh, and I invited her to Canada Day. She didn't say whether or not she was going to come by, so I guess we'll see."

"Wow," Susan commented. "It's going to be a busy party. The four of us, plus Sam and Troy, plus Matt, now maybe Grace too."

I grimaced, "Is that ok? Sorry Sue, I should have checked with you first..."

"No it's fine," she shook her head. "We might have a few others showing up as well, I mentioned it to a couple friends at uni."

She added with a smile, "Honestly I'm excited about it? I don't think there's ever been so many people here at once before. It's just really different from anything I'm used to? Like last Canada Day, I got drunk alone and went to bed early. 

We all gave her a group hug after that, and Sue grinned "Thanks girls. It's really wonderful how much better my life is with all of you in it."

"Same," Amber stated. "Last Canada Day I was at home with my folks. I probably spent the evening in my room reading mangas or streaming anime on the computer."

Melissa grimaced, "Last Canada Day I was part-way through my transition, and part-way through being disowned by my folks. And a year ago today..."

Her voice trailed off as she thought for a few moments, then she grinned. "It was exactly one year ago today when I signed my contract with Lily."

The others all turned to look at me, like it was my turn to reminisce.

"Uh, well last Canada Day wasn't that bad for me?" I felt a little embarrassed about it, since everyone else had a rough time. "Melissa came over and my mom ordered Chinese food, we had a fun quiet night. My rough stuff mostly ended a couple weeks before that, with getting killed and dealing with the funeral and all that sort of thing. But yeah, this year's like a hundred times better."

I added, "I'm sure my mom would agree too, like last year was really rough for her as well but now she's got a nice house and she's got Carol and everything."

There was a brief pause when I ran out of things to say, but Melissa took over. She grinned and raised her drink, "I think we can all say this summer's going to be way better than last year. And it's all thanks to Lily, for helping us all out and bringing us all together."

"Yeah!" I nodded and raised my cooler up as well. 

Susan and Amber did the same, and we all toasted Lily. My demon mom stayed very quiet but I could tell she was blushing. Actually she and Amber had a lot in common that way. Lily could be just as quiet and blushy and flustered when it came to certain subjects.

Then Susan added, "And I think we should drink a toast to Mara as well. Without her none of us would have met Lily."

That was my cue to blush and grin as my three girlfriends all toasted me too. Fortunately that was the end of the embarrassing toasts.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Amber asked. "And the rest of the weekend I guess? I know tomorrow night we're doing the magic stuff with Lily, are we doing anything special tonight? DLP party to celebrate the start of summer break?"

I grinned, "DLP party sounds good! School's out, it's the start of summer break. And like we just said, it's going to be a great summer! Let's get our usual delivery, we can put on some music, or a movie or something?"

"Clothes off, music on!" Melissa laughed. "Succubus party!"

That got Amber blushing again, while the rest of us all giggled.

"Will you be staying over tonight?" Sue asked our blushy girlfriend. "Actually, do you have to work this weekend?"

Amber nodded, "Yeah, I've got a shift tomorrow. I'm off both tonight and Sunday though. I'll be working a few more shifts next week instead, then I have a few days off for moving. I don't start my summer hours till after the holiday."

She paused a moment to think it over then decided, "I think I'll stay here tonight, and probably tomorrow night too? Like after we get back from doing the magic stuff with Lily, I'm sure I'd rather stay here with you three than go to my parents' place."

"Yay!" I grinned and pulled Amber into a hug. 

Despite my and Melissa's enthusiasm, the four of us didn't immediately get naked or rowdy.

Susan put on some music but we ended up just chilling in the living-room a while more. And it was too early to order dinner, so we just relaxed and talked a bit more. She commented, "So I said I told a few friends at uni about our holiday party? I don't know yet if any of them are coming, but I should probably let you know who they are just in case."

"The first one's in the same nursing program as me," she continued. "Willow's my age, she's cute and funny. We dated a few times but it never went much further than that. I actually managed to stay friends with her though. Then there's Erin and Logan, they're actually both in the same program in the History department. I'm not sure if they're a couple or just friends." 

"Are Erin and Logan the ones you talked to about Mara's ancient coins?" Melissa asked.

Sue nodded, "That's right. I never said where I got the coins from, but maybe don't mention ancient Greece or Rome around them just in case."

Then she asked the three of us to tell her a little more about Grace and Matt, since they were both invited to the party and she didn't know either of them.

