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"Hey Lily?" I asked quietly as I stared at the email on my phone. "I just got an email from some stranger, addressed to you..."

I was going to trash it at first, I thought it was spam. It was from a free email account that I didn't recognize and the subject line just read 'Thankyou'. I decided to look at it incase it was something school-related, since it showed up in my college email inbox.

As soon as I saw the first line my heart-rate spiked as I thought back to last autumn, when Verothilas sent a private message to Lily through my social media account. This email opened with "Hello Lily, I'm sorry for contacting you through Mara's college email but I didn't know how else to reach you." 

It left me scared we had another demon stalker after us again.

My demon mom responded, "Let me take over Mara. I'll see what this is all about."

I slipped inside while she took my place, then I watched as she looked at the message. 

"Do you know who it's from?" I asked nervously. "Is 'Katherine Conway' the alias of some other demon you know from your past?"

Lily scrolled through the message too fast for me to read it, but I caught a few words like "hospital" and "physio" and "grade twelve". At the very bottom the email ended with "Thanks again! ~ Kate".

As soon as she got to the end my demon mom closed the email then came inside. 

She looked and sounded almost embarrassed as she told me, "You can relax Mara, it's not from a demon. Katherine is human, but I'd rather not go into any further details. It doesn't concern you, and your involvement would likely only complicate matters."

That was a huge relief, and I ended up smiling as I asked "Do you have a pen pal? Are you making friends without me? That's really cute Lily!"

Her cheeks darkened and she flustered a bit before telling me, "That's preposterous. Now run along, I'm sure your girlfriends are wondering what's happening."

"Ok Lily," I replied with a big grin. "Your secret's safe with me. You should get your own email account though, so you can keep in touch with your friends without me finding out."

She rolled her eyes and settled back on her big sofa as I returned to the body.

"What was that all about?" Melissa asked.

I put my phone down and picked up my cooler, "Lily says it's nothing to worry about, it doesn't involve us or other demons or any of that stuff."

"I'm certainly glad to hear that," Susan commented. She had a sip of her cooler then asked, "Anyways, how'd your exams go today?"

"I'm pretty sure I passed," I replied with a shrug. "It wasn't that hard today, and most of our grade will be from the photo assignments."

Melissa agreed, "Today's was easy, and Professor Blackthorn's usually pretty laid-back too. We're both off tomorrow so we're going to spend the whole day studying because we've got two exams on Wednesday and they're both with tougher profs."

That left me cringing, "Ugh to spending the day studying, and double-ugh to the exams on Wednesday."

It was Monday evening of our last week of school before the summer break, and we all had exams and stuff going on. The three of us all decided to take tonight off from studying though, considering we spent the whole weekend doing that. 

And it was just the three of us tonight, since unfortunately Amber did have to take care of her studies and stuff which was easier for her to do at home. She was still putting in her part-time hours at the store so she didn't have as much time for school stuff as the rest of us.

"How about you Susan?" Melissa asked. "You had a big exam today too, didn't you?"

The curvy redhead nodded, "I did. It went fine I think? I'm not confident enough to say I aced it, but I'm sure I did fairly well."

She added, "And tomorrow's a light day for me at uni so I don't have to spend tonight cramming. I probably should have arranged to work tonight, but I'll take care of business tomorrow night. Or maybe during the day, if I find someone who's willing and has the time."

There was a grin on her face at that last part. I wasn't sure if she was serious or just kidding, but I had the feeling she still took her succubus work kind of seriously. As in I didn't think she'd actually have a quickie with someone in a storage room or washroom at school, I was under the impression she preferred to do things a lot more formally, with planning and everything.

Melissa smiled too, she admitted "I wouldn't really do it but I've had a huge urge to do a few of our profs... Just to celebrate the end of the school year? You know, end the year with a bang?"

"Seriously?" I asked with a surprised grin. "Which ones?"

