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*** content warning: mind control, graphic sex ***

My eyes fluttered open and I blinked a few times as I looked around. I was in Candi's room, in her bed. She was sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. There was no sign of her roommate, we had the room to ourselves.

"How do you feel?" my girlfriend asked.

I hadn't moved yet, apart from opening my eyes. I thought a few moments then replied, "Fine. Rested. Relaxed."

Candi looked me over, then said "Get yourself up. Stand here in front of me, facing me."

It only took me a moment to get out of bed. I was barefoot as I stood before her. I was wearing my simple black dress again, Candi was in her pretty green dress with all the buttons.

Today was another rest day, and from the sunlight coming in the window I figured it was only an hour, maybe two since she put me to sleep on her bed. I had no memories of anything that happened while I slept, assuming I slept the whole time. 

It was also the fourth day in a row I'd let my girlfriend enspell me. Not just let her, I helped her. I basically cast the spell for her, since it only cost the base mana to enspell yourself and that made more sense than her burning through twenty-five points. And between my level and my Control spell being maxed out, it meant Candi had me for up to five hours each time we did it. 

My girlfriend remained seated on the edge of her bed as she looked me up and down. After keeping me waiting another minute or so she said "We've got about three hours left before your spell wears off. It's rest day and we have all day ahead of us. What would you like to do Abby?"

Three hours left, so she'd already used two hours. I felt a little flutter in my stomach at the thought. What had she been up to for two hours, what did we do that I couldn't remember? I knew at least some of that time was spent working on clearing Becky's tampering from my mind. Perhaps she used the full two hours to chip away at Becky's meddling. Or maybe she only did that for the first hour, maybe the second hour was something more recreational. 

There was another little flutter deep inside me as I realized the next three hours could also be recreational. I smiled and finally replied, "Let's not end the spell. Let's keep it running."

Candi's lips curled up into a small smile. "Very good. Remember, you may dispell your control spell at any time and bring this to an end if you wish. Do you have any chores you need to take care of today?"

"No," I shook my head. "Evelynn is taking care of my laundry, then she and Becky are going to clean my room. Then they'll probably get Evelynn's half messy and have to clean it again before dinner time."

I took my girlfriend's advice four days ago, or maybe she even made it some sort of a command. That evening after dinner I had Becky join Evelynn and I in our room and I made them both cast Obedience on themselves. I gave them both new, stricter orders this time. I wasn't cruel or nasty to them, but there'd been too much leeway before and obviously it cost me.

I was able to determine Becky only had that spell up to grade two, the duration was one and a half days per level. So she'd be renewing it every five days, while Evelynn would be repeating it on herself every seven days. And I was refreshing their orders every single evening after dinner, rather than just when the spell was renewed. According to Candi, that repetition was important.

And instead of just settling for having them acting friendly, now they were both downright submissive to me. They were spending the first half of their rest day doing chores for me, and the second half would be spent performing for my entertainment even though I wasn't there to see it. I told them it would please me knowing they'd done it and that was enough.

So far Candi hadn't been able to 'cure' me of Becky's meddling, but she'd already made it a lot easier for me to simply not think about the thing that had such an effect on me. Thanks to my girlfriend, I wasn't getting randomly distracted and turned on all day long anymore because I mostly wasn't thinking about it anymore.

My attention returned to the present as Candice spoke up again. She smiled, "Good. Put your sandals on Abby, we're going down to the break room to get a little snack."

"Ok Candi," I replied as I moved to the end of the bed and stepped into my footwear. 

My girlfriend moved past me to the door, and as she did so I thought I heard her say something but it was gone before I was even sure she'd said anything at all.

She held the door open for me and I stepped out, then we walked together to the end of the hall. As we made our way down the stairs I realized I was getting hotter and wetter with every step. My nipples were standing out hard as rocks, poking at the fabric of my simple black dress. And by the time we got to the ground floor I was so wet I worried someone would notice my juices dripping down the inside of my legs. If I had to sit down I was positive I'd leave a wet spot in the back of my dress, and probably on the chair too.

It crossed my mind that I thought I put panties on this morning. I usually wore them on rest days, but I definitely wasn't wearing any now.

I did my best to walk and act naturally as Candi led me into the break room. Of course there were a dozen girls in there, from years one two and three. My heart raced as I realized she was parading me around in front of everyone else. Somehow I knew this was her plan, she got me so horny I could barely control myself now she wanted to show me off to everyone here. And I knew she'd want me on my best behaviour, so I struggled to act as normal and natural as I could. Except I was positive if anyone looked closely they'd realize just how hot and bothered I was. 