Me and Melissa shared what we knew about Grace, not that there was a lot to tell. I'd already gone over pretty much everything I found out at lunch, and that's more than either me or Melissa knew about her before. 

And finally Amber talked a bit about Matt. She added "You may have actually met him before? It would have been six or seven years ago though."

"Oh, maybe." Susan frowned. "I don't really remember, and I'm sure he's changed since then."

Amber grinned, "We've all changed since then."

"That's an understatement," Melissa said with a laugh. 

Sue and I agreed, and we all drank to that.

Then Susan looked at me and Melissa, mostly me, and added "I'm assuming you're going to be on your best behaviour? I take it Matt doesn't know about Lily and magic and demons. Neither does Grace, nor do Willow, Erin, or Logan. And for that matter if we're partying out on the patio, that means no horns and tail, no magic, and no nudity. Our backyard is overlooked by three neighbours, we don't need people complaining. Or trying to arrange an exorcism."

"I know," I sighed as I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry Sue. I've managed to keep the whole demonic thing secret from Matt for six months -"

Melissa interrupted, "Just barely Mara. He knows there's something up with you, it's only luck he hasn't guessed 'part sex demon' yet."

I grumbled a bit but couldn't really argue that point. Instead I pouted, "I get hiding my tail and horns, but it sucks we can't do naked sunbathing in our own back yard."

"Actually I'm pretty sure it's been legal for women to go topless in Ontario since nineteen-ninety-six?" Amber commented. "I read about that somewhere. Something to do with equality, like if it's ok for men to go topless then it's ok for women to do so too. Otherwise it's discrimination? Applying laws unfairly based on sex, which is a human rights thing."

All three of us turned to look at her. Me and Melissa were both grinning, while Susan just looked surprised. Probably more surprised about that information coming from Amber, rather than the news itself.

Our normally shy blushy girlfriend shrugged slightly, "I'm not saying we should, only that there's nothing wrong with it if we do."

After a second or two she added, "Actually maybe we should double-check the laws to be sure, but I'm almost positive that's the case."

Melissa was already looking it up on her phone. She had a gulp of her cooler then announced, "Ok so here it is. There's nothing in the law that says women can't be topless. The specific law is about indecent exposure but there's no legal definition of what's indecent. It also hasn't been officially settled, but consensus in Canada is there's nothing indecent about boobs. However, if you're doing something indecent with them, then that can get you arrested."

She added, "So being topless in public isn't a problem, but doing sexy fun stuff with bare boobs in public will get you arrested."

Susan rolled her eyes, "I'm sure there's a lot of things that aren't illegal which would still upset the neighbours. Considering this'll be our first big party, let's just try and get through it without having anyone call the police on us? I'm sure Lily would like to avoid any official scrutiny and trouble too."

Me and Melissa both grudgingly agreed to that, but I added "Come October we need to have a halloween party here, and it's going to absolutely rock! The four of us can come up with the best costumes ever, right? I mean you three can all shape-shift, and maybe I can get Lily to give me some cool upgrades for the night? Like beyond the horns and tail, maybe she could turn my skin blue or purple or something?"

Melissa laughed, "That's four months away Mara. Let's see how we manage with our first big party before we start planning the next one."

I pouted, "Fine. And yeah I'll be good and keep the horns and tail hidden while there's normal people around."

"So the next two weeks are going to be kind of busy," Amber commented. "For me at least. We have the new moon magic with Lily tomorrow night, then next week I'll be splitting my time between working and packing. Monday I'm moving in here, and Wednesday we have the big party. We should probably do all the party planning next week rather than wait till the last minute. 

Susan agreed, "That's a good point. We don't want to wait till the day before to do our planning and shopping. We'll figure stuff out next week and maybe do all the grocery shopping and stock up on booze on Sunday. Then we can get delivery on Monday to celebrate you moving in. That leaves Tuesday for any last-minute stuff we forgot. Then we have all day Wednesday to focus on the party."

Instead of leaving it at that, the four of us went on to figure out what we'd be doing on the BBQ and what snack food and stuff we wanted. We put together a shopping list of food, booze, and a few other things we'd need. Including patio chairs and stuff like that.

Just like with the cottage trip, Susan and Melissa were mostly the responsible ones figuring out what needed doing and making plans and putting things on their phone calendars. I'd just tag along with them and help out as required.

And finally when all the planning was out of the way, we ordered our usual sushi and Chinese fusion stuff for dinner and maybe some of us got a little rowdy as we celebrated the end of school and the start of summer.


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