The tall sexy blonde shrugged, she almost looked a little embarrassed as she admitted "I guess all of them? Not that I think they're hot or anything, they really aren't. But like I said? I just thought it would be a memorable way to end the year."

Sue blushed as she admitted, "I actually had a similar thought. I wonder if that's normal? I mean, normal for succubi I guess. I don't think it's normal for regular students. We should ask Amber if she's thought about that too. Although things might be different for her regardless."

I agreed, and added "I'm part sex-demon and I definitely haven't had any urges to sleep with any of our profs. Or anyone else in our classes, for that matter."

Melissa teased, "That's too bad because I know for a fact a few of our classmates would absolutely love to sleep with you, Mara."

"Ew!" I made a face. "I already know creepy Andy wants in my pants. He still snaps pictures of me now and then, when he thinks I'm not looking. And Jordan, yuck! He acts like he thinks smoking's cool but he just smells like an old ashtray."

Susan frowned as I gave my assessments of the two guys, but rather than comment she had a gulp of her cooler.

Meanwhile my sexy blonde girlfriend laughed, "I wasn't talking about them, I know you wouldn't have anything to do with those two. But did you know Grace has the hots for you? And in our drama class, both Kelly and Shawn are into you. The only reason they haven't tried asking is they know you've already got a girlfriend or three."

"Really?" I blinked at her in surprise. "I thought Shawn was gay. And wait a sec, Grace?! She hates our guts! She's always playing with that cross she wears around her neck and looking down her nose at us for being queer."

Melissa grimaced, "I'm pretty sure Grace is just really repressed? Probably thanks to her parents. She only hates us because she's jealous, though she'd never admit it. And Shawn's bi."

That left me with a thoughtful frown, and I drained the last of my cooler as I thought about our classmates. Shawn was handsome and funny and outgoing, but I never thought of him as potential date material. Kelly was cute in a shy bookish way, and I caught her checking me out once or twice. I didn't think to try and hook up with her at the time because that's when I was just starting to get to know Amber, and I didn't want to deal with two new people at the same time. 

Grace was the biggest shock. She was pretty, but she always scowled whenever she looked at me. And she hadn't been shy about sharing her shitty homomisic religious opinions. If that wasn't really her though, if she was just repeating her parents' bullshit while repressing herself then instead of wanting to avoid her I suddenly wanted to try and help her.

"Are you thinking of doing them Mara?" Sue asked with a smile.

I shook my head, "Not really. Not seriously anyways? There's only four days left till summer break, it's not enough time. If I'd known a month ago then maybe? Mostly I'm just wondering if there's something I can do to help Grace."

"Probably not a good idea," Melissa sighed. "I thought about that too, but having escaped my own religious parents I don't want to get involved with someone else's. If she was already out to herself and wanted help that'd be different, but my impression was she's not there yet."

"Maybe you're right," I frowned. "Anyways, like I said there's not enough time left before the break to get to know any of them."

Having said that, I definitely planned to pay more attention to Grace next time I saw her. If nothing else, I'd find out what I could through my intuition thing. I'd mostly tried to avoid using that with class-mates since January, but now I had better control over it maybe I could figure out if Grace really wanted help or not.

"I would have said something sooner," Melissa apologized, "But it wasn't till after the cottage that my 'sex sense' was sharp enough for me to know for sure."

"It's ok," I shrugged. "I've been trying to avoid using my intuition thing on class-mates since back in January. I probably would have figured that stuff out myself if I'd been paying attention to them."

She and Sue were both almost finished their drinks too, so I got up and went into the kitchen to grab another round for all three of us. Then I sat back down on the sofa between the two of them and opened my second drink.

They both thanked me, then Susan said "So change of topic, but I heard back from my friends in the history department. They were really interested in those coins."

Melissa grimaced, "Uh-oh. Is this something we should be worried about?"

Sue shrugged, "I didn't say where they came from. Only that they belonged to a friend, and I offered to have them looked at."