Candi led me over to the buffet and 'suggested' what I'd like for lunch, of course I took all her suggestions. I ended up carrying two plates, one for myself and one for her, like I was her horny little servant or maid. I hoped once we had the food she'd take me back up to her room but instead she led me into the middle of the break room.

Then she stopped and made smalltalk with a few other year-one girls who were sitting around a table there. It took all my willpower to stand quietly beside my girlfriend as I held our plates and did my best not to squirm.

I wasn't even paying attention to who it was Candice was talking to, but when we finally started to move on, one of them stood up to follow us. She paused at the buffet to get three glasses of juice, then trailed behind me while I followed Candi back upstairs.

Going down the stairs had somehow made me extremely horny, but going back up the stairs didn't make that go away. By the time we reached my girlfriend's door I was having trouble walking normally, as my sopping wet pussy was desperate for attention.

Candi opened the door and led me and the other girl inside, and had us put the food and drinks on the table. She stood behind me and the other girl while I did that, and once again I sort of caught what sounded like my girlfriend's voice but like earlier whatever she said was gone before I realized she was even talking.

Candice took one of the glasses and a plate of food and sat down on the edge of her bed. She had a sip of her juice then smirked at me, "You look a little flustered Abby."

I was standing with my legs pressed tight together and she could undoubtedly see the way my nipples were poking at the fabric of my dress. I gulped and nodded, "Yeah... I don't know what happened but I got really horny when we went downstairs."

My girlfriend smiled again, then ordered "Both of you strip naked."

It only took a second to pull my dress off then I dropped it on the floor next to my sandals as I stepped out of them. The girl next to me took a little longer as she had to scramble out of panties and a bra after she got her dress off. I felt like I'd seen the redhead before somewhere, but I didn't know her name. She had a cute face, her blue eyes sort of sparkled with excitement or anticipation and she had an eager smile on her wide full lips.

She was a couple inches taller than Candi, which put her a whole foot taller than me. Her boobs were full and rounded, two big creamy white orbs with some faint freckles across their upper slopes. They were tipped with thick pink nipples that sat in the middle of wide tender-looking aureolas. Her waist was narrow and her hips were wide and from what I'd seen she had a cute firm rounded behind. Her arms and legs looked soft and friendly, and she had a small patch of red hair over her mound.

Once me and the redhead were both naked, I heard my girlfriend's voice again briefly. I was sure she said something but I couldn't quite catch it. The redhead must have heard what was said as she got one of the chairs from the table and positioned it at an angle, a few paces away from where Candi was sitting on the bed. Finally the redhead sat down in the chair and spread her legs wide.

"Abby," Candice said with a wide grin. "I'd like you to kneel between her legs and make her come. You're not allowed to use your hands, only your mouth. Don't stop until I say."

She added, "And you're not allowed to touch yourself either. Hands on your knees."

My eyes widened as I realized what she was doing. She was going to make me wait, keep me frustrated and needy, while I satisfied the other girl. I could still free myself if I wanted, all I had to do was end my Control spell. Despite the frustration I was still having fun, and I knew there'd be a reward at the end so I stuck with it. 

Meanwhile Candi seemed to say something else again, but like before it was over before I caught anything intelligible. 

I was already in position, on my knees with our classmate's pink folds directly in front of my face. She was as hot and needy as I was, her labia glistened and she almost strained forward in her chair, pushing her sex towards me ever so slightly. She probably wasn't allowed to touch herself either, and she almost acted as though she was restrained but there weren't any ropes or anything.

As desperate as I was for relief, I kept my hands on my knees and leaned forward. My lips met the redhead's, and she moaned softly. I gave her a few kisses then started licking up and down along her labia. My tongue circled around her hard little nub, and I pressed my face closer as I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked for a couple seconds. Then I went back to licking again, and finally pressed my tongue as deep as I could inside the redhead.

Her happy moans and gasps only served to make me hotter, which inspired me to pick up the pace and work faster. I was hoping after the redhead came then it would be my turn, and the sooner I could make that happen the better. Being unable to use my hands made it more of a challenge but I'd actually had some pretty good practice at this over the past few weeks. 

Between the licks, the probing, rubbing and flicking her clit with my tongue and sucking on it, it didn't actually take that long before I had the redhead right on the edge. Her back was arched and her muscles were taut. She was breathing in with short quick gasps, and each exhale was accompanied by a moan as she made cute little "Aah! Aah!" sounds.

She seemed to hang on the edge like that for an eternity, at least that's what it felt like for me. It probably felt even longer for her. Even I could tell she was desperate for release and I was doing my best to get her there, for both our sake. 

