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*** Content warning: more of the same ***

'Candice, Human, Sorceress, Level 4'

I smiled at my girlfriend again as we sat practically on top of each other in the dining hall. She hit level four the same day I hit level five. For me it was after I added Becky to my 'harem' or whatever, for her it came after she used the Obedience spell on Mia. 

And once she was finished with Mia and Brianna, me and Candi spent some more quality time together. I taught her the Transformation spell since she could suddenly learn it, and we compared notes about how we both levelled up. I told her about the level-five spell options, and how it let me pick one of five grade-three spells or I could pick one of my existing spells and bump it to grade-five. 

That was a few days ago, on our last rest day. It was a busy day for both of us, but it was a good one. Today was just a regular quiet school day, now we were enjoying dinner before heading back to the dorms for the evening.

It still amused me sometimes when I thought about how rest days tended to be busier and more hectic than school days. Except I knew it was because on school days we spent most of our time in class and the day was structured and regimented and supervised.

There was still time for mischief first thing in the morning or at lunch, and especially in the afternoon and evenings. But we all had studies and stuff, and nobody wanted to let their grades slip so we were all pretty good about focusing on our classes during the week.

In fact despite all the dire warnings in the handbook, or more likely because of all the dire warnings in the handbook, I never actually saw any students get in trouble. Nobody talked back to the teachers. Nobody cut classes. Nobody was unruly. 

Of course we more than made up for it with our extracurricular activities. The first-year students were already forming into cliques and groups. At one point Alice had four or five girls hanging out with her. Now she was just another quiet docile student. She answered to me but I didn't really take advantage of that. 

And two of the girls who used to act like Alice's lackeys were now eating out of my girlfriend's hand. She had both Hannah and Mia acting like well-heeled pets. Same with her roommate Brianna.

I had no idea what other stuff Candice got up to with her three level-one girls, and I didn't ask. Candi never acted cruel or mean to them as far as I could tell, but she did seem to enjoy being in control of those girls who used to look down on her and bully her and stuff.

And I figured I was the same in some ways. I didn't do much with the power I had over Evelynn or Alice or Becky, I tried not to be mean or cruel to them. But I had to admit I gave in to temptation a couple times at first. After all, I gave both Evie and Alice some new kinks in addition to making them mine. 

I hadn't done anything like that to Becky, or at least not yet. Which was maybe ironic considering she gave me a fairly massive fetish involving my roommate. Except I almost felt like the novelty had worn off after the first two girls, I wasn't interested in messing with Becky or anyone else.

And so far I hadn't even met Trina or Rosie. Evie confirmed she'd passed on the new rules to both of them, and told me neither had done anything to myself or Candi which was good enough for now. Maybe next rest day I'd pick one of them and get Evie to hand her over.

Though if I kept levelling-up the way I'd been doing so far, I probably wouldn't have to worry about them or any other second-year girls. I pulled up my Status screen yet again, so I could smile at it.

The other day I got my girlfriend to tell me how to re-organize the spells column, now I had them all sorted by grade and by name. It didn't make a bit of difference as far as using them, but I liked having them neatly organized.

My Detect/Dispell Magic combo kept slowly climbing up the grades, as did that Detect Truth spell. I still had that one running all day long, and the better it got the cheaper it was to use it. Like at grade four it was still only two mana to cast, but when I first learned it those two mana bought me four hours of the spell. Now they bought me almost a full day. So first thing every morning when I woke up I cast Detect Truth, and by breakfast I'd recovered the two mana. 

I figured in another few days or a week I'd have it maxed out at grade five and maybe I could find a way to make it just run perpetually. Maybe I could even convert it into an Ability the way my girlfriend had it. Not that two mana per day was costly to use, but I still had to remember to cast it each morning. And as a spell it could be dispelled or defeated. 

Thinking about that brought my thoughts back onto the topic of the gorgeous pink-haired girl sitting next to me.

Candi and I had been spending a lot more time together lately, and there was a lot more physical contact between the two of us since we both confessed our feelings and became girlfriends. Even something as mundane as having dinner was nicer as we sat close enough for our legs and shoulders to touch. 

She gave me a grin and asked, "You up for another study session tonight?"

Based on the last few nights, 'study session' could mean making out or having sex with each other, or it might mean extracurricular activities with magic and classmates, or it could even mean actually studying schoolwork stuff. Her tone and expression didn't give me enough context to know which she had in mind at the moment, but unfortunately I couldn't participate regardless.

I grimaced "I'd absolutely love to Candi, but not tonight. I've got some other stuff that I need to deal with."

"What, you've got plans?" she asked in a pretend-hurt tone. "Abby are you seeing someone else?"

The smirk on her face told me she was kidding incase I didn't catch the humour in her voice.

I rolled my eyes and replied in a soft whisper, "Nothing so glamorous. Evie's Obedience spell is due to wear off this evening and I'd rather not have any distractions when that happens. Plus I don't want you anywhere near her, just in case it goes badly."

"Shit," she whispered as she gave me a worried look. "Are you going to be ok?"

I nodded, "I'll be fine. Worst case scenario, I use Control and order to enspell herself and we start the whole thing all over again. I'm already stronger than her, and I'll be on guard and ready for whatever happens. She's not going to catch me by surprise."

Candi was still worried as she replied "Well just be careful. I'll be worrying about you tonight, and you'll have to tell me in the morning how it went."

"I will," I promised. 

After dinner we walked back to the dorms together, then parted ways as we climbed the stairs. I went into my room then got out of my uniform and finally sat naked on my bed with my volume-one textbook. I figured I may as well do some studying while I waited for Evie.

As usual my roommate joined me a half hour or so later. By my estimate there was about another hour to go before the spell wore off. We spent that time talking about school and magic and stuff, she reported the latest gossip and news making the rounds with the year-two girls, that sort of thing. She hadn't had anything new to teach me since the Transformation spell.

When it came time for her to get into bed I averted my eyes again. I'd been trying to avoid looking at or thinking about you-know-what but it was very hard. I mean it was tantalizing. I mean it was a challenge.

In fact despite my best efforts I'd spent the last four evenings on my knees between her legs. And damnit I was wet again. The more I tried not to think about it the more I thought about it anyways.

I kept my eyes closed and tried to think about some boring formulas we learned in not-math this morning. On the other hand I also needed to stay awake and alert and not let myself get too comfortable. It was a bit of a balancing act but I managed it, and after five or ten minutes I'd calmed down enough that I wasn't distracted, without being so calm I was in danger of falling asleep. 

My eyes opened and I looked across the room at Evie, who was safely tucked into her bed under the covers too. I switched on my magical sight and confirmed I could see the faint lines of energy still wound around her mind. As my magical sight got better over the past few weeks I paid more attention to every spell I cast, or that other people cast around me, and I was learning to read and recognize the different patterns.

I'd gotten good enough at it that I could actually see the magic of Evie's last Obedience spell. It was weak and faded, and in fact as I watched I saw the spell finally start to break down. Over the course of about a minute I watched the weak lines and patterns as they started to fail and fall apart. They unravelled and finally faded away to nothing.

After thirty-four days my roommate was finally free of that spell, and I was holding my breath.

Evelynn was still awake, and she shifted in her bed till she was on her side facing me. Our eyes met, and from the look on her face I knew she'd noticed something just happened. She probably had her magical sight active now too, she was probably inspecting me for any sign of magic going on.

I was also very aware of the lower-right corner of my vision. If anyone used magic within four meters of me there'd be a red or amber light there, but so far nothing happened.

Evie continued watching me, and as the seconds ticked past I resisted the urge to use Thought Skim or Mind Read. I didn't want to get distracted with anything else just yet, but I was still really curious to know what she was thinking, and if she was going to react.

At long last she finally spoke up, but her voice was soft and she didn't sound angry. She asked quietly, "Hey Abby?"

"Yeah Evie?" I responded just as softly. "What's up?"

Her voice remained calm and quiet as she told me, "I remember all...Well, I remember most of the stuff that happened. You used my own spell against me. And all the stuff I told you and taught you about how to use it, you used all that on me."

She didn't sound angry or upset, and I really had no idea how to respond. I wasn't sure what I expected, but it wasn't this. "Uh, yeah. It was kind of self-defence though, right? I mean it was you or me, right?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "You're right it was. And you won."

I stayed quiet for a few moments as that sank in. 

With the spell now over, she knew she'd been under it for almost five weeks. She knew more or less what I'd done. And from the sound of it, she seemed sort of ok with it? Or at least, it sounded like she was conceding defeat.

I was paranoid enough not to celebrate just yet, but I replied quietly "Uh, thanks? I hope there's no hard feelings?"

"No hard feelings," she replied with a smile. Then her smile shifted to a smirk and she pulled the blankets away as she said "Speaking of hard though, I'd really love to see you kneeling between my legs again."

I'd been ready and prepared and waiting for her to do something with magic, but she didn't need magic for this.

Her big beautiful cock was already fully erect when she pulled the blankets aside, and I was done for. My eyes locked onto it as I felt another wave of desire go through me. My nipples stiffened, my pussy was dripping wet, and I licked my lips as I stared.

Evie moved to sit up at the edge of her bed with her legs spread and gave herself another stroke. The movement of her hand kept my attention on her long wonderful shaft. She grinned, "You liked it when I did this before..."

The amber light came on in the corner of my vision, along with the notification that Evelynn was enspelling herself. 

A moment later her big beautiful cock grew even bigger as she stroked it again. It was massive like it was that night last week when I first lost control. And just like that night I couldn't resist it.

Less than ten seconds later I was on my knees between her legs, kissing and licking her huge glorious dick. I still couldn't get over how perfect and amazing it tasted, and it didn't take long to get my lips wrapped around the tip. One hand gripped the thick hard shaft while my other hand found and started stroking her pussy. 

As my head bobbed up and down on the tip of her wonderful massive cock Evie ran her fingers through my hair. She moaned softly, "Mmm that's good Abby. What do you say we call a truce? I'll continue to be your friend and help you out during the day, and you get to worship my big beautiful cock whenever I want?"

I actually might have agreed to that, but luckily my mouth was full. Maybe later I'd be able to think it over and make an informed decision.



Seems like neither Abby, nor Evie came out of this entirely unscathed. But at least, they are well now. 😄 What I am wondering though, is the actual school curriculum. All, the girls learn "on screen" is stuff to make each other's lives harder. But that's probably not the focus of the classes, right? What about elemental spells or utilitarian ones?


briefly mentioned in chapter 17 but their curriculum so far hasn't been about learning spells at all. 1st semester has been all about the basics, they don't get taught spells till 2nd semester. everything abby & candi et al have been doing so far is stuff they've learned on their own. otoh we know (or at least according to Evie) that in 2nd semester the school will start to pit the girls against each other, so at least some of the spells they'll learn officially will be the sort of thing they've been messing with unofficially so far.

Lictor Magnus

So she remembers everything that happened while she was awake but I’m assuming all the commands given while she had her eyes closed laying down are still in there without her being able to remember. So she’ll still want Abby’s praise, has an exhibitionist streak, won’t want to hurt her.


Good point! Like, even Evie knows she doesn’t remember everything, but does she even have a close approximation of how much there was to remember?