She continued, "So the gold coins first. According to the specialists, they couldn't find anything to suggest they're fakes or modern copies. The size, the weight, the quality of the gold, the way they were struck, everything looks legit. Based on the markings, they said the three I showed them dated from thirty-seven to seventy-eight CE."

"But?" I asked. "There's a but, right?"

Susan nodded, "But they seem brand-new. There's very little sign of handling or use, they're in pristine condition. And one of them's got Caligula's portrait on it? Apparently that's very rare. After he was killed the Roman Senate ordered all of his coins to be melted down. They wouldn't have got them all, but it meant it was a rare coin even back then. And to find it in such excellent shape makes it even more unlikely."

Melissa asked, "So what's the final word?"

"They're reluctant to say the coins are legitimate antiques," Sue replied. "That's not really what they do anyways. But they couldn't find anything that ruled them out as legitimate. Without provenance it'll be hard to prove though. In terms of value, they're worth about five hundred dollars each just for the gold in them? As modern replicas or art pieces, they're probably worth a thousand or two apiece. If there was a way to prove for sure they're from ancient Rome, they'd be worth a fortune."

I thought that over for a few moments, then shrugged "We don't really need the money though, so we don't have to worry about that? They're just kind of cool to have, I think."

"Yeah they are pretty cool," Susan agreed. 

She had another gulp of her drink and continued, "The story's about the same with the drachmas. The sizes, weights, and silver content's all exactly what they'd expect. Same with the markings. They date from between the fifth and sixth century BCE. They're not as valuable, in terms of raw silver they're worth about twenty to forty dollars each? If they're legitimate, a couple hundred to a couple thousand. But they had the same problem, they're too perfect. Without a legitimate and believable story as to how we came by them, people will probably suspect they're modern replicas."

I grinned, "So they won't accept 'conjured into existence with demonic magic' as a legitimate explanation?"

Sue laughed, "We can't tell anyone that Mara! And if we did, they'd definitely want to see it for themselves. I know I'd love to see how you do it."

"Lily says I'm not allowed," I pouted. "Conjuring coins drains too much of her power. And she said demonic magic is too dangerous for me to be messing around with it. At least, not until she's verified whether or not it's safe."

"So do you know any other demonic magic that Lily's deemed safe?" Susan asked.

I got to my feet as I said, "Well there's this..."

It was another spell I'd used in my dreams as demon-Mara, and Lily said it was safe and didn't drain her the way the thing with the coins did. It was similar to the spell that I used to hide my horns and tail, and it was just as easy to cast.

Both Susan and Melissa gasped as I seemed to vanish before their eyes. The invisibility spell was almost perfect, it hid my body and my clothes, anything I was wearing or carrying. I'd still leave footprints though, or if I was sitting on the sofa the cushions would be compressed under me which is why I stood up first.

"Where'd you go?" Melissa asked. "Did you teleport, or are you just invisible?"

I laughed, "Just invisible? You make it sound like this is some boring old trick that everyone's been doing since high school."

Susan pointed out, "You've been turning your horns and tail invisible since the winter holidays Mara. Though I'll admit this is pretty cool. Have you got into trouble with it yet?"

"No," I sighed as I ended the spell. I sat back down on the sofa with them and added, "I've read too many stories where being invisible bites the protag in the ass. And anyways, Lily wouldn't let me."

"It's still pretty cool," Melissa admitted. "And I'm glad you're not using it to get in trouble."

Both my girlfriends agreed with that sentiment.

"Anyways," I decided to change the subject, "I'm hungry! What are we doing for dinner?"

A half hour later the three of us were outside standing around the BBQ. Susan and I watched and sipped our drinks while Melissa cooked some burgers on the grill.



Why do I sense invisibility + Grace + mayhem in the future?

Yet Another Martin

I don't see where Grace is needed in this equation. Invisibility + Mara is enough for plenty of mayhem.


Surprised that they didn't immediately think of using the invisibility as a sort of reverse blindfold for sensory deprivation.