Finally, somewhere in the background I vaguely noticed Candi say a single word but I couldn't make out what it was. And a moment later the redhead's body trembled then rocked and shook with the force of her orgasm as it was finally unleashed. Her cute little moans became one continuous scream that lasted for ten or twelve seconds, and when it was finally over she sagged back into the chair. The look on her face was something like pure bliss, and I was desperate to have a similar expression on my face too.

I hoped my turn was coming soon, but for now I kept licking and probing the redhead's dripping-wet pussy. I hadn't been given permission to stop yet, after all. And that blissful look wasn't on our classmate's face for very long, before the need returned. And we went through the whole process a second time, while Candi watched from her front row seat.

Somehow the redhead's second orgasm was even stronger than the first, and afterwards she had that look of pure bliss on her face again. Just like before I couldn't help but envy her as I hoped to soon wear that same expression. 

And happily, it was finally my turn. At some point while my attention was on our classmate's sex, my girlfriend had removed her dress. She lay back and got comfortable on her bed then stated, "Abby, I want you straddling my face now. Face the foot of the bed."

As I scrambled to get into position she said something else but I got the feeling she was speaking to the redhead. Yet again I missed what she was saying, but I understood her words weren't for me so I didn't need to know what they were. 

Once I was in position above her, Candi's hands gripped my thighs and held me in place. Just before she got started she reminded me, "No hands."

Then her expert tongue ran along my dripping-wet labia and I nearly lost it right then and there. 

I was vaguely aware of the redhead still sitting in her chair. Now she was the audience, and she was rubbing and fingering herself while she watched my girlfriend lick and kiss and probe my needy pussy with her divine tongue.

And it really did feel divine. Candi's tongue licked up and down along my lips, circled my clit a few times, then plunged deep inside me. She slid it back out and kissed and sucked my clit, then once again her tongue slid between my labia as she probed my depths. And through it all I was breathing in short hard gasps as the pleasure she gave me built and built like a pressure deep within my core.

There was no sense of time, just my endless need, the overwhelming sensations my girlfriend was giving me, and that growing pressure. I needed to come, it felt like I was about to come, but that release never arrived. I was left clinging to the edge, desperate to let go but for some reason unable to.

Candi's tongue didn't let up, and every movement, every lick, every kiss added to the pressure but it seemed like nothing would let it go. The combination of need, pleasure, and frustration was almost enough to make me crazy. 

Then just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, something happened. Candi's grip on my thighs shifted, and it was like a dam burst. All that tension that had been building up within me let go at once and my body wracked and shuddered with the best, strongest orgasm I could ever remember. I was positive we'd get complaints as my screams of ecstasy were probably heard all the way down in the break room. 

When it was finally over I was still straddling Candi, but I'd collapsed forwards. My head was resting between her boobs as I panted in deep ragged breaths, and in the back of my mind I knew I finally had that look of bliss on my face.

It only lasted a few minutes, before the need returned even stronger than before. The entire process repeated, and somehow it was even better the second time around. 

Candi's expert mouth and tongue got me right to the edge of orgasm even faster, but I seemed to hang there at the edge even longer. It felt like eternity and a half as I kneeled over her, my muscles taut, twitching and quivering. But when release finally came it was even better than the first one. I actually passed out after that, as I lay atop my girlfriend in a state of pure blissful ecstasy.

When I finally woke I found myself cuddled up against Candi in her bed. She was smiling as she watched me. And there was no sign of Mia, she must have been dismissed after I passed out.

"I hope you enjoyed that?" she asked with a grin. "The control spell wore off while you were asleep."

The smile on my face probably told her everything, but I nodded. "Yeah. That was wild. I uh, hope we didn't annoy anyone else with all the noise though."

Candi giggled softly and gave me a kiss. "All the rooms are magically soundproof silly. As long as the door's closed, nobody outside will hear a thing."

"Oh," I blushed. I was still smiling though as I added, "Maybe we can do this again next rest day?"

"Maybe," she giggled again and held me closer.



"Becky only had that spell up to grade two, the duration was one and a half days per level. So she'd be renewing it every five days" The math doesn't work out. Was this two and a half days per level?


1.5 days per level, Becky's level 4 = six days duration. Abby has her renewing it after 5 days to make sure there's no chance of it lapsing.


Ah. I'd read "per level"as level of the spell, not level of the caster (level of the target can also be "per level"). I got confused. It's the system giving that info though (Abby just repeats it), so it probably doesn't care about my confusion.


ah gotcha. that's why they use the term 'grade' for spells, like grade 1, grade 2. it would definitely be too confusing if spell grade was also referred to